Hubungan Antara Beban Kerja, Motivasi dan Reward Dengan Tingkat Stres Pada Karyawan Pra Rumah Sakit Ambulans Gawat Darurat di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Workload, Motivation and Reward with Stress Level on Pre Hospitals Emergency Ambulance Employees in The Time Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In 2021
workload, motivation, reward, stress level, covid-19, pre-hospitalAbstract
Introduction: The increasing number of fellow health workers who died due to exposure to Covid-19, the higher the level of stress for health workers. In addition, for medical personnel to be on the front line (including nurses, doctor midwives, ambulance officers, case identification officers, and others) it is possible that several factors that cause stress during the COVID-19 pandemic can be more severe. The purpose: To find out the relationship between workload, motivation, and reward with stress levels in pre-hospital ambulance emergency 118 employees during the covid-19 pandemic.
Methods: Analytical observational method with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all employees, both health workers and non-health workers, the total population of AGD employees was 55 people (37 health workers and 18 non-health workers).
Results: Respondents who experienced stress levels with workload had a value of .000, while respondents who experienced stress levels with motivation had a value of .117, and respondents who experienced stress levels with rewards had a value of .036.
Discussion: In line with previous research, there is a relationship between stress levels and workload. Meanwhile, the relationship between stress levels and motivation did not have the same results as previous studies. And the relationship between stress levels and rewards has the same results as previous studies.