Analisis Kesesuaian Penerapan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 66 Tahun 2016 Tentang Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit Pada Rumah Sakit Anonim Tahun 2021

Analysis of the Conformity of the Implementation of Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 66 of 2016 Concerning Hospital Occupational Safety and Health in Anonymous Hospitals in 2021


  • Putri Widanti Nur Shabrina Rumah Sakit Jantung Jakarta


occupational safety and health, hospitals, risk management, fire, hazardous and toxic materials


Introduction: Jakarta Heart Hospital is a hospital that provides heart services, has 8 floors, and has implemented a good occupational safety and health management system in hospitals in accordance with Minister of Health regulation number 66 of 2016 concerning occupational safety and health in hospitals. Research purpose for whether the hospital already has suitability related to occupational safety and health based on the minister of health regulation number 66 of 2016 concerning hospital occupational health safety.

Methods: This research design in this study used qualitative research using the triangulation method by interviewing. Observation, and resourcing. The informants of this research are the team Health Safety Environment (HSE). This research was conducted in an anonym hospital. there are two variables that are still found, namely the variable management of hazardous and toxic materials and the variable fire prevention and control.

Results: Based on the results of the research and discussion, regarding the regulation of the Minister of Health no. 66 of 2016 at the Jakarta Heart Hospital, the conclusion was obtained from the Conformity Analysis of Application Based on the Minister of Health number 66 of 2016 concerning Occupational Safety and Health at the Jakarta Heart Hospital in 2021, are as follows: K3RS risk management suitability analysis gets a 100% conformity value. Safety and security conformity analysis in the hospital 100%. Conformity analysis of occupational health services obtains a suitability value of 100%. The suitability analysis for the management of hazardous and toxic materials (B3) from the aspect of occupational safety and health gets a conformity value of 90%. The suitability analysis of fire prevention and control from the aspect of occupational safety and health obtained a suitability value of 81,25%. The suitability analysis of hospital infrastructure management from the aspect of occupational safety and health gets a conformity value of 100%. Conformity analysis of medical equipment management from the aspect of occupational safety and health gets a conformity value of 100%. Analysis of the suitability of preparedness for an emergency or work disaster gets a suitability value of 100%.

Discussion: Analyzing suitability according to Regulation of the Minister of Health number 66 of 2016 concerning Occupational Health and Safety at the Jakarta Heart Hospital in 2021.



