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Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Terhadap Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan
Level of Mother's Knowledge Regarding Exclusive Breastfeeding for Babies Aged 0-6 Months
Introduction: Breast milk provides immunity against several diseases. These facts prove that exclusive breastfeeding plays an important role in maintaining children's health where breast milk is a liquid that is created to meet the nutritional needs of infants and protect them against possible disease attacks. Breastfeeding has such great benefits unfortunately, only a few moth[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pucuk Daun Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinensis) Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Asi Pada Ibu Postpartum Di TPMB Meilany Dan TPMB Yenny
The Effect of Long Bean Leaf Shoots (Vigna Sinensis) on Increasing Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers at TPMB Meilany and TPMB Yenny
Introduction: Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best food for babies. Breast milk is known to contain the most appropriate nutrients in quality and quantity for the growth and development of infants. From birth, babies should only be given breast milk until 6 months which is called exclusive breastfeeding. According to WHO data as many as 136,7 million babies are born worldwide and on[...] Read More
Efektifitas Supportive Education System Terhadap Pengetahuan Perawatan Kaki Diabetik Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Type 2
Effectiveness of Supportive Education System on Knowledge of Diabetic Foot Care in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that can occur when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that can regulate blood sugar.
Methods: The method in this study used a Quasi-Experimental Design.
Results: The result of t[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pola Nutrisi Dan Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Kejadian Kekurangan Energi Kronik Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sindangbarang Kecamatan Sindangbarang Kabupaten Cianjur
Relationship Between Knowledge, Nutrition Patterns and Health Education with the Incidence of Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pregnant Women in the Working Area of the Sindangbarang Inpatient Health Center, Sindangbarang District, Cianjur Regency
Introduction: Based on the data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 pregnant women who suffer from CED as many as 629 mothers (73,2%) of all maternal deaths and have a risk of death 20 times greater than mothers with normal LILA at the Sindangbarang Health Center there are KEK numbers (chronic malnutrition) in 2022 the number of KE[...] Read More
Hubungan Status Gizi Dan Status Imunisasi Dengan Perkembangan Anak Toddler
Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Immunization Status with Toddler Development
Introduction: Growth and development is essential for every child. The child's health influences the acceleration of child growth and development, conversely, if the child has a poor health status, the child will experience growth and development diseases.
Methods: This research is a type of quantitative analytic. The research design used was a cross-sec[...] Read More
Hubungan Sikap, Sosial Budaya, Dan KIE (Komunikasi, Informasi, Edukasi) Terhadap Keikutsertaan Ibu Dalam Mengikuti Program KB IUD Di Wilayah Puskesmas Jatirahayu Bekasi Jawa Barat
Relationship of Attitude, Socio-Culture, and IEC (Communication, Information, Education) to Mothers' Participation in the IUD Family Planning Program in the Jatirahayu Health Center Area, Bekasi, West Java
Introduction: An Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) is a long-term non-hormonal contraceptive that is inserted in the uterus and is made of a plastic/copper-like material and has various shapes. Participation in IUD KB is the behavior of women in following all procedures for using IUD contraception, such as the initial examination before installation, the installation procedure, and th[...] Read More
Perbedaan Persalinan Sectio Caesaria Metode Eracs Dan Non Eracs Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Pada Ibu Nifas Di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hafiz Cianjur
(Differences in Caesarean Section Delivery Using Eracs and Non-Eracs Methods on Wound Healing in Postpartum Mothers at Dr. Hafiz Hospital in Cianjur
Introduction: The impact that often arises after Caesarean Section delivery includes infection of the operating wound due to the poor wound-healing process. The ERACS method of Caesarean Section delivery has caught the public's attention because it is claimed to reduce postoperative pain and allow the wound recovery process to proceed faster.
Me[...] Read More
Perbandingan Pemberian Pisang Ambon Dan Buah Naga Terhadap Kadar Hb Ibu Hamil Di PMB DNP Kecamatan Sukadiri Kabupaten Tangerang
Comparison of Ambon Banana and Dragon Fruit Administration on Hb Levels of Pregnant Women at PMB DNP, Sukadiri District, Tangerang Regency
Introduction: The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is still high. PMB DNP Sukadiri District, Tangerang Regency, pregnant women in their third trimester who experience anemia each year have increased from 2020-2022 namely 13,2% to 15,8%. The government has tried to prevent it by giving Fe tablets and consuming foods containing iron, including Ambon banana and dragon fruit.[...] Read More
Efektifitas Pemberian Rebusan Jahe Dan Madu Terhadap Mual Muntah Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Di PMB F Wancimekar Periode Januari
Effectiveness of Giving Boiled Ginger and Honey on Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women in the First Trimester at PMB F Wancimekar in the Period Month of January
Introduction: Hyperemesis gravidarum reaches 10-20%, based on data from TPMB F pregnant women in the first trimester 30 pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning, which is called morning sickness. Emesis gravidarum disrupts activity, and decreases appetite and dehydration, if not overcome it will have an impact on hyperemesis [...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Keluarga Dengan Keberhasilan Pengobatan Tuberculosis Paru Pada Anak Pra-Sekolah Di Rumah Sakit Wilayah Bogor
(The Relationship between Family Roles and the Success of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment in Preschool Children at Bogor Regional Hospital
Introduction: Pulmonary Tuberculosis is an infectious disease and is latent. Nearly 40% of children with pulmonary Tuberculosis are transmitted by their families. Pulmonary Tuberculosis can develop into miliary Tuberculosis or meningitis.
Methods: This study used a cross-sectional quantitative descriptive method, with a correlation type. The sampling tec[...] Read More
Pengaruh Tingkat Pengetahuan Orang Tua Terhadap Penyakit Pneumonia Dan Pemberian Imunisasi Pneumocuccal Conjugate (PCV)
The Influence of Parental Knowledge Level on Pneumonia Disease and Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV) Immunization
Introduction: Pneumonia is an infection or acute inflammation of the lung tissue caused by various microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, exposure to chemicals, or physical damage to the lungs. Pneumonia usually affects children, but it can be prevented by vaccine PCV. Based on the above, researchers are interested in conducting a study entitled “Influence[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Suami, Aktivitas Fisik, Dan Stress Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester 1 Terhadap Kejadian Hyperemesis Gravidarum Di TPMB Yunita
The Relationship Between Husband's Support, Physical Activity, and Stress in Pregnant Women in the First Trimester and the Incidence of Hyperemesis Gravidarum at TPMB Yunita
Introduction: Hyperemesis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting so that daily work is disrupted and the general condition becomes worse. Nausea and vomiting are the most common disorders encountered in the first trimester of pregnancy, around 60-80% of primigravidas and 40-60% of multigravidas experience nausea and vomiting but these symptoms become more severe only in 1 [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dengan Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara (SADARI) Pada Remaja Putri Di SMAN 1 Mauponggo
Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, and Role of Health Workers with Early Detection of Breast Cancer (SADARI) in Adolescent Girls at SMAN 1 Mauponggo
Introduction: BSE (Breast Self-Examination) is an examination that every woman easily does to look for lumps or other abnormalities. The factors that govern the behavior of the successful conduct BSE technique are health professionals' knowledge, attitudes, and roles. The purpose of this study was to determine the relation of knowledge, attitude, and the role of health workers [...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Suami, Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Terhadap Kejadian Baby Blues Pada Ibu Nifas Di BPM Bidan Lena Jakarta
Relationship Between Husband's Support, Midwife's Role and Mother's Knowledge of Baby Blues Occurrence in Post-partum Mothers at BPM Bidan Lena Jakarta
Introduction: Based on a preliminary study on secondary data at BPM Midwife Lena Jakarta in 2021 112 post-partum mothers gave birth at the BPM. From 112 post-partum mothers; based on secondary data from Lena's BPM in 2021, 15 post-partum mothers did not receive the support of their husbands, such as husbands never helping mothers with homework and husbands sometimes getting ang[...] Read More
Efektifitas Cairan Kayu Manis Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Derajat 2 Pada Ibu Nifas di TPMB Kuswatun Faizah Jakarta Barat
The Effectiveness of Cinnamon Liquid on Healing Grade 2 Perineal Wounds in Postpartum Mothers at TPMB Kuswatun Faizah, West Jakarta
Introduction: The incidence of mothers experiencing grade 2 perineal injuries at TPMB Kuswatun Faizah West Jakarta is quite high, namely 30 people (91%) out of 33 mothers gave birth. Healing of perineal wounds degree 2 in postpartum mothers, namely by non-pharmacological methods using Cinnamon Liquid is very effective. Cinnamon Liquids contain lots of eugenol which helps speed [...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Keluarga, Pola Makan, Dan Status Gizi Terhadap Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus Gestasional Di BPM Wilayah Kerja Kecamatan Payung
(The Relationship between Family Roles, Diet, and Nutritional Status to the Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the BPM Work Area of Payung District
Introduction: Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is an effort that individuals deliberately make to avoid or control blood sugar levels so as not to interfere with pregnancy and the health of mothers and babies. This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effects and the magnitude of the influence of information sources, family roles, diet, physical activity,[...] Read More
Perbedaan Efektivitas Pemberian Putih Telur Dan Ikan Gabus Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Ibu Nifas
Differences in the Effectiveness of Giving Egg Whites and Snakehead Fish on Healing Perineal Wounds in Postpartum Mothers
Introduction: Perineal rupture is an injury to the birth canal that occurs at the time of the baby's birth either using a tool or not using a tool. Wounds on the perineum due to tears or lacerations are areas that are not easy to keep clean and dry. Wound healing processes that are not handled properly can lead to imperfect wound healing. This can cause bleeding not to stop pro[...] Read More
Pengaruh Ekonomi, Pengetahuan, Dan Pelayanan Petugas Kesehatan Terhadap Kunjungan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cilebut
The Influence of Economics, Knowledge, and Health Worker Services on Pregnancy Check-up Visits in the Cilebut Health Center Work Area
Introduction: A pregnancy check-up visit is a visit by a pregnant woman to a midwife or doctor as early as possible since she feels she is pregnant to get pregnancy services/care. Nationally in 2010, the K1 coverage was 95,26% and the K4 coverage was 85,56%. The economy, knowledge, and services of health workers are factors that influence prenatal care visits. This study aims t[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Rumah Sakit Permata Pamulang
Relationship between Family Support and Patient Anxiety Levels during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Permata Pamulang Hospital
Introduction: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new Coronavirus. Common symptoms are fever, weakness, cough, cramps, and diarrhea. The very high spread of COVID-19 can cause mental health and psychosocial problems for the client, the client's family, the client's neighbors, and even medical personnel. The psychological impact due to the provisions of COVID-19 is mor[...] Read More
Perbandingan Pemberian Buah Naga Dan Buah Bit Terhadap Kadar Hb Ibu Hamil Di PMB RY Kecamatan Panongan Kabupaten Tangerang
Comparison of Dragon Fruit and Beetroot Administration on Hb Levels of Pregnant Women at PMB RY, Panongan District, Tangerang Regency
Introduction: Anemia is a factor in maternal mortality. PMB RY Panongan District, Tangerang Regency, the target data for anemic pregnant women in 2020 is 13.6%; in 2021 it is 14.6% and in 2022 it is 15.8%. Prevention of anemia in pregnancy apart from Fe supplements can also be done by consuming foods that contain iron, such as dragon fruit and beets.
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Hubungan Pola Makan, Gaya Hidup, Dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri Di Madrasah Tsanawiah Tanwirian Cianjur
The Relationship Between Diet, Lifestyle, and Family Support and the Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls at Madrasah Tsanawiah Tanwirian Cianjur
Introduction: Anemia is a nutritional problem that is widely found throughout the world which does not only occur in developing countries but also in developed countries. Young women have a ten times greater risk of suffering from anemia compared to young men. This is because young women experience menstruation every month and are in a period of growth, so they need more iron i[...] Read More
Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Tentang Hubungan Seksual Pranikah Di SMAN 1 Sukanagara
The Influence of Reproductive Health Education on the Level of Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents Regarding Premarital Sexual Relations at SMAN 1 Sukanagara
Introduction: Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood which is marked by increased curiosity, including curiosity related to sexuality. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about premarital sexual relations at SMAN 1 Sukangara. This study used an experimental approach (quasi-experimental design). Using a[...] Read More
Analisis Monitoring Evaluasi Terhadap Kejadian Stunting Di Puskesmas Simpang Rimba Bangka Selatan
Evaluation Monitoring Analysis of Stunting Incidents at Simpang Rimba Community Health Center, South Bangka
Introduction: One of the nutritional problems faced by Indonesia is the incidence of short toddlers (stunting). Stunting is very important because it will affect human resources in the future. Stunted toddlers are easily infected with diseases and can suffer from degenerative diseases as adults. Stunting is an event characterized by short stature due to chronic malnutrition, as[...] Read More
Perbedaan Pemberian Air Kelapa Hijau Dan Pijat Effleurage Terhadap Penurunan Dismenore Ringan Pada Remaja Putri Di SMA Citra Nusa Kecamatan Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor
Differences between Giving Green Coconut Water and Effleurage Massage on Reducing Mild Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent Girls at Citra Nusa High School, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency
Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is a disease with the most common physical symptoms that occurs in school-age adolescents with an incidence of around 60-90%. One of the treatments is by giving green coconut water and Massage Effleurage. Based on the results of a preliminary study at Citra Nusa High School, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency, around 30 female students experienced dysme[...] Read More
Hubungan Status Gizi, Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan Dan Pengelolaan Sampah Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Balita Usia 24-59 Bulan Di RSUD Pagelaran Kabupaten Cianjur
(Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Hand Washing Habits, and Waste Management with the Incidence of Diarrhea in Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months at Pagelaran Hospital, Cianjur Regency
Introduction: Diarrhea occurs worldwide and causes 4% of all deaths and 5% of health loss resulting in disability. Diarrhea remains the leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age in Sub-Saharan Africa. The risk factors for acute diarrhea vary by context and have important implications for reducing the burden of disease. Knowing the relationship between nutritional [...] Read More
Hubungan Self Efficacy, Peran Bidan, Dan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Pemeriksaan Pap Smear Pada PUS Di Rumah Sakit Tugu Ibu Depok
The Relationship between Self-Efficacy, the Role of Midwives, and Husband's Support for Pap Smear Examinations at EFA at Tugu Ibu Hospital, Depok
Introduction: Cervical cancer is still an issue that is often discussed in the world of health. Cervical cancer is the most common malignant tumor found in the reproductive organs. All women are at risk of suffering from this cancer especially women who are sexually active. Pap smear is a type of examination that can be done to identify cervical cancer. The prevalence of cancer[...] Read More
Hubungan Lingkungan Sosial, Pengetahuan Ibu, Dan Status Gizi Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Nifas Di Rumah Sakit Firdaus Jakarta Utara
The Relationship between Social Environment, Mother's Knowledge, and Nutritional Status on Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers at Firdaus Hospital, North Jakarta
Introduction: Mother's Milk (ASI) is an emulsion of fat in a solution of protein, lactose, and inorganic salts secreted by the mother's mammary glands and is useful as baby food. Breast milk production is the process of forming breast milk which involves the hormone prolactin and the hormone oxytocin. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social en[...] Read More
Pengaruh Aromatherapy Peppermint Terhadap Frekuensi Mual Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Di Puskesmas Serpong I
The Effect of Peppermint Aromatherapy on the Frequency of Nausea in Pregnant Women in the First Trimester at the Serpong I Community Health Center
Introduction: Morning sickness is a natural symptom and often occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy in the form of complaints of nausea and vomiting. Nausea usually occurs in the morning but can occur at any time and at night. The incidence of nausea and vomiting in Indonesia is around 10% of pregnant women affected by emesis gravidarum, while the incidence of hyperemesis [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Motivasi Dan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Pelaksanaan Metode Kangguru Di RSUD Cimacan
The Relationship Between Knowledge, Motivation, and Family Support with the Implementation of the Kangaroo Method at Cimacan Regional Hospital
Introduction: PMK is part of LBW babies. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, motivation, and family support with the kangaroo care method at Cimacan Hospital in 2022. Every pregnant woman wants the child she gives birth to have sufficient birth weight because babies with low birth weight (LBW) in addition to requiring more com[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga, Kecemasan Dan Peran Bidan Terhadap Kesiapan Ibu Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Di PMB R Desa Sebagin Kecamatan Simpang Rimba
The Relationship between Family Support, Anxiety and the Role of Midwives on Mother's Readiness in Facing Childbirth in PMB R Sebagin Village, Simpang Rimba District
Introduction: Readiness is a level or condition that must be achieved in the process of individual development at the level of mental, physical, social, and emotional growth. The aim is to find out the relationship between family support, anxiety levels, and the role of midwives on mother's readiness to face childbirth at PMB Desa Sebagin, Kecamatan Simpang Rimba in 2022.
<[...] Read MoreHubungan Perilaku Ibu, Peran Nakes, Dan Motivasi Keluarga Terhadap Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di Desa Permis
The Relationship Between Maternal Behavior, the Role of Health Workers, and Family Motivation on the Occurrence of Anemia in Pregnant Women in Permis Village
Introduction: Anemia in pregnancy is a problem in the health sector because it is an indicator of poor nutritional status and health status. Anemia during pregnancy is defined as Hb less than 10 g/dL. If Hb is below 12 g/dL in early pregnancy, pregnant women may need to be given prophylactic drugs because of hemodilution which reduces Hb levels to less than 10 g/dL. The purpose[...] Read More
Hubungan Status Gizi, Pola Makan, Dan Kecemasan Terhadap Kejadian Hiperemesis Gravidarum Di Rumah Sakit Umum Andhika
The Relationship between Nutritional Status, Diet, and Anxiety on the Incident of Hyperemesis Gravidarum at Andhika General Hospital
Introduction: Hyperemesis gravidarum is a complaint of severe nausea and vomiting more than 10 times a day during pregnancy which can cause fluid deficiency, weight loss, or electrolyte disturbances thereby disrupting daily activities and endangering the fetus in the womb. The incidence of cases of hyperemesis gravidarum is 0,8% to 3,2% of all pregnancies or about 8 to 32 cases[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Dan Fasilitas Kesehatan Dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan HIV Pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Simpang Rimba Kabupaten Bangka Selatan
The Relationship between Knowledge, Attitudes, Role of Health Workers, and Health Facilities with Behavior to Prevent HIV Transmission in Pregnant Women at Community Health Centers Simpang Rimba, South Bangka Regency
Introduction: HIV examination of pregnant women is a mandatory program that must be offered to pregnant women who will conduct an examination of pregnancy or ANC (Ante Natal Care) in health facilities for early intervention in the prevention of HIV transmission. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and the role of health worke[...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Orang Tua, Penggunaan Gadget Dan Kebiasaan Jajan Terhadap Perkembangan Emosional Anak Usia Pra-sekolah Di Pondok Pesantren Walisongo
The Relationship Between the Role of Parents, the Use of Gadgets and Snacking Habits on the Emotional Development of Pre-school Children at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School
Introduction: The pre-school period is a time when physical and psychological growth grows rapidly. The rate of delay in growth and development of children in Indonesia is still quite high, namely around 5-10% experiencing general developmental delays so it requires serious attention. Two out of 1,000 babies experience motor development disorders and out of 100 children have le[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi Ibu Hamil, Peran Bidan Dan Pola Makan Terhadap Keefektifan Tablet Fe Di Puskesmas Ciawi
The Relationship between Pregnant Women's Motivation, the Role of Midwives, and Diet on Effectiveness Fe Tablets at Ciawi Community Health Center
Introduction: Iron (Fe) tablet is the most important trace element for humans. The effectiveness of Fe tablets is something that is expected to achieve the maximum goal in the absorption of Fe tablets in the body. Motivation, the role of the midwife, and dietary habits are factors that can affect the effectiveness of Fe tablets. This study aims to determine the relationship bet[...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh Pemberian Makan Terhadap Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita
The Relationship between Parenting and Feeding Patterns on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers
Introduction: Stunting is a condition of the results of measuring the height of children <-2 based on a z-score or below the median standard of height growth against the age of WHO. The incidence of stunting is one of the nutritional problems that has an impact on inhibiting mental growth. One of the factors that causes stunting toddlers is the lack of nutritional intake in [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengalaman, Sosial Budaya Dan Sumber Informasi Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Mengenai Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan Di BPM Onih Marpuah Kota Depok
The Relationship between Experience, Social Culture, and Information Sources on Pregnant Women's Knowledge Regarding Danger Signs of Pregnancy at BPM Onih Marpuah, Depok City
Introduction: Knowledge of pregnant women about danger signs is very important for the early detection of danger signs of pregnancy. The low knowledge of mothers in recognizing dangerous signs of pregnancy results in underutilization of the referral system. One of the reasons for the delay in access to health services is the inability of pregnant women to recognize the conditio[...] Read More
Hubungan Kecemasan, Peran Suami, Dan Peran Bidan Terhadap Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini Di Rumah Sakit Tugu Ibu Cimanggis Kota Depok
The Relationship between Anxiety, the Role of Husbands, and the Role of Midwives in the Premature Rupture of Membranes at Tugu Ibu Cimanggis Hospital, Depok City
Introduction: Premature rupture of membranes is the rupture of the membranes before labor begins at any stage of pregnancy. Anxiety, the role of the husband, and the role of the midwife are factors that can influence the incidence of premature rupture of membranes. This study aims to determine the relationship between anxiety, the husband's role, and the midwife's role in the i[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi Keluarga, Peran Bidan, Dan Efektivitas Antenatal Care Terhadap Pencegahan Tanda Bahaya Pada Ibu Hamil Di Poskesdes Desa Rajik Kecamatan Simpang Rimba Kabupaten Bangka Selatan
The Relationship between Family Motivation, the Role of Midwives, and the Effectiveness of Antenatal Care in Preventing Danger Signs in Pregnant Women at the Village Health Post, Rajik Village, Simpang Rimba District, South Bangka Regency
Introduction: Pregnancy danger signals are symptoms that indicate possible risks that may arise during pregnancy or the prenatal period and can result in maternal death if not reported or detected. The aim was to find out the relationship between family motivation, the role of midwives, and the effectiveness of antenatal care on danger signs in pregnant women at the Poskesdes o[...] Read More
Hubungan Persepsi Manfaat, Persepsi Kemudahan, dan Minat dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Pandawa di Wilayah Kerja BPJS Cabang Tangerang Tahun 2023
The Relationship Of Perception Of Benefits, Perception Of Ease, And Interest With The Use Of The Pandawa Application In The Work Area Of Bpjs Tangerang Branch In 2023
Introduction: As an effort to improve and increase the quality of service to the community as participants, BPJS provides technology-based services, such as the Mobile JKN application and Pandawa Administrative Services via WhatsApp, and Chika (JKN Chat Assistant). The development of digital service channels was developed so that people can access services more quickly and easi[...] Read More
Hubungan Persepsi Manfaat, Persepsi Kemudahan, dan Minat dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Pandawa di Wilayah Kerja BPJS Cabang Tangerang Tahun 2023
Introduction: As an effort to improve and increase the quality of service to the community as participants, BPJS provides technology-based services, such as the Mobile JKN application and Pandawa Administrative Services via WhatsApp, and Chika (JKN Chat Assistant). The development of digital service channels was developed so that people can access services more quickly and easi[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Partisipasi Remaja Dalam Mengikuti Posyandu Remaja Di Desa Karya Jaya
Factors Associated with Adolescent Participation in Attending Youth Posyandu in Karya Jaya Village
Introduction: The Integrated Healthcare Center for Teenagers is a form of Community-Based Health Effort (UKBM) that is managed and organized by and with the community including the teenagers for the implementation of health development to empower the community and improve convenience in obtaining health services for teenagers.
Methods: [...] Read More
Praktik Skema Ponzi sebagai Investasi Bodong di Indonesia: Tinjauan Pustaka
Ponzi Scheme Practices as Illegal Investments in Indonesia: A Literature Review
Introduction: The Ponzi scheme is a type of financial fraud with promises of high returns, first introduced by Charles Ponzi in the 1920s. In Indonesia, Ponzi schemes are still prevalent, and many people are unaware of their dangers. Unlike multi-level marketing (MLM), this scheme focuses solely on recruiting new members without selling any products or services.
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Digital Marketing pada Pelayanan Kesehatan Rumah Sakit
Digital Marketing in Hospital Health Services
Introduction: This research examines the role of digital marketing in improving hospital health services in the digital era. By detailing the basic concepts, strategies, and their influence on patient perceptions, this research focuses on reference sources that guide the implementation of digital marketing to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in health services.
Perkembangan Uang sebagai Alat Pembayaran dan Peran Bank Berdasarkan Regulasi di Indonesia: Tinjauan Pustaka
Development of Money as a Payment Instrument and the Role of Banks Based on Regulations in Indonesia: A Literature Review
Introduction: The development of money as a payment instrument and the role of banks are crucial aspects in Indonesia's economic system. Money has replaced the barter system and serves as a medium of exchange and payment. Banks, especially commercial banks, form the core of the financial system, providing various services and acting as intermediaries for funds.
