Gambaran Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Pada Pelayanan Di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta

(Description of Outpatient Satisfaction with Services at the Outpatient Installation at Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta


  • Putri Alinda Universitas Indonesia Maju, Jakarta, Indonesia


patient satisfaction, servqual


Introduction: Patients expect officers to provide services that are in accordance with their interests and expectations, namely human, fast, empathetic, friendly and communicative. Patient satisfaction is very important to note because it can describe the quality of service at the health service place. Amid the demands to improve the quality of health services, Fatmawati Hospital needs to implement service quality to achieve service performance targets to achieve service user satisfaction. This study aims to find out the picture of patient satisfaction in services at The Outpatient Installation (IRJ) of Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta in 2021. 

 Methods: The research method uses quantitative methods with descriptive research types with primary data that is obtained from the interview approach as well as secondary data obtained from the internal work unit of Fatmawati Hospital.

 Results: of the study that is that overall from the patient satisfaction survey based on 5 dimensions of quality including 4 dimensions still did not reach the target. In the tangible dimension obtained the value of 79.2 is declared not to reach the target, in the reliability dimension obtained the value of 79.1 is declared not to reach the target, in the dimension of responsiveness obtained the value of 83.8 is expressed to exceed the target, in the empathy dimension obtained the value of 79.2 is declared not to reach the target, and in the dimension of assurance obtained a value of 78.9. While the target to be achieved is with a value of 80. It can be concluded that there are still 4 dimensions in the assessment element that shows satisfaction values below the target.

 Discution: Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta needs to maintain its satisfaction with the proficiency of implementing officers and facilitate better for patients who want to give advice and input especially for complaint handling must be more considered to be used as hospital evaluation material in improving patient satisfaction.


