Analisis Risiko Ergonomi Terhadap Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Pada Pekerja Bank Mandiri Cabang Kelapa Gading Barat Jakarta Utara

Ergonomic Risk Analysis of MSDs Complaints On Workers of Bank Mandiri Branch Kelapa Gading Barat Jakarta Utara


  • Andrew Zatnika Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


quantitative, questionnaire, ergonomic risk, MSDs


Introduction: Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that there were 335,390 cases of disorders of the skeletal muscle system (MSDs) in 2007 in the United States industry. Recorded cases only show events that result in workers being absent from work for one or more days. MSDs cases occur with an average of 35 cases for every 10,000 permanent workers and contribute 29% of the total work accident cases in the industry, so the researcher wants to reveal how the influence of physical factors and individual factors on MSDs complaints in Bank Mandiri branch Kelapa Gading Barat.

Methods: This type of research was quantitative and descriptive with a cross-sectional research design. The sampling technique used was quota sampling so that from a population of 110 people, a sample of 60 people was obtained. The test carried out was a univariate test and a bivariate test, namely the Chi-Square test.

Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between work posture and age of workers with MSDs complaints of employees of Bank Mandiri branch Kelapa Gading Barat and there was no significant relationship between the length of service, work frequency, gender, and also physical fitness of employees of Bank Mandiri branch Kelapa Gading Barat. In addition, the ergonomic risk value obtained after calculating the RULA method ranges from 3to5 which means that further investigation is needed which is then followed by changes. The highest level of complaints felt by workers is the level of complaints on a mild scale (46%) with complaints of aches being mostly in the buttocks, calves, knees, and forearms.

Discussion: In previous studies, there are some results from the previous research that has been done.


