Ethical Clearance

Because the research involves human subjects, every article submitted to Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midfwifery Science must meet the ethical clearance requirements, including:

  1. Ethical approval for all research
  2. Protection of participants
  3. Informed consent
  4. No coercion
  5. The right to withdraw.
  6. Anonymity and confidentiality
  7. Appropriate exclusion criteria.
  8. Concern about participant’s health and well-being.
  9. Duty of care.
  10. Additional safeguards for research with vulnerable populations
  11. Ethical treatment of non-human animals.
  12. Appropriate supervision.


The exception to the obligation to include ethical clearance is research involving low and negligible risk. The definition of low and negligible risk (LNR) is as follows:

  1. Low Risk: A project in which the only foreseeable risk is one of discomfort. If there is any chance that the research may result in anything more serious than discomfort, the research cannot be called low risk.
  2. Negligible Risk: A project in which there is no foreseeable risk of discomfort or harm and if there is any foreseeable risk, it will not be of more than an inconvenience. If there is any chance, no matter how small, that the risk will exceed inconvenience, then the research cannot be classified as being of negligible risk.