Efektifitas Cairan Kayu Manis Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Derajat 2 Pada Ibu Nifas di TPMB Kuswatun Faizah Jakarta Barat

The Effectiveness of Cinnamon Liquid on Healing Grade 2 Perineal Wounds in Postpartum Mothers at TPMB Kuswatun Faizah, West Jakarta


  • Kuswatun Faizah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Abdi Nusantara, Indonesia




cinnamon liquid, 2nd-degree perineum wound, post-partum mother


Introduction: The incidence of mothers experiencing grade 2 perineal injuries at TPMB Kuswatun Faizah West Jakarta is quite high, namely 30 people (91%) out of 33 mothers gave birth. Healing of perineal wounds degree 2 in postpartum mothers, namely by non-pharmacological methods using Cinnamon Liquid is very effective. Cinnamon Liquids contain lots of eugenol which helps speed up wound healing and can reduce pain. To determine the effectiveness of Cinnamon Liquid on the Healing of 2nd Degree Perineal Wounds in Post-partum Mothers at TPMB Kuswatun Faizah West Jakarta.

 Methods: This research uses a real experimental (true experimental) and the design used is the two-group pre-test-post-test design. The sampling technique used was total sampling, namely 30 postpartum mothers were divided into 15 post-partum mothers as intervention and 15 post-partum mothers as control. Data techniques included univariate analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using SPSS 20 program statistical calculations.

 Results: The results of this study showed that there is a significant effect on the healing of grade 2 perineal wounds in postpartum mothers between the experimental group and the control group with the statistical test results p-value 0,000 < α (0,05).

 Discussion: There is a significant effect of using cinnamon liquid on the healing of grade 2 perineal wounds in postpartum mothers so that healing is faster and optimal. It is hoped that the use of cinnamon liquid in the healing of second-degree perineal wounds in post-partum women can be implemented in the treatment of perineal wounds especially to accelerate the healing of second-degree perineal wounds in post-partum women.