[...] Read More
Strategi Pemasaran dalam Bisnis Waralaba
Marketing Strategy in Franchise Business
Introduction: Facing competitive market challenges, franchise businesses must develop innovative marketing strategies and consistent brand management. This review discusses the essence of marketing strategies in the franchise business, emphasizing technological adaptation, personalized offerings, loyalty programs, big data utilization, strategic collaborations, and crafting uni[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Interaksi Orang Tua Dan Anak Dengan Perkembangan Bahasa Pada Anak Usia Pra-sekolah (4-6 Tahun) Di TK Annachrowi Desa Muara Kabupaten Lebak
The Relationship Between Parent-Child Interaction and Language Development in Preschool-Age Children (4-6 Years) at Annachrowi Kindergarten, Muara Village, Lebak Regency
Introduction: The golden age period, at the age of 4-6 years or preschool age, is a period when the child's potential develops very rapidly. One of the most important child developments developed in early childhood is language development. However, out of a total of 12.6 million children aged 4-5 years, around 384,800 children (3,05%) have delays in language development (BPS 20[...] Read More
Peran Ekonomi pada Aspek Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen terkait Pembayaran dalam Sistem BPJS: Tinjauan Sistematis Literatur
The Role of Economics in Consumer Decision Making Regarding Payments in the BPJS System: A Systematic Literature Review
Introduction: Health insurance plays a crucial role in managing health risks and financial losses, as well as reducing vulnerability to poverty. In Indonesia, the development of health insurance is carried out through a healthcare system that mandates contributions from those who can afford it and provides assistance to those who cannot. One of the introduced health insurance p[...] Read More
Determinan Kualitas Pelayanan Aplikasi JKN Mobile Di RS Hermina Bekasi Tahun 2023
Determinants of Service Quality in the JKN Mobile Application at Hermina Bekasi Hospital in 2023
Introduction: To improve services to National Health Insurance-Indonesia Healthy Card (JKN-KIS) participants, on September 15 2017 BPJS Health released the "JKN Mobile" application. To become a facility that can make it easier for JKN-KIS participants or prospective participants in administrative activities which are usually carried out at branch offices. BPJS Health represents[...] Read More
Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif, Pola Asuh dan Sosial Ekonomi dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita
The Relationship between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Parenting Patterns, and Socio-Economics with the Incident of Stunting in Toddlers
Introduction: Short Toddlers (Stunting) is a nutritional status that is based on the PB/U index (Body Length according to Age) or TB/U (Height according to Age) which is the anthropometric standard for assessing children's nutritional status. Stunting occurs as a result of long-standing conditions such as poverty, inappropriate parenting behavior, and frequent recurring illness[...] Read More
Pengaruh Unit Pelayanan, Jenis Kelamin dan Metode Pembayaran terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rumah Sakit
Influence of Service Units, Gender, and Payment Methods on Hospital Patient Satisfaction
Introduction: Patient satisfaction can be interpreted as one part of the quality of service that directly or indirectly affects hospital services. Patient satisfaction can be felt by someone who has seen results (outcomes) that meet their expectations.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service units, gender and payment [...] Read More
Efektivitas Inovasi “SELEDRI MANIS” dalam Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi SIPP di Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Kabupaten Kubu Raya
Effectiveness of the "Seledri Manis" Innovation in Increasing the Utilization of the SIPP Application at the BPJS Kesehatan Office X
Introduction: The researchers found high data on BBL problems, because of the BBL card will be temporarily
deactivated if the NIK (Nomor Induk Keluarga) is not updated if the baby is more than 3 months old. This is of
course makes the use of SIPP (Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara), which should be effective then
less efficient. Utilization of t[...] Read More
Hubungan Pelayanan Prima, Tarif Pelayanan dan Fasilitas dengan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Umum di RS Hermina Mekarsari Tahun 2023
The Relationship Between Excellent Service, Service Rates and Facilities with General Outpatient Patient Satisfaction at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital In 2023
Introduction: Outpatient satisfaction is one of the indicators to measure the success of a service provided, the achievement of outpatient satisfaction at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital.This study aims to determine the relationship between excellent service, service rates and facilities with general outpatient patient satisfaction at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital in 2023.
Efektifitas Senam Aerobik Low Impact Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi Di Posyandu Matahari Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muncang Kabupaten Lebak
Effectiveness of Low Impact Aerobic Exercise on Changes in Blood Pressure in Elderly People with Hypertension at Posyandu Matahari, Muncang Health Center Working Area, Lebak Regency
Introduction: WHO data explains that 1,13 Billion people in the world had Hypertension in 2015. The results of a preliminary study in February 2022 found that 71,8% of a total of 128 elderly people had Hypertension. The number of elderly people with Hypertension at Matahari Integrated Healthcare Center increased in 2021 by 51,6%. There are still many elderly people with Hyperte[...] Read More
Pengaruh Jus Tomat Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Passo Kecamatan Baguala Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku
The Effect of Tomato Juice on Blood Pressure in Hypertension Sufferers in the Working Area of Passo Health Center, Baguala District, Ambon City, Maluku Province
Introduction: Hypertension is a public health care that often occurs in the world and also in Indonesia or developing countries. Hypertension is also known as The Silent killer because the sufferer does not know whether he has Hypertension or not. Increased blood pressure or hypertension is caused by a chronic increase in blood pressure that occurs in the blood vessels. And if [...] Read More
Literature Review: Hubungan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Kejadian Depresi Postpartum
The Relationship between Husband's Support and Postpartum Depression
Introduction: According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) the population with depressive conditions is 322 million people worldwide. Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific are the regions with the most depressed populations. Indonesia itself has a prevalence of depression of 3,7% or below India which ranks first with a prevalence rate of 4,5%; while depression in[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Motivasi, serta Dukungan Orang Tua dengan Kejadian Pernikahan Usia Dini pada Remaja Putri di Desa Simpang Rimba
The Relationship between Knowledge, Motivation and Parental Support with the Incidence of Early Marriage among Young Women in Simpang Rimba Village
Introduction: Underage marriage, also known as early marriage, is a marriage that should not be carried out because there is no physical and spiritual readiness to be able to carry out marriage or early marriage is a bond between two persons of the opposite sex between a woman and a man who are in their teens. to live together in a family bond. Knowledge, motivation, and parent[...] Read More
Hubungan antara Pendapatan, Jumlah Anggota Keluarga, Akses Pembayaran, Pengetahuan, dan Persepsi dengan Kepatuhan Pembayaran Iuran Pbpu Pekerja Mandiri
The Relationship Between Income, Number Of Family Members, Access To Payment, Knowledge, And Perception With Compliance With Payment Of Independent Workers Pbpu Contributions
Introduction: National Health Insurance (JKN) participants who are not self-employed workers (PBPU Kerja Mandiri) are in second place with the largest number of participants with a total of 63.39 million participants, which has the potential to become the largest income-contributing segment for BPJS Health. The DJS (Social Security Fund) Health financial report, nationally the [...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Penyimpanan Obat High Alert Medication (HAM) di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit
Overview of the High Alert Medication (HAM) Drug Storage System in the Hospital Pharmacy Installation
Introduction: Drug storage aims to maintain the quality of pharmaceutical preparations, avoid irresponsible use, maintain availability, and facilitate search and control. High-alert medications are drugs that must be watched out for because they often cause very serious errors (Sentinel events) and high-risk drugs can cause unwanted outcomes (adverse outcomes). According to th[...] Read More
Hubungan Pemakaian APD Pekerja, Kebijakan Manajemen dan Lama Kerja dengan Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Covid-19
Employee APD Usage Relations, Management Policy and Long Working With Prevention And Control Covid-19
Introduction: Prevention and Control are actions taken to stop and reduce the spread of infection to employees, patients, visitors, and the environment in health facility areas. Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome. Someone who is sick can spread coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) to nearby people through droplets (such as [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana, Dan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri Dengan Perilaku Petugas Kesehatan Lingkungan Dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Medis
The Relationship between Knowledge, Availability of Infrastructure and Use of Personal Protective Equipment with the Behavior of Environmental Health Officers in Efforts to Manage Medical Solid Waste
Introduction : Management of hospital medical waste is very important because medical waste poses various risks to the health of everyone, including hospital employees, patients and the community. All people who are exposed to hazardous waste and who are in a hazardous waste-producing environment of a health facility are likely to be at risk of being affected by hazardous medic[...] Read More
Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Gerak Motorik Anak Usia 12-18 Bulan Di Posyandu Nusa Indah, Kampung Cakung, Jati Sari, Jatiasih, Kota Bekasi
The Relationship between Nutritional Status and Motor Movement of Children Aged 12-18 Months at Integrated Healthcare Center Nusa Indah, Cakung Village, Jati Sari, Jatiasih, Bekasi City
Introduction: Based on a preliminary study at Integrated Healthcare Center Nusa Indah there is still a high rate of 60% of children under five with poor nutritional status and 40% of good nutrition, so it can be formulated in this study that still high rate of poor nutritional status can affect the motor movements of children aged 12-18 months at Integrated Healthcare Center Nu[...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Murotal Surat Ar-Rahman Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Bersalin Kala I Fase Aktif Di BPM Rika Rohaeni S.ST Kecamatan Muncang Kabupaten Lebak
The Effect of Murotal Surah Ar-Rahman Therapy on the Anxiety Level of Mothers in the First Stage of Active Phase at BPM Rika Rohaeni S.ST, Muncang District, Lebak Regency
Introduction: The feeling of anxiety for the mother in labor when thinking about the process of giving birth and the condition of the baby to be born does not only occur in her first pregnancy; but also, in subsequent pregnancies. Some actions that can be taken to overcome anxiety in pregnant women include using pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. In this study, [...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Kerjasama Dengan Perilaku Pengasuhan Orang Tua Dalam Mengelolah Anak Sulit Makan Di TK Stella Maris Bitung
The Relationship Between Collaboration and Parenting Behavior in Managing Children Who Have Difficulty Eating at Stella Maris Bitung Kindergarten
Introduction: Pre-school children are those aged between 3-6 years. Children at preschool age usually experience psychological development to become toddlers who are more independent, autonomous, able to interact with their environment, and can express their emotions more. In addition, children of this age also tend to like to explore new things. The developmental characteristi[...] Read More
Efek Serbuk Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum) Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Dismenore Pada Siswi SMAN 1 Muncang Kabupaten Lebak Banten
The Effect of Red Ginger Powder (Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum) on Reducing the Intensity of Dysmenorrhea in Female Students of SMAN 1 Muncang, Lebak Regency, Banten
Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is a condition that occurs during menstruation or menstruation which can interfere with activities and requires treatment which is characterized by pain or pain in the abdominal or pelvic area "(Judha 2012)", Dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation that interferes with women's daily activities. According to WHO (2012), there were 1,796,425 people (90[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemauan Membayar (Willingness To Pay) Iuran Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Pada Pekerja Sektor Informal Di Kota Jakarta Timur Tahun 2023
Factors Influencing Willingness to Pay National Health Insurance Program Contributions for Informal Sector Workers in East Jakarta City in 2023
Introduction: Non-Wage Recipient Participants (PBPU) are participants who work outside employment relationships or general employment regulations. Participants in this segment can be defined as workers in the informal sector. The JKN membership or payment system for informal sector workers is not coercive and is based on personal awareness so that people have the choice to part[...] Read More
Hubungan Sanitasi Lingkungan, Pemberian Asi Eksklusif dan Pengetahuan Ibu Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Balita 1 - 5 Tahun Di UPTD Puskesmas X
The Relationship between Environmental Sanitation, Exclusive Breastfeeding and Mother's Knowledge with The Incidence of Diarrhea in Toddlers 1 - 5 Years at UPTD Community Health Center X
Introduction: Health problems in society are a major concern in developing countries, including Indonesia. One of the health problems in Indonesia is diarrhea which is the main cause of death after respiratory tract infections. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2021 diarrhea is the second main disease that causes death in children under five and causes 525,00[...] Read More
Hubungan Persepsi Manfaat, Persepsi Kemudahan, dan Minat dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Pandawa di Wilayah Kerja BPJS Cabang Tangerang Tahun 2023
Introduction: As an effort to improve and increase the quality of service to the community as participants, BPJS provides technology-based services, such as the Mobile JKN application and Pandawa Administrative Services via WhatsApp, and Chika (JKN Chat Assistant). The development of digital service channels was developed so that people can access services more quickly and easi[...] Read More
Analisis Risiko pada Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran dengan Menggunakan Metode Job Safety Analysis (JSA) di Suku Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Kotamadya Jakarta Timur
Risk Analysis Using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Method for Firefighters in the East Jakarta Municipal Fire Management and Rescue Department 2022
Introduction: Firefighters are at greater risk while traveling and when they are at the location of a fire due to electricity, hot temperatures, fire, working at heights, extinguishing equipment, explosions, backdraft, and flashover, burning buildings, sharp objects, or physical fights with residents. Meanwhile, health complaints felt at fire locations are generally due to inha[...] Read More
Analisis Model Komunikasi Kesehatan antara Fasilitator Dengan Kelompok Masyarakat dalam Upaya Mengingkatkan Pengetahuan dan Motivasi kepada Masyarakat untuk Mengatasi Penyakit Asam Urat
Analysis of Health Communication Models Between Facilitators and Community Groups in Efforts to Increase Knowledge and Motivation in the Community to Overcome Gout
Introduction: Gout control programs in the community independently and sustainably require the involvement of all parties. The low level of knowledge and motivation of the community in efforts to control gout requires participation to increase knowledge and motivation regarding efforts to prevent and treat gout.
