Analisis Tingkat Kesadaran Orang Tua Dalam Program Vaksin COVID-19 Pada Anak Usia 6-11 Tahun Di SD Negeri Galala

Analysis of the Level of Awareness of Parents in the COVID-19 Vaccine Program in Children Aged 6-11 Years Old at Galala Public Elementary School


  • Desi Anggraeni Mentari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Abdi Nusantara



awareness of parents, children, COVID-19 vaccine


Introduction: Research this background back by desire researcher for know how much influence Parental Awareness in the implementation COVID-19 vaccine on Child impacted 6-11 years old on health Child in guard immune body Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Parental awareness is still becoming a frequent problem happening all over cleavage the world, the obstacles that occur moment this minimum knowledge, education, and access to information as well as role power health cause parental role in confusing health children during the COVID-19 pandemic constraints.

Methods: In this study, uses the method quantitative with a design study cross-sectional where the observations among variable dependent variables independent will be collected at the same time, variable in the study is tested using the technique of chi-square test data analysis with SPSS program assistance. The population of this study was the student parents as many as 74 parents made as respondents.

Results: They obtained exist a connection significant among parental awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine program in children between the age of 6-11 years old. This is proven with acquisition score respectively variable knowledge p = 0,004 p-value < a (0,005); variable education p= 0,001 p-value < (0,005); variable access information p = 0,003 p-value (0.005); and variable role power health p = 0,002 p-value (0,005).

Discussion: The results from this study could conclude that the consciousness of people brings the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine program in children between the age of 6-11 years old. It is hoped that parents will equip themselves with knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine in children in an effort to prevent disease outbreaks that can be prevented.