Methods: This research uses a qualitative [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengawasan Atasan, Penghargaan Prestasi, dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Sikap Kerja Staf Kedeputian Bidang Kebijakan dan Data Kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan
Supervisory Relationships, Achievement Rewards, and Work Environment on Staff Work Attitude Deputy for Participation Policy and Data BPJS
Introduction: Employee work attitudes influence the achievement of company goals. Employees who have a high work attitude will have high-performance abilities, whereas employees who have a negative work attitude will have low rational employee performance. This research aimed to determine the relationship between superior supervision, achievement awards, and the work environmen[...] Read More
Motivasi Keluarga Berhubungan Dengan Persepsi Masyarakat Dalam Penggunaan Vaksin COVID-19
Family Motivation is Related to Community Perceptions in Using the Covid-19 Vaccine
Introduction: COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In severe cases of COVID-19, it can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. Vaccines are one of the efforts to deal with COVID-19. The existence of a vaccine is expected to be good news in preven[...] Read More
Analisa Konten Twitter @kemkominfo Tentang Proses Migrasi TV Digital Dalam Mengedukasi Masyarakat Terkait Transformasi
Twitter Content Analysis @kemkominfo Related to The Migration of Analog TV to Digital TV in Improving Social Education Related to Transformation
Introduction: The change in television broadcasts from analog to digital certainly provides benefits for the community, including good image and sound quality. Television is one type of electronic media that can be used as a tool or intermediary to achieve certain goals. Of course, an understanding of this condition needs to be conveyed to the public so that they do not feel di[...] Read More
Diagnosis Aspek yang Berkaitan dari Pergantian Petugas Medis RS “X”
Diagnosing Related Aspects of Medical Staff Turnover in Hospitals “X”
Introduction: The study extensively investigates the factors associated with employee turnover, particularly concentrating on nurses, at Hospital "X". Hospitals play a pivotal role in providing healthcare services to communities, but intense competition and societal changes have implications for employee turnover, including that of nurses. The turnover rates of[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kemandirian Lansia Melaksanakan (ADL) di Depok-Jawa Barat
The relationship between family assistance and elderly independence is profitable (ADL) in Depok, West Java
Introduction: The elderly are part of the process of growth and development. Senior citizens or what is commonly abbreviated as Elderly are Indonesian citizens aged ? 60 years. The aging process experienced by the elderly does not only affect aspects of life but will also be followed by physical and mental decline. This setback can have an impact on the occurrence of depression[...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Penyimpanan Makanan Kering Di Instalasi Rumah Sakit X
Overview of Dry Food Storage Systems in Hospital X Installations
Introduction: Storage of food ingredients is a procedure for organizing, storing, and maintaining dry and wet food ingredients and recording their reporting. Storage and distribution activities begin with the receipt of goods at the warehouse, research and checking, recording on the warehouse stock card for inventory control, and goods being entered and placed [...] Read More
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Upaya Pengendalian Hipertensi pada Lansia
The Relationship of The Level of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Family Support with Efforts to Control Hypertension in The Elderly
Introduction: Non-communicable diseases are still a serious problem today, one of which is hypertension. The increasing prevalence of hypertension every year is a major problem in both developing and developed countries. The number of people with hypertension continues to increase every year, it is estimated that 1.5 billion people will be affected by hypertension in 2025, and [...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Kemandirian Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di Sekolah SKH Caraka Pratama Kelurahan Kutajaya, Kecamatan Pasar Kemis, Kabupaten Tangerang
The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and the Independence of Children with Special Needs at SKH Caraka Pratama School Kel. Kutajaya, District. Kemis Market, Kab. Tangerang
Introduction: Parents who have children with special needs must provide the right parenting style according to the child's condition; so that through the right parenting style parents can develop the child's self-confidence, ability, and independence. Formation of child independence; and parenting style play an important role when most of the child's time is spent in the family[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Melalui Video Animasi Terhadap Pengetahuan ASI Eksklusif Pada Ibu Primigravida
The Effect of Health Education Through Animation Videos on Knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Primigravida Mothers
Introduction: Based on research by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) the number of mothers who have breastfed their children in Indonesia is already high, namely 90% but those who provide exclusively for 6 months are still low at 20%. Breastfeeding is recommended for up to two years. From the preliminary study that the researchers conducted, the knowledge of primig[...] Read More
Representasi Citra Politik Calon Presiden Indonesia Tahun 2024 di Instagram (Studi Semiotika Roland Barthes pada akun @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo dan @aniesbaswedan)
Representation of Political Image of the Presidential Candidates in Indonesia for the Year 2024 on Instagram (A Semiotic Study of Roland Barthes on the accounts @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo, and @aniesbaswedan)
Introduction: Instagram users in Indonesia are growing every year. Political branding by officials is increasingly being done on Instagram. Indonesian presidential candidates create political images on Instagram. Every presidential candidate’s post on Instagram contains signs and meanings of political imagery. Therefore, this research aims to determine the political image of th[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja Di SMK BIM Banjarsari Kabupaten Lebak
The Relationship between Reproductive Health Knowledge and Adolescent Sexual Behavior at BIM Banjarsari Vocational School, Lebak Regency
Introduction: Sex education that is not given at an early age results in high levels of sexual violence against children committed by those closest to the child, including the family. This phenomenon shows the importance of understanding sex education in early childhood. The problem of sex education at this time is not being paid much attention to by parents, so they leave all [...] Read More
Hubungan Intensitas Gadget, Pola Asuh, Dengan Perkembangan Bahasa Dan Bicara Anak Usia Pra-sekolah Di PAUD Terpadu Mokusato
(The Relationship between Gadget Intensity, Parenting Patterns, and the Development of Language and Speech in Preschool-Age Children at Mokusato Integrated Preschool
Introduction: Data from the Central Statistics Agency (2020) shows that 29% of all gadget use is at an early age and 25,9% of them are toddlers. While children who use the internet are 0,93% infants and 10,71% toddlers. are three times more likely to have a language delay. Parenting is a pattern of behavior that is applied to children and is relatively consistent from time to t[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan, Sikap, Komitmen, Manajemen Laktasi, Dan Status Pekerjaan Dalam Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Pada Bayi Usia 0-24 Bulan Di Wilayah Puskesmas Kutabumi Pasar Kemis Kabupaten Tangerang Banten
Relationship Between Knowledge, Attitude, Commitment, Lactation Management, and Employment Status in Providing Exclusive Breastfeeding to Babies Aged 0-24 Months in the Kutabumi Public Health Center Area Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Banten Regency
Introduction: Breast milk is a liquid that contains water, nutrients, living cells, and other components that are beneficial for the growth and development of babies. Exclusive breastfeeding is giving only breast milk without additional drinks or other fluids (such as formula milk, orange juice, honey, tea water, water, sugar water) and without additional food such as fruit, po[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Stress pada Pasien Psoriasis di Poliklinik Kulit Rumah Sakit X
Factors Affecting Stress Levels in Psoriasis Patients at the Skin Polyclinic of General Hospital X
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, that has a genetic basis, characterized by impaired growth and differentiation of the epidermis. Psoriasis can occur at any age, especially 15-30 years. Until now treatment only relieves symptoms temporarily (remission), so psoriasis is often referred to as a lifelong disease. This disease is not life-threatening a[...] Read More
Pengalaman Kehilangan Pasangan Hidup pada Usia Muda di Lingkungan Kerja Rumah Sakit X
The Experience of Losing a Spouse at a Young Age in the Work Environment of X Hospital
Introduction: Losing a partner is one of the emotional challenges that people, especially women, may face. Losing a partner at a young age creates problems with tasks and development in early adulthood. If not handled properly, it will cause problems for the partner he left behind. This study aimed to explore the experience of losing a spouse at a young age in the work environm[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Dukungan Suami Dan Tingkat Stress Ibu Pekerja Terhadap Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Di Puskesmas Tunjung Teja
The Relationship between Knowledge, Husband's Support and Working Mother's Stress Level on Exclusive Breastfeeding at Tunjung Teja Community Health Center
Introduction: Early and exclusive breastfeeding is very important for a child's survival, and to protect them from various diseases to which they are susceptible and which can be fatal, such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Increasing evidence shows that children who receive breast milk have higher intelligence test results. In addition, they have a lower likelihood of being obese or[...] Read More
Efektifitas Kelas Ibu Hamil Terhadap Nyeri Punggung Di Poli Obgyn RSUD Cimacan
Effectiveness of Pregnancy Women's Classes on Back Pain at the Ob-gyn Clinic of Cimacan Regional Hospital
Introduction: According to WHO in 2014 the incidence of pregnant women with back pain was 50-80% of pregnant women complained of back pain which is quite disturbing during pregnancy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Pregnancy Class for Back Pain in Pregnant Women at the Obgyn Polyclinic at Cimacan Hospital in 2022.
Methods: The type [...] Read More
Hubungan Kecemasan Perawat Dengan Kelelahan Kerja Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Rumah Sakit Grha Permata Ibu Depok
The Relationship Between Nurses' Anxiety and Work Fatigue During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital, Depok
Introduction: The high number of patients indicated for COVID-19 is not proportional to the number of nurses available at the Grha Permata Ibu Hospital with the surge in COVID-19 the workload is increasing and causing nurses to experience work fatigue which results in anxiety about exposure to nurses.
Methods: The design in this study used quantitative d[...] Read More
Gambaran Kualitas Pelayanan Petugas Administrasi Pendaftaran dengan Kunjungan Ulang Pasien Rawat Jalan
Overview of The Quality of Service for Registration Administrative Officers with Return Visits of Outpatient Patients
Introduction: Quality service is providing a service to patients based on service quality standards to meet the needs and desires of the community. To achieve quality health services, it is necessary to provide services according to the five dimensions of quality, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The purpose of this study is to find out the [...] Read More
Pengaruh Status Gizi, Riwayat Kontak, dan Status Imunisasi BCG terhadap TB Anak
The Influence of Nutritional Status, Contact History, and BCG Immunization Status on Childhood TB
Introduction: TB (Tuberculosis) disease is an infectious disease that can affect all ages, including children. Child TB is an important disease to study because 40-50% of the entire population in developing countries is classified as children with 500,000 child TB cases per year. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status, c[...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Informasi Kesehatan Dan Aksesbilitas Fasilitas Kesehatan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Poskesdes Oleh Ibu Bersalin Di Wilayah Desa Situhiang Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Cianjur
The Relationship between the Role of Health Workers, Health Information and Accessibility of Health Facilities on the Use of Health Posts by Maternity Women in the Situhiang Village Area, Pagelaran District, Cianjur Regency
Introduction: In Situhiang Village, a health facility has been built, namely Village Health Post which is managed by midwives, nurses, and cadres. From the results of the data, it was found that visits by the community, especially mothers giving birth to the Village Health Post, were still very few, from January to July there were 86 mothers who gave birth, with only 22% (19 pe[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi, Kepercayaan Dan Sikap Terhadap Perilaku Klien Melakukan Akupunktur Pada Kasus Myalgia Di Griya Sehat “X”
The Relationship between Motivation, Belief, and Attitude towards Client Behavior Performing Acupuncture in Myalgia Cases at Home Healthy "X"
Introduction: Myalgia disease is quite safe and does not threaten the life activities of sufferers, but if it occurs too often it can cause frustration for myalgia sufferers because it can hinder them in terms of working or other daily activities which can ultimately reduce the quality of life of sufferers. One of the complementary therapies in an effort to optimize health serv[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Bermain Aktif Dengan Perkembangan Sosial Pada Anak Pra-Sekolah Usia 4-6 Tahun Di TK AR Rohmah Bekasi Barat
The Relationship Between Active Play and Social Development in Pre-School Children Aged 4-6 Years at AR Rohmah Kindergarten, West Bekasi
Introduction: Prenatal up to 8 years is a golden period because a child's brain development is up to 80%, so it is the best time to develop a positive and potential personality to become an adult. Active play is an activity carried out by a person in order to get pleasure and satisfaction from the activities he does himself.1 Children's social development is the abil[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Yang Memiliki Balita Tentang Gerakan 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Di Posyandu Pakuhaji Kabupaten Tangerang
(The Relationship Between Mothers' Knowledge of Toddlers About the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) Movement and Stunting Incidents in Toddlers at Posyandu Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency
Introduction: Stunting is one of the most common child health problems in the world. High knowledge about 1000 HPK will provide insight in applying the role of women's lives starting from preparing for pregnancy, becoming pregnant, and then becoming a mother will also provide knowledge to the child to be born.
Methods: Quantitative anal[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu, Kebiasaan Makan Dan Jumlah Anggota Keluarga Terhadap Status Gizi Balita Di Posyandu Kemuning Daerah Mekarsari
The Relationship between Mother's Knowledge, Eating Habits and Number of Family Members on the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Posyandu Kemuning, Mekarsari Region
Introduction: Nutritional status is a condition caused by a balance between the intake of nutrients from food and the need for nutrients needed for the body's metabolism. Monitoring the nutritional status of toddlers should ideally be carried out at integrated service posts (posyandu) by weighing activities every month before being reported to a higher level of health services.[...] Read More
Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pada Ibu Bersalin Di Puskesmas Tanara Kabupaten Serang
Analysis of Factors Associated with the Level of Satisfaction of Mothers Giving Birth at the Tanara Community Health Center, Serang Regency
Introduction: The ability of the health center to meet the needs of patients can be a measure of whether or not patients are satisfied with the services provided. Some of the factors causing low patient satisfaction include psychological factors which include service quality and attitude, as well as physical factors including room facilities.
Methods: Th[...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Komsumsi, Penyakit Infeksi, Dan Pantang Makan Dengan Kejadian Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Napal Putih Bengkulu
The Relationship between Consumption Patterns, Infectious Diseases, and Abstinence from Eating with Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in Pregnant Women in Community Health Center Work Areas Bengkulu White Marl
Introduction: Nutritional problems are still a major public health problem in developing countries including Indonesia and are an indirect cause of maternal and child deaths, which are actually preventable. The condition of chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women will occur if the body's needs are not fulfilled for a long time.
Methods: This ty[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Penyakit Tuberculosis Pada Kelompok Pekerja
Factors Associated with Tuberculosis in the Worker Group
Introduction: Tuberculosis is the most common multi-systemic infectious disease with a wide variety of manifestations and clinical features the lungs are the most common site for the development of tuberculosis disease.
Methods: This research design is a literature review method. The inclusion criteria set by the author were articles published in the las[...] Read More
Hubungan Lingkar Kepala Bayi, Jarak Kelahiran, Dan Cara Mengejan Dengan Ruptur Perineum Pada Ibu Bersalin
The Relationship between Baby's Head Circumference, Birth Distance, and How to Push with Perineal Rupture in Maternity Mothers
Introduction: Childbirth is a process that is very prone to complications that can endanger the mother and baby, and is one of the causes of maternal death. Childbirth is the process of removing the products of conception in the form of the fetus and placenta from the uterus through the birth canal. Postpartum complications can occur, such as perineal rupture. Perineal rupture [...] Read More
Hubungan Pemakaian Pantyliner, Obesitas Dan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Keputihan Pada Remaja Di SMPN 1 Sandai Kabupaten Ketapang
The Relationship between Pantyliner Use, Obesity and Personal Hygiene Behavior with the Incidence of Vaginal Discharge in Adolescents at SMPN 1 Sandai Ketapang Regency
Introduction: Vaginal discharge is a clinical disorder that is often complained of by all women. Vaginal discharge or flour albus is a vaginal condition when it discharges fluid or mucus that resembles pus. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between pantyliner use, obesity, and personal hygiene behavior with the incidence of vaginal discharge in adolesc[...] Read More
Hubungan Mobilisasi Dini, Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Dan Senam Nifas Terhadap Involusi Uteri Pada Ibu Postpartum
Relationship of Early Mobilization, Early Breastfeeding Initiation and Postpartum Exercise to Uterine Involution in Postpartum Mothers
Introduction: Abnormal uterine involution has a risk of bleeding in postpartum mothers and can cause emergencies. Thus, it is necessary to make efforts that can accelerate the process of uterine involution in pregnant women. This study aimed to determine the relationship between early mobilization, early breastfeeding initiation, and postpart[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Gizi Dengan Status Gizi Pada Balita Di Posyandu Mangkualam Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers About Nutrition with Nutritional Status in Toddlers at Posyandu Mangkualam Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency Banten
Introduction: Toddlers are the age group that suffers the most from malnutrition and the number in the population is quite large. In 2021 Pandeglang Regency, the toddlers who were weighed reached 59,4%, found 9.3% of toddlers with malnutrition. Several factors influence the nutritional status of toddlers including knowledge and attitude of the mother.
Methods:Read More
Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Bersalin Terhadap Pelayanan Kebidanan Di Ruang VK RSUD Cimacan
Analysis of Satisfaction of Maternity Patients with Midwifery Services in the VK Room of Cimacan Hospital
Introduction: The results of the Community Satisfaction Survey at Cimacan Hospital in 2020 were 77,26. Meanwhile, the Community Satisfaction Survey Data for 2021 Cimacan Hospital obtained a value of 80,57; Observing the results of the survey there is an interesting thing, namely the average value of the Complaint handling element, meaning that even though the value of community[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pijat Ibu Hamil Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Menghadapi Persalinan Pada Ibu Primigravida Trimester III Di PMB Nopi Utami Tangerang
The Effect of Pregnant Women's Massage on the Level of Anxiety in Facing Childbirth in Primigravida Trimester III Mothers at PMB Nopi Utami Tangerang
Introduction: Anxiety in facing childbirth in primigravida mothers often occurs. The prevalence of anxiety in Indonesia is 28,7% of 107,000,000 third-trimester pregnant women experiencing anxiety in facing childbirth. The way to deal with anxiety is non-pharmacological therapy, one of which is massage for pregnant women.
Methods: Using a quasi-experiment[...] Read More
Pengaruh Aroma Terapi Peppermint Terhadap Mual Muntah Pada Pasien Post-General Anestesi Dengan Operasi Apendiktomi Perforasi
The Effect of Peppermint Aromatherapy on Nausea Vomiting in Post-General Anesthesia Patients with Perforated Appendectomy
Introduction: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are complications that often occur in general anesthesia in the first 24 hours after surgery.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative method using a pre-experimental design type one group pre-test-post-test. The population in this study were post general anesthesia patients with appendecto[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Riwayat Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Dan Pola Asuh Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita
Relationship of Knowledge, History of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Parenting Style with Stunting in Toddlers
Introduction: In Buniwangi Village Pagelaran sub-district of the 487 infants who were weighed the prevalence of stunting was 5,76%; with a very short incidence of 0,20% (1 toddler); and 5,56% (27 toddlers) so the total number of toddlers experiencing stunting in Buniwangi in 2020 is 28 babies. Nutritional problems, especially stunting in toddlers, are caused b[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Stress, Vulva Hygiene, Dan Metode Kontrasepsi Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Flour Albus Pada WUS Di Puskesmas Kota Bogor
(Correlation between Knowledge, Stress, Vulva Hygiene, and Contraceptive Methods with the Incidence of Flour Albus Infection in WUS at Bogor City Health Center
Introduction: One of the problems in terms of reproductive health in women that often occurs is Flour Albus or vaginal discharge. This research is very important because flour albus infection is a reproductive health problem for women, so it is hoped that this research can be a solution to reduce the incidence of flour albus infection, especially for women of childbearing age.[...] Read More
Hubungan Pemberian ASI Ekslusif Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita
The Relationship between Exclusive Breastfeeding and Stunting in Toddlers
Introduction: One of the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers in Indonesia today is stunting. Stunting is a physical growth disorder characterized by a decrease in growth velocity and is the impact of nutritional imbalance. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is ranked third with the highest cases in Asia. The main factors that cause stunting are family knowledge of[...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Pengetahuan Dan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Keikutsertaan Akseptor KB Suntik 3 Bulan
The Relationship between the Role of Health Workers, Knowledge, and Husband's Support for the Participation of 3-Month Injection Family Planning Acceptors
Introduction: Birth control injection is a method of contraception to delay pregnancy. However, like other methods of contraception family planning injections have some advantages and disadvantages and are not recommended for women who have certain health conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the role of health workers, knowledge, and h[...] Read More
Hubungan Ketersediaan Informasi, Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dan Jarak Ke Fasilitas Kesehatan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pemeriksaan Hepatitis B Oleh Ibu Hamil
Correlation between Availability of Information, Role of Health Workers and Distance to Health Facilities on Utilization of Hepatitis B Screening by Pregnant Women
Introduction: Hepatitis B is known as a disease that is transmitted through blood or other body fluids. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the availability of information, the role of health workers, and the distance to health facilities on the Hepatitis B Examination by Pregnant Women at the Pagelaran Inpatient Health Center UPTD in 2[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pemberian Green Bean Juice Terhadap Peningkatan Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Anemia Di PMB LT Jatirahayu
The Effect of Giving Green Bean Juice on Increasing Hemoglobin in Pregnant Women with Anemia at PMB LT in Jatirahayu
Introduction: Red blood cells contain an iron protein called Hemoglobin which binds and distributes oxygen to the body's cells. In anemia conditions, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin is reduced so that oxygen is not supplied properly and the patient complains of weakness and paleness. During pregnancy, women sometimes experience deficiencies in micronutrients such a[...] Read More
Analisis Tingkat Kesadaran Orang Tua Dalam Program Vaksin COVID-19 Pada Anak Usia 6-11 Tahun Di SD Negeri Galala
Analysis of the Level of Awareness of Parents in the COVID-19 Vaccine Program in Children Aged 6-11 Years Old at Galala Public Elementary School
Introduction: Research this background back by desire researcher for know how much influence Parental Awareness in the implementation COVID-19 vaccine on Child impacted 6-11 years old on health Child in guard immune body Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Parental awareness is still becoming a frequent problem happening all over cleavage the world, the obstacles that occur [...] Read More
Analisis Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas Dalam Melakukan Perawatan Payudara Dengan Kelancaran Produksi ASI Di PMB WW Cikarang Utara Bekasi
(Knowledge Analysis of Postpartum Mothers in Performing Breast Care with Smooth Milk Production at PMB WW Cikarang Utara Bekasi
Introduction: The postpartum period is a period of recovery from nine months of pregnancy and the birth process which a mother goes through after giving birth to her child and lasts for approximately six weeks. Expulsion of breast milk or lactation is a sign of the physiological changes experienced by postpartum mothers during this period.
Methods: Analy[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pemberian Labu Siam Dan Mentimum Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Wilayah Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten
The Effect of Giving Siamese Pumpkin and Cucumber on Lowering Blood Pressure in Hypertension Patients in Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency in Banten
Introduction: Hypertension continues to increase every year, Pandglang Regency is the district with the highest presentation of hypertension with a total of 622,060 cases. The incidence of hypertension at the Cimanggu Health Center has increased every year. One way of a good diet is to reduce salt intake and increase potassium intake. Giving chayote juice and cucumber juice has[...] Read More
Hubungan Anemia, Status Gizi, Dan Jarak Kehamilan Pada Ibu Hamil Terhadap Kejadian Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah (BBLR)
Relationship of Anemia, Nutritional Status, and Interval of Pregnancy in Pregnant Women to the Incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW)
Introduction: LBW is the highest predictor of infant mortality, especially in the first month of life. LBW babies have a 20 times greater risk of death compared to babies born with normal weight. The purpose of this study is to the relationship between anemia, nutritional status, and pregnancy intervals in pregnant women on the incidence of low-birth-weight babies (LBW) at Cima[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Riwayat Pemberian ASI Eksklusif, Dan Kelengkapan Imunisasi Dasar Terhadap Status Gizi Bayi
Relationship of Knowledge, History of Exclusive Breastfeeding, and Completeness of Basic Immunization to the Nutritional Status of Infants
Introduction: Based on data from monthly weighing results, for the July-August 2022 period, there were 197 babies aged 6-12 months in Pagelaran Village. Of the 197 babies, there were 15 babies who had poor nutritional status in terms of age and weight. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, history of exclusive breastfeeding, and complete[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Motivasi, Minat Dan Sikap Tentang Periksa Payudara Sendiri (Sadari) Dengan Praktik Sadari Pada Remaja Putri Kelas XI
Relationship Between Motivation, Interests, and Attitudes about Breast Self-Examination (Consciousness) with Self-Examination Practices in Class Xi Young Women
Introduction: Breast cancer is now the number one killer in Indonesia. Every year it is estimated that there are 100 new sufferers per 100,000 population in Indonesia. The risk of breast cancer increases with age, even young age does not guarantee safety from breast cancer.
Methods This study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional research des[...] Read More
Analisis Penerapan Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 52 Tahun 2018 Dan SNI 180-2:2022
Analysis of the Application of an Active Fire Protection System Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 of 2018 and SNI 180-2:2022
Introduction: Based on fire cases that have occurred in several health facilities it is necessary to implement fire prevention and control to ensure that human resources, patients, patient companions, visitors, and the environment in health facilities are safe. The Tanah Sareal Health Center in Bogor City is a health service facility, it is known that an active fire protection [...] Read More
Hubungan Ketersediaan Informasi Kesehatan, Pengetahuan Ibu, Dan Riwayat Penyakit Terhadap Pre-Eklampsia Berat Pada Ibu Bersalin
Correlation between Availability of Health Information, Mother's Knowledge, and History of Disease to Severe Pre-Eclampsia in Maternity
Introduction: Pre-eclampsia is a syndrome characterized by an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (140/90 mmHg) respectively with or without proteinuria which can occur in the antenatal intranasal and postnatal periods. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the availability of health information, the knowledge of mothers, and the history of the di[...] Read More
Hubungan Gaya Hidup, Tingkat Stress Dan Pola Menstruasi Terhadap Kejadian Dismenore Pada Remaja Putri
Correlation between Lifestyle, Stress Levels and Menstrual Patterns on the Incidence of Dysmenorrhea in Young Women
Introduction: Based on the results of a survey of 15 young women at MTS Ath-Thoyyibah Seroja, Pagelaran District, Cianjur Regency, out of 15 teenagers who experienced menstruation, 11 of them experienced dysmenorrhea which occurred at the beginning of menstruation and 4 young women did not experience dysmenorrhea. This research was conducted in January 2022 with the aim of know[...] Read More
Hubungan Kebiasaan Menyikat Gigi, Pengetahuan Dan Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Terhadap Kejadian Caries Gigi Pada Anak Usia Sekolah
Relationship of Tooth Brushing Habits, Knowledge and Role of Health Workers on the Incidence of Dental Caries in School-Age Children
Introduction: Dental caries is an irresistible illness that emerges because of the course of demineralization of bacterial communications on the tooth surface brought about by dental caries microorganisms. In 2008, RISKESDES data showed that 88,8% of people had dental caries. This study expects to decide the connection between the propensity for cleaning teeth, information, and[...] Read More
Hubungan Massage Punggung, Senam Hamil, Kompres Hangat Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pada Persalinan
Relationship of Back Massage, Pregnancy Exercise, Warm Compresses to Pain Intensity in Labor
Introduction: Labor pain is pain caused by the appearance of contractions of the uterine muscles, hypoxia of the contracting muscles, stretching of the cervix when opening, ischemia of the uterine corpus, and stretching of the lower uterine segment. Preliminary studies show that there are 315 people stating ignorant of how to deal with pain in labor. The research was conducted [...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh, Sumber Informasi Dan Gizi Terhadap Tumbuh Kembang Pada Balita Usia 1-5 Tahun Di Desa Gintung Cilejet
The Relationship between Parenting, Information Sources, and Nutrition on Growth and Development in Toddlers Aged 1-5 Years in Gintung Village, Cilejet
Introduction: Children are an investment and hope for the future of the nation and the next generation to come. The growth and development of children is very important. The future of a nation depends on the success of the child in achieving optimal growth and development.
Methods: This type of research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional stud[...] Read More
Hubungan Konsumsi Fast Food, Stress Dan Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kejadian Dismenorea Pada Remaja Putri
The Relationship between Fast Food Consumption, Stress, and Physical Activity with the Incidence of Dysmenorrhea in Young Women
Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder in the form of abdominal pain that occurs during menstruation due to uterine muscle contractions. Consumption of fast food, stress and physical activity are risk factors for dysmenorrhea. This study aimed to determine the relationship between fast food consumption, stress, and physical activity with the incidence of dysmenorrhe[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Speech Delay Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Posyandu X Kelurahan Kutabaru
Factors Affecting Speech Delay in Early Childhood at Posyandu X Kutabaru Village
Introduction: Barriers to later speech development can not only affect a child's social and personal adjustments but can also affect a child's academic adjustment. Due to the importance of the function of speech development in these children, this study attempts to describe what factors can influence the development of speech in children. The purpose of this st[...] Read More
Efektifitas Posisi Meneran Semi-Fowler Dengan Posisi Berbaring Miring Ke Kiri Terhadap Kejadian Ruptur Perinieum Di Puskesmas Poned Jayakerta
The Effectiveness of the Semi-Fowler Pressing Position with Left Side Lying Position for Perineal Rupture at the Poned Jayakerta Health Center
Introduction: Perineal rupture occurs in almost all deliveries causing bleeding and infection, if not treated immediately it can cause death. One effort to reduce the occurrence of perineal rupture is the pressing position. Poned Jayakerta Health Center Karawang Regency in 2020 it was found that 66,8% had a perineal rupture, in 2021 it was found that 64,7% had a perineal ruptur[...] Read More
Efektivitas Air Rebusan Daun Binahong Dengan Air Rebusan Daun Sirih Terhadap Penyembuhan Ruptur Perineum Pada Ibu Bersalin Di Puskesmas
The Effectiveness of Water Decoction of Binahong Leaves with Water of Betel Leaf Decoction for Healing Perineal Rupture in Mothers Giving Birth at Banjarsari Community Health Center
Introduction: Perineal rupture is a birth canal tear that often occurs in the normal delivery process and is a health problem that must be treated immediately because it can cause infection so treatment needs to be carried out. The data from the Banjarsari Health Center report in 2021 showed that there were 35 cases of perineal rupture (72,91%) from 48 postpartum mothers. The p[...] Read More
Hubungan Mobilisasi Dini, Dukungan Keluarga, Dan Relaksasi Dengan Penurunan Skala Nyeri Pada Ibu Post Operasi Sectio Caesarea
(The Relationship between Early Mobilization, Family Support, and Relaxation with Reducing Pain Scale in Postoperative Sectio Cesarean Mothers
Introduction: Cesarea Section (CS) delivery is a process of delivery through surgery where an incision is made in the mother's stomach (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to remove the baby. The process of delivery by Cesarea Section (CS) is a birthing method that is considered safe for some groups, but patients who undergo the process of delivery by Cesarean Section (CS) ar[...] Read More
Analisis Minat Ibu Hamil Dengan Pemeriksaan Triple Eliminasi Di Puskesmas Panongan
Analysis of Interest in Pregnant Women with Triple Elimination Examination at the Panongan Health Center
Introduction: 6.81% of the Panongan Health Center participated in the Triple Elimination screening. Several factors related to the triple elimination examination include knowledge, sources of information, family support, and support from health workers.
Purpose: Knowing the analysis of pregnant women's interests with a triple elimination examination at t[...] Read More
Pengaruh Hypnobirthing Terhadap Nyeri Persalinan Pada Ibu Bersalin Inpartu Kala I Di PMB Sri Munthe
The Effect of Hypnobirthing on Pain in Labor in Mothers in the First Stage of Labor at PMB Sri Munthe
Introduction: The data from World Health Organization (WHO) that around 830 women worldwide died every day due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth and as many as 99%. The phenomenon is that in several health service places not a few mothers who give birth scream and feel confused about the birth process they are going through, and generally health workers think[...] Read More
Hubungan Persepsi Ibu, Dukungan Suami, Peran Petugas Kesehatan Dengan Anemia Di BPM Hj. Yetti Ruspiani, S.ST Kabupaten Lahat Tahun 2022
Relationship between Mother's Perception, Husband's Support, Role of Health Workers and Anemia in BPM Hj. Yetti Ruspiani, S.ST Lahat Regency in 2022
Introduction: The health of pregnant women as the 5th indicator in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) launched by WHO has not been achieved because there are still 37.1% of pregnant women who experience anemia in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between maternal perception, husband support, and the role of health workers with anemia at B[...] Read More
Efektivitas Program Sijariemas Terhadap Penanganan Kasus Kegawatdaruratan Maternal
The Effectiveness of the Sijariemas Program in Handling Maternal Emergency Cases
Introduction: The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia or in Tangerang Regency remains high and does not reach the MDGs targets. There are many programs to reduce MMR including the gold program. One of the components of the gold program is Sijareiams (Maternal and Neonatal Referral Network Information System). It is hoped that Sijariemas can reduce MMR by preventing '3 De[...] Read More
Efektivitas Pemberian Saluri (Satu Telur Satu Hari) Terhadap Tinggi Badan Pada Balita Stunting Di Puskesmas Pakuhaji Kabupaten Tangerang Banten Tahun 2022
The Effectiveness of Providing Saluri (One Egg a Day) Against Height in Stunted Toddlers at the Pakuhaji Health Center, Tangerang Regency, Banten in 2022
Introduction: Stunting is one of the most common child health problems in the world. Eggs contain essential amino acids that stimulate muscle protein synthesis. The Pakuhaji Community Health Center, Tangerang Banten Regency, obtained quite high data on stunting toddlers, namely in 2021 there were 162. The Health Center is trying to provide animal food in the form of giving One [...] Read More
Analisa Pengaruh Pemberian Informasi Tentang Persiapan Operasi Sectio Ceasarea Dengan Pendekatan Komunikasi Terapeutik Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre-Operasi
Analysis of the Influence of Giving Information about Preparation for Cesarean Section with Therapeutic Communication Approach on the Anxiety Level of Pre-Operative Patients
Introduction: Stunting is one of the most common child health problems in the world. Eggs contain essential amino acids that stimulate muscle protein synthesis. The Pakuhaji Community Health Center, Tangerang Banten Regency, obtained quite high data on stunting under five in 2021 there were 162. The Community Health Center is trying to provide animal food in the form of giving [...] Read More
Efektivitas Teknik Rebozo Shake the Apple (RSTA) Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Dan Lama Kala 1 Fase Aktif Pada Persalinan Ibu Multigravida
The Effectiveness of the Rebozo Shake the Apple (RASTA) Technique on Pain Intensity and Duration of the 1st Stage of the Active Phase in Multigravida Mother's Labor
Introduction: Pain during labor if not resolved will result in prolonged labor which is the cause of maternal death by 4,3%. Various efforts have been made to reduce the rate of prolonged labor, one of which is the rebozo shake the apple tree technique. Based on the results of a survey conducted at the Manis Jaya Health Center in April 2022, out of 33 mothers giving birth, 11 m[...] Read More
Strategi Produksi PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri Bagian Research and Development Dalam Upaya Mengembangkan Program Liga Dangdut Indonesia 2021
Production Strategy of PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri Research and Development Division in Efforts to Develop Liga Dangdut Indonesia 2021 Program
Introduction: Television, particularly Indosiar, a private TV station in Indonesia, has a popular program called the Indonesian Dangdut League, a talent search program for dangdut singers. However, in 2021, the program's ratings declined due to increasing competition and changing audience interests during the pandemic. To address these issues, the Research and Development divis[...] Read More
Komunikasi Virtual Pidato Kebangsaan “Indonesia Menang” Prabowo Subianto di Youtube
Virtual Communication of National Speech "Indonesia Menang" by Prabowo Subianto on YouTube
Introduction: Virtual communication is an attempt to express opinions, feelings, and information to others, intending to be understood and receive feedback. The purpose of this study is to effectively search for and utilize information about Prabowo Subianto's speech on virtual communication, shaping his political image via YouTube, in alignment with the Basic Education Program[...] Read More
Strategi Produksi Acara Halo Dokter Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Program Di TVRI
Production Strategy for Hello Doctor in Improving the Quality of Programs on TVRI
Introduction: Mass communication is the process of communication conducted through mass media. The Halo Dokter program is centered around health for children, teenagers, and adults. This program discusses healthy lifestyles, health information, emergency management of diseases, recognizing disease symptoms, and treatment.
Methods: This research is a qua[...] Read More
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Dalam Membangun Kepercayaan Konsumen
Marketing Communication Strategy through Instagram Social Media in Building Consumer Trust
Introduction: This study aims to find out the marketing communication strategy carried out by the GRASS Indonesia brand through Instagram to build consumer trust
Methods: Researchers used a descriptive study qualitative approach to find out about GRASS Indonesia's strategy for building brand trust. Type and technique data collection are primary data obt[...] Read More
Strategi Komunikasi Organisasi Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Di PT Tirta Investama (DC Kawasan)
Organizational Communication Strategy in Improving Work Motivation at PT Tirta Investama (DC Kawasan)
Introduction: PT Tirta Investama (DC Kawasan) is a large company known for its first bottled drinking water (AMDK) product in Indonesia, namely Aqua. So this company must have good quality to provide the best service to customers and employees. The purpose of this study is to determine organizational communication strategies in increasing work motivation at PT Tirta Investama ([...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Barang Medik Dan Non Medik Dengan Mengguakan Aplikasi SIMRS Di Rumah Sakit Grha Permata Ibu Depok Tahun 2022
Description of Medical and Non-Medic Goods Procurement Information System Using the SIMRS Application at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital, Depok in 2022
Introduction: The procurement information system namely a series of activities that cover all warehouse parties, can present information about the goods to be ordered, the remaining goods in the warehouse, and the number of requests for goods for each room correctly and quickly in the hospital.8 Integrated SIMRS is a collection of sub-systems that are interconnected [...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Komunikasi, Ketersediaan Fasilitas, Dan Kompetensi Pekerja Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Di Puskesmas Rabambang Kecamatan Rungan Barat Tahun 2021
The Relationship between Communication Patterns, Availability of Facilities, and Worker Competence on Service Quality at the Rabambang Health Center in West Rungan District in 2021
Introduction: This study aims to determine the relationship between communication patterns, availability of facilities, and worker competence in service quality at the Rabambang Public Health Center in Rungan Barat District in 2021.
Methods: The research design used was descriptive analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study w[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Peran Keluarga Dan Kepemilikan Jaminan Kesehatan Dengan Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan Pada Ibu Hamil Di Desa Batuhideung Kecamatan Cimanggu Pandeglang Banten Tahun 2022
Relationship Between Knowledge, Family Role, and Ownership of Health Insurance with the Selection of Birth Assistance for Pregnant Women in Batuhideung Village, Cimanggu Pandeglang District, Banten in 2022
Introduction: The selection of birth attendants is one of the reproductive rights of individuals in determining where to give birth and who will assist in childbirth. Many factors influence the selection of birth attendants, including maternal knowledge, family roles, and BPJS card ownership. In the Cimanggu Health Center in 2021 48,7% of mothers were assisted by midwives, whil[...] Read More
Analisis Keikutsertaan Wanita Usia Subur Dalam Upaya Deteksi Kanker Serviks Di Puskesmas Binong Kabupaten Tangerang Tahun 2022
Analysis of the Participation of Women of Reproductive Age in the Efforts to Detect Cervical Cancer at the Binong Health Center, Tangerang Regency
Introduction: Cervical cancer is the fourth type of cancer that most often affects women. One of the prevention efforts is by using the IVA test method. The results of a preliminary study at the Binong Health Center, Tangerang Regency, only 29 women took the IVA Test, and 5 of them were detected positive. The purpose of writing was to analyze the participation of women of child[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Pada Pekerja Cleaning Service Terhadap Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Medis Di Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2022
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Cleaning Service Workers to Management of Medical Solid Waste in Hospital X in 2022
Introduction: Management of hospital medical waste is very important because medical waste has various risks to the health of everyone, including hospital employees, patients, and the public. The management of infectious solid waste at Hospital X in Depok City is carried out by the cleaning service team for the sorting and collection stages at the service unit. Knowing the rela[...] Read More
Gambaran Prosedur Identifikasi Berkas Pasien BPJS Kesehatan Di Tempat Pendaftaran Rawat Jalan
Overview of Procedures for Identification of BPJS Health Patient Files at Outpatient Registration Sites
Introduction: There are 2 registration officers, and the average number of out-patient visits every day is 50 patients. There are old patients who claim to be new patients, when a large number of patients come in, they experience errors on the computer and printer, the patient does not bring an ID card (KTP) and KIB (Treatment Identity Card) causing queues. Queues result in a l[...] Read More
Komunikasi Virtual Pidato Kebangsaan “Indonesia Menang” Prabowo Subianto di Youtube
Virtual Communication of National Speech "Indonesia Menang" by Prabowo Subianto on YouTube
Introduction: Virtual communication is an attempt to express opinions, feelings, and information to others, intending to be understood and receive feedback. The purpose of this study is to effectively search for and utilize information about Prabowo Subianto's speech on virtual communication, shaping his political image via YouTube, in alignment with the Basic Education Program[...] Read More
Pengaruh Delay Cord Clamping Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Bayi Baru Lahir Di PMB Diah Rosita Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2022
The Effect of Delay Cord Clamping on Hemoglobin Levels of New Born Babies in PMB Diah Rosita, Bogor Regency in 2022
Introduction: Delay Cord Clamping can increase iron storage at birth so as to prevent iron deficiency anemia and can provide an additional 80-100 ml of blood in newborns. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Delay Cord Clamping on the hemoglobin level of newborns in PMB Diah Rosita, Bogor Regency in 2022
Methods: This research is quan[...] Read More
Hubungan IMD, Pemberian ASI, Dan Mobilisasi Dini Dengan Penurunan TFU Hari Ke-7
The Relationship Between IMD, Breastfeeding, and Early Mobilization with Decreased TFU Day 7
Introduction: Uterine involution is the process of the uterus returning to its pre-pregnancy state, starting after the placenta is born and lasting for about 6 weeks. The process of uterine involution is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the uterine fundus (TFU). To find out the process of uterine involution by doing a palpation examination to feel where the TFU is. Ma[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Zat Besi (Fe) Pada Ibu Nifas
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes and Family Support to Compliance Behavior of Consuming Iron (Fe) Tablets in Postpartum Mothers
Introduction: The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is still quite high, namely 359 deaths per 100,000 live births, according to the 2018 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS). The most common reason for maternal death during the post-pregnancy period is fatigue after 28% of pregnancy; 24% eclampsia; 11% illness; 9% lack of energy after delivery; 5% premature termination; 5% [...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Pelayanan Hemodialisa Pada Pasien Umum dan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Rumah Sakit Grha Permata Ibu
Description of the Hemodialysis Service System for General Patients and National Health Insurance at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital
Introduction: Hemodialysis services have the availability of facilities and infrastructure, Human Resources (HR), tools, machines, dialysate fluids, and medicines that are not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. Many patients have not received Hemodialysis (HD) services twice a week.
Methods: This type of research uses a qualitative research method [...] Read More
Hubungan Perilaku Pencegahan, Lingkungan Fisik, Dan Sikap Ibu Rumah Tangga Mengenai DBD Terhadap Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kelurahan Cibubur Kecamatan Ciracas Tahun 2022
The Relationship between Preventive Behavior, Physical Environment, and Attitudes of Housewives Regarding DHF Against Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Cibubur Village, Ciracas District in 2022
Introduction: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is the biggest problem in Indonesia. In DKI Jakarta there were 95,893 cases. In DKI Jakarta Province in 2020, there were 4,227 cases. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between preventive behavior, physical environment, and attitudes of housewives regarding DHF towards the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever in [...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Tingkat Kemandirian Personal Hygiene Pada Anak Usia Pra-sekolah Di TK Langkah Sanak Maju Desa Gunung Terang, Oku Timur Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2022
Correlation Between Parenting Style and Personal Hygiene Independence Level in Preschool-Aged Children in Steps of Relatives Kindergarten, Gunung Terang Village, East Oku South Sumatra in 2022
Introduction: Parenting is a way for parents to raise children to carry out personal hygiene independently both physically, mentally, and socially. Children who are independent in personal hygiene can improve the degree of health and hygiene in preschool-aged children. The health impact on pre-school-age children as a result of the inability to maintain indepe[...] Read More
Kepatuhan Penerapan 5M Siswa/I Dan Guru Dengan Pendekatan Health Belief Model Di SMK Salafiyah Syafi’iyyah Depok Tahun 2022
Compliance with the Implementation of 5M Students and Teachers with the Health Belief Model Approach at SMK Salafiyah Syafi'iyyah Depok in 2022
Introduction: 5M compliance is very important for students and teachers when face-to-face learning takes place during a pandemic.
Methods: Using a Qualitative Descriptive Study.
Results: Compliance with the Implementation of the 5M Health Protocol Policy with the Health Belief Model approach at Salafiyah Sayafi'iyyah Vocational Sc[...] Read More
Gambaran Penyimpanan Dan Pendistribusian Sediaan Farmasi Di Gudang Logistik Medis Rumah Sakit TK IV Cijantung Kesdam Jaya Tahun 2022
Overview of Storage And Distribution of Pharmaceutical Preparations in the Medical Logistics Warehouse TK IV Cijantung Hospital, Kesdam Jaya in 2022
Introduction: Pharmaceutical logistics management is a management field whose task is specifically to take care of the logistics of pharmaceutical preparations and medical equipment in the health service. Storage and distribution of pharmaceutical preparations is a very important stage in the pharmaceutical logistics management cycle because the storage and distribution of phar[...] Read More
Hubungan Sanitasi Tempat, Pemeliharaan Peralatan, Dan Hygiene Operator Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang Dengan Kualitas Bakteriologis (Escherichia Coli) Di Kecamatan Cempaka Putih Tahun 2021
The Relationship Between Sanitation Place, Equipment Maintenance, and Operator Hygiene Refilled Drinking Water Depot with Bacteriological Quality (Escherichia Coli) in Cemaka Putih Sub-District in 2021
Introduction: This study aims to determine the relationship between Sanitation of Places, Maintenance of Equipment, and Hygiene of Refill Drinking Water Depot Operators on bacteriological quality (Escherichia Coli) in Cempaka Putih District in 2021.
Methods: This type of research is quantitative research with the analytic observational method with a cro[...] Read More
Gambaran Pengelolaan Logistik Umum Di Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2022
(Overview of General Logistics Management at X Hospital in 2022
Introduction: Non-medical logistics as a supporting tool in perfecting and completing services at the hospital that is beneficial to patients and hospital employees. Non-medical logistics provides goods/materials needed in the right quantity, quality, and time. Hospital Logistics has functions that are summarized in the logistics cycle which includes planning, procurement, stor[...] Read More
Gambaran Administrasi Pelayanan Pendaftaran Pasien Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Jakarta Tahun 2021
An overview of the administration of outpatient registration services at the Jakarta General Hospital in 2021
Introduction: In the outpatient registration service at Tarakan Regional General Hospital Jakarta, there are still problems, namely errors in entering patient data and patients using BPJS inactive.
Methods: The purpose of this study was to find out the description of the administration of outpatient registration services at the Tarakan Regional General H[...] Read More
Gambaran Pengelolaan Logistik Non Medis Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo Tahun 2022
Description of Non-Medical Logistics Management at Pasar Rebo Regional General Hospital in 2022
Introduction: Logistics management is a collection of planning, procuring, and supervising all activities of recording, distributing, storing, maintaining, and deleting, aiming to support organizational goals more effectively, and efficiently. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the planning and procurement of non-medical logistics goods at the Pasar [...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Kognitif: Relaksasi Napas Dalam Terhadap Tingkat Stress Dalam Menjalani Skripsi Pada Mahasiswa Ekstensi Kelas 2B Di UIMA Tahun 2022
Effects of Cognitive Therapy: Deep Breathing Relaxation Against Stress Levels Undergoing a Thesis for Class 2B Extension Students at UIMA in 2022
Introduction: One of the requirements for finishing a bachelor’s degree is writing a thesis which often makes the students stressed. The level of stress varies from normal to moderate. One of the techniques to handle stress is cognitive therapy; deep breathing relaxation. This study aims to find out the difference in the stress level before and after cognitive therapy; deep bre[...] Read More
Hubungan Vulva Hygiene, Budaya Dan Asupan Protein Dengan Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Pada Masa Nifas Di BPM Bidan Dwi Ngarti Dan BPM Bidan Ernawati Kota Depok Tahun 2022
(Relationship between Vulva Hygiene, Culture, and Protein Intake with Perineal Wound Healing in the Postpartum Period at BPM Midwife Dwi Ngarti and BPM Midwife Ernawati Depok City in 2022
Introduction: The majority of the labor that occurs is a normal type of labor through the vagina. The removal of the baby's entire body through the vagina during the normal delivery process causes the tearing of the birth canal. Perineal tearing occurs in almost all the first childbirth and not infrequently also in subsequent labor. The incidence of perineal rupture in Indonesi[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Dukungan Suami Dengan Pemilihan KB IUD Pasca Persalinan DI RSUD Budhi Asih Jakarta Tahun 2022
The Relationship Between Knowledge, Attitudes and Husband's Support with Selection of Postpartum IUD Contraception in Budhi Asih Jakarta Hospital in 2022
Introduction: Postpartum family planning services are still low, even though they have high effectiveness. This can be seen in the City of East Jakarta, only 6.81%. Budhi Asih Hospital, Jakarta, in 2021 from 820 births, post-delivery IUD users were found to be 564 people with an average of 31 to 32 people per month. There are several factors that do not support the use of the I[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Riwayat Penyakit Terhadap Penggunaan Metode Kontrasepsi KB Suntik 3 Bulan Di PMB Ny. I Desa Neglasari Kecamatan Cikalong Kabupaten Cianjur Tahun 2022
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Medical History to the Use of the 3-Month Injectable Contraceptive Method at PMB Ny. I Desa Neglasari Village, Cikalong District, Cianjur Regency in 2022
Introduction: The number of people of childbearing age continues to increase from year to year, according to the results of the 2020 Population Census. In 1971, the proportion of the population in the productive age group was 53.39 percent of the total population and will increase to 70.72 percent in 2020. rapidly raises complex problems. The purpose of this study was to determ[...] Read More
Perbandingan Pengaruh Senam Yoga Dan Senam Hamil Terhadap Lama Kala I Persalinan Di Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten Tahun 2022
Comparison of the Effect of Yoga Exercises and Pregnancy Exercise on the Length of the First Stage of Childbirth at the Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten in 2022
Introduction: Long labor as one of the causes of maternal death also tends to be quite high. Cimanggu Health Center 2021 found 1 case of maternal death caused by bleeding the cause, namely due to prolonged labor. Various efforts have been made to reduce the number of long labors, one of which is by doing yoga and pregnancy exercises. The purpose of the study was to compare the [...] Read More
Gambaran Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Peserta BPJS Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Kiarapandak Tahun 2021
An Overview of the Use of Health Services for BPJS Kesehatan Participants at the Kiarapandak Health Center in 2021
Introduction: Good health services are a necessity for the community and are often a benchmark in the success of the development. Therefore, the government makes a program that can improve overall health services. The program created by the Government of Indonesia is the implementation of the Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) program organized by Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosi[...] Read More
Gambaran Penerapan Sistem Antrian Pasien JKN Di Loket Pendaftaran BPJS Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Prikasih Tahun 2021
Overview of the Implementation of the JKN Patient Queuing System at the BPJS Outpatient Registration Counter at Prikasih Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Queue is a condition where customers wait to get service. The queuing process also occurs at the BPJS outpatient registration service at Prikasih Hospital. Based on report data from Prikasih Hospital, BPJS patient visits in outpatient services in 2020 was 63,711 patients. The number of outpatient JKN patient visits continues to increase until November 2021 which i[...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Pengelolaan Logistik Barang Non Medis Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of the Logistics Management System for Non-Medical Goods at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, Jakarta, in 2021
Introduction: Logistics management is carried out with the aim that general logistics is controlled by security so that it is easy to access logistics activities.
Methods: The type of research used in this research is research using a qualitative approach. The data was used in the form of primary data obtained by using in-depth interviews and secondary d[...] Read More
Mengidentifikasi Faktor Gizi Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Kecamantan Cimanggis Kota Depok Tahun 2021
(Identifying Nutritional Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Cimanggis District, Depok City in 2021
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is the second-largest degenerative disease in Indonesia which is influenced by several factors such as obesity, low physical activity, and poor diet.
Methods: This study aimed to identify nutritional factors in 77 types 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Depok by using a cross-sectional descriptive research design. This study[...] Read More
Pengaruh Edukasi Kesehatan Tentang Inovasi Biduran (Bidan Dan Dukun Kemitraan) Terhadap Minat Ibu Bersalin Ke Fasilitas Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten Tahun 2022
The Effect of Health Education on Biduran Innovations (Midwives and Partnership Shamans) on the Interests of Mothers Giving Birth to Health Facilities at the Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten in 2022
Introduction: Maternal mortality is closely related to birth attendants, in some areas, the presence of traditional birth attendants as confidants in assisting childbirth. The Cimanggu Health Center in Pandeglang Regency 2017 has been doing Biduran innovation. One of the efforts to increase the interest of pregnant women to give birth in health facilities is by providing health[...] Read More
Efektivitas Pemberian Metode Pijat Oksitosin Dan Pijat Akupresur Terhadap Lama Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif
The Effectiveness of Oxytocin Massage Methods and Acupressure Massage Methods for Active Phase I Labor Period
Introduction: In Banten, in 2019 the cause of maternal death was recorded at 22,5% caused by other causes, one of which was due to prolonged labor, as well as Cimanggu Health Center in 2021 found 1 case of maternal death caused by bleeding the cause was due to prolonged parturition. One way to speed up the progress of labor is by giving oxytocin massage and acupressure massage.[...] Read More
Gambaran Penyimpanan Logistik Farmasi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of Pharmaceutical Logistics Storage at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, Jakarta in 2021
Introduction: Storage is an activity to maintain and store drugs with the aim of maintaining the quality and availability of pharmaceuticals, avoiding irresponsible use, and facilitating search and control.
Methods: This study uses a qualitative method with the approach used is a cross-sectional conducted in November 2021 with 3 informants from the pharm[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Konsumsi Tablet FE Dan Status Gizi Dalam Penanganan Anemia Pada Remaja Putri Di Desa Nania Kota Ambon Tahun 2022
Correlation between Knowledge, FE Tablet Consumption and Nutritional Status in Handling Anemia in Young Girls in Nania Village, Ambon City in 2022
Introduction: Anemia is a condition where the level of hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood is lower than the normal number. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) In 2020 the prevalence of Anemia in adolescents in the world ranges from 40-80%, while in Indonesia itself it is 39,1%, Based on data from all these age groups, women have the highest prevalence of Anemia, includin[...] Read More
Hubungan Kelelahan Kerja Dengan Stress Kerja Pada Perawat Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Kartika Pulomas Jakarta Tahun 2021
The Relationship between Work Fatigue and Work Stress in Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Inpatient Room of Kartika Pulomas Hospital Jakarta in 2021
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic can result in work fatigue and work stress for nurses at the frontline, this of course can affect a decrease in concentration, ability, and effectiveness of work services to decrease which has an impact on hampering hospital services
Methods: This study aims to determine the relationship between work fatigue and work s[...] Read More
Pengaruh Self Awareness Dalam Program Care Terhadap Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Di Proyek Apartemen Sakura Garden City Phase 1a 2021
The Effect of Self-Awareness in Care Programs on Occupational Health and Safety in the Sakura Garden City Apartment Project Phase 1a in 2021
Introduction: Health, safety, and the environment is an integral part of the workforce and human resources system.
Methods: This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. There were 2 informants in this study, namely the HSE manager and the field implementer.
Results: The results of the research based on expe[...] Read More
Hubungan Konsep Diri Dengan Tingkat Stress Dalam Menyusun Skripsi Pada Mahasiswa Ekstensi Kelas IIIB Di Universitas Indonesia Maju Tahun 2022
Relationship of Self-Concept with Stress Level in Completing Thesis in Class IIIB Extension Students at the University of Indonesia Maju in 2022
Introduction: Based on the data from PDDikti Director General of Education, it is known that the number of students currently reaches 9,188,703 students from 38,896 study programs in various majors and comes from 4,552 tertiary institutions throughout Indonesia. A thesis can be an obstacle in completing studies if students in their lives do not have high enthusiasm and play an [...] Read More
Efektivitas Parem Kunyit Pada Payudara Ibu Menyusui Terhadap Kelancaran Produksi ASI Di PMB L Kota Tangerang Tahun 2022
The Effectiveness of Parem Turmeric on the Breasts of Breastfeeding Mothers for Smooth Milk Production at PMB L Tangerang City in 2022
Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding that is still low can cause babies. Puskesmas Sangiang Tangerang City exclusive breastfeeding coverage in 2020 was 71,6%, meanwhile, in 2021 it decreased to 64,6%. One way to increase breast milk production is by using traditional medicine by giving turmeric parem while doing breast care with the ingredients in it, including rice, kencur, f[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil, Gaya Hidup, Dan Pola Nutrisi Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Picung Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2022
The Relationship between Knowledge of Pregnant Women, Lifestyle, and Nutritional Patterns that Affect the Occurrence of Anemia in Pregnant Women in the Work Area of Picung Health Center Pandeglang Regency in 2022
Introduction: The incidence of anemia in pregnant women continues to increase every year, from the results of research at the Picung District Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, the authors found several causal factors including knowledge of pregnant women, lifestyle, and nutritional patterns that are not balanced, so that this results in the incidence of anemia in pregnant wome[...] Read More
Hubungan Persepsi Ibu, Dukungan Keluarga Dan Keterjangkauan Tempat Pelayanan Imunisasi Dengan Kelengkapan Imuniasi Dasar Pada Bayi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cadasari Pandeglang Tahun 2022
Relationship between Mother's Perception, Family Support and Affordability of Immunization Service Places with Basic Immunization Equipment for Babies in Work Areas Cadasari Pandeglang Health Center in 2022
Introduction: Immunization is giving immunity to infants and children against various diseases so that infants and children grow in healthy conditions. Data on basic immunization coverage at the Cadasari Health Center in the last 3 years has decreased and has not reached the national target of 90%. In 2019, it only reached 85,93%, in 2020 it decreased to 75,15% and in 2021 it d[...] Read More
Quick Blood Berhubungan Dengan Tercapainya Nilai Adekuasi Dialisis KT/V Pada Pasien Hemodialisa
Quick Blood Associated with Achieving KT/V Dialysis Adequacy Values in Hemodialysis Patients
Introduction: Adequate hemodialysis is the standard recommended dose to obtain adequate results in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis. One of them is the kinetic urea KT/V formula. There are several that have the most influence on this KT/V value, one of which is the speed of the blood pump or Quick Blood (QB).
Methods: Th[...] Read More
Hubungan Sikap, Jarak Tempuh, Dan Dukungan Keluarga Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester 3 Terhadap Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Untuk ANC Tahun 2022
Correlation between Attitude, Mileage, and Family Support in Trimester 3 Pregnant Women to Compliance of Pregnant Women for ANC in 2022
Introduction: ANC compliance is the obedience to visit health care facilities by pregnant women according to the advice of health workers. The consequences and impacts that might occur if you don't go on a pregnancy visit are that the mother can't find out about fetal development, increases MMR and IMR, and doesn't know what precautions to take if complications occur in pregnan[...] Read More
Perbandingan Pemberian Aromaterapi Lavender Dan Lemon Terhadap Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Pada Ibu Bersalin Di Wilayah Puskesmas Cimanggu Pandeglang Banten Tahun 2022
Comparison of Giving Lavender and Lemon Aromatherapy to Pain in the First Stage of Labor for Mothers in the Cimanggu Pandeglang Health Center, Banten, 2022
Introduction: Pain during labor is unique and different for each individual, this is because the pain is influenced by fear or anxiety about childbirth. Excessive and prolonged labor pain will cause anxiety and psychological pressure, and it can affect the physical condition of the birthing mother, such as increased blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart rate. There are ma[...] Read More
Hubungan Pembelajaran Daring Dengan Kejadian Kelainan Refraksi Pada Anak Sekolah Di Poliklinik Mata Rumah Sakit Prikasih
The Relationship Between Online Learning and the Incidence of Refractive Disorders in School Children at the Prikasih Hospital Eye Polyclinic
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to determine “The Relationship between Online Learning and The Incidence of Refractive Errors in School Children at the Eye Polyclinic in Prikasih Hospital. The type of research is quantitative. The population of this research is children who study using learning online methods. The sampling was selected using purposive a sampling tech[...] Read More
Pengaruh Senam Nifas Terhadap Tinggi Fundus Uteri Pada Ibu Nifas Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten Tahun 2022
The Effect of Postpartum Exercise on Uterine Fundal Height in Postpartum Mothers in the Work Area of the Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten in 2022
Introduction: The puerperium undergoes physiological changes, including the uterine system undergoing a process of shrinking (involution). Postpartum exercise is one of the efforts to help accelerate uterine involution. The results of a preliminary study at Cimanggu Public Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten to 10 postpartum mothers, found 6 of them with TFU exceeding the[...] Read More
Teknik Genggam Jari Dan Stress Ball Dapat Menurunkan Kecemasan Pada Pasien Sectio Caesarea Di Rumah Sakit Bina Husada Tahun 2021
Finger Holding Techniques and Stress Balls Can Reduce Anxiety in Cesarean Section Patients at Bina Husada Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Anxiety was the highest symptom that occurred during preoperative Cesarean Section (SC). The mother's anxiety during preoperative Sectio Caesarea was caused by fear of foreign actions to be performed, wound pain after surgery, injections, and risk of loss of life as a result of surgery and anesthesia, also including the risk of death or disability. The impact of a[...] Read More
Besaran Promosi Dan Aksebilitas, Terhadap Peningkatan Jumlah Kepesertaan BPJS Di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pratama
Amount of Promotion and Accessibility, Towards Increasing Number of BPJS Membership in Primary Level Health Facilities
Introduction: Efforts to improve public health status are tangible evidence that the government has launched the National Health Insurance (JKN) program. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of promotion and accessibility, to the increase in the number of BPJS members in the First Level Health Facilities at the Fakhira Clinic.
Methods: T[...] Read More
Analisis Kesesuaian Penerapan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 66 Tahun 2016 Tentang Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit Pada Rumah Sakit Anonim Tahun 2021
Analysis of the Conformity of the Implementation of Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 66 of 2016 Concerning Hospital Occupational Safety and Health in Anonymous Hospitals in 2021
Introduction: Jakarta Heart Hospital is a hospital that provides heart services, has 8 floors, and has implemented a good occupational safety and health management system in hospitals in accordance with Minister of Health regulation number 66 of 2016 concerning occupational safety and health in hospitals. Research purpose for whether the hospital already has suitability related[...] Read More
Determinan Stress Kerja Di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Pekerja Maintenance Anonim Tahun 2021
Determinants of Work Stress in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Anonymous Maintenance Workers in 2021
Introduction: In this research is located on an anonym project in south Jakarta company is engaged in the repair and installation of escalators and elevators and has 30 employees working. the researcher aims to analyze the determinants of work stress in the maintenance section of the anonym project. Job stress is a mental disorder experienced by a person due to pressure. This p[...] Read More
Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir, Panjang Badan Dan ASI Eksklusif Dengan Masalah Stunting Pada Balita Usia 24-59 Bulan Di PMB Bidan S
The Relationship Between Birth Weight, Length and Exclusive Breastfeeding with Stunting Problems in Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months at PMB Midwife S
Introduction: Stunting One of the nutritional problems faced by Indonesia is stunting. Stunting is very important because it will affect human resources in the future. Many factors cause stunting in toddlers. one of the factors that influence them is birth weight, length, and exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to determine the relationship between birth weight, birth leng[...] Read More
Faktor Risiko Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di Klinik Utama Anny Rahardjo Jakarta Timur
Risk Factors for Anemia in Pregnant Women at Anny Rahardjo Main Clinic East Jakarta
Introduction: Anemia is a condition where there is a decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and erythrocyte counts below normal values. The prevalence of anemia in DKI Jakarta Province is 43.5%. The incidence of anemia is caused by low awareness of consuming iron tablets, and a lack of nutritious food intake. Iron supplementation is an effective way because the iron content is com[...] Read More
Beban Kerja Perawat Berhubungan Dengan Kepatuhan Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Di IGD RSUD Kota Bogor Tahun 2022
Nurse Workload Related to Compliance with Nursing Care Documentation in the Bogor City Hospital Emergency Room in 2022
Introduction: Based on the data obtained from January to May 2022 in the Bogor City Hospital Emergency Room, it was found that the documentation of nursing care was not optimal. 7 Emergency Room nurses said that the workload of nurses was quite heavy with countless patient visits with various criteria. Incomplete documentation of nursing care will lead to a dec[...] Read More
Perbedaan Pemberian Susu Kedelai Dan Sari Kacang Hijau Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Menyusui Di Puskesmas Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten
Differences in Giving Soy Milk and Mung Bean Extract to Increasing Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers at the Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten
Introduction: Cimanggu Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, exclusive breastfeeding coverage in 2021 is 56%, thus this achievement is still below the target, which is less than 80%. There are several reasons for the low level of exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is the mother feels that her milk is not sufficient for the baby's needs. If the baby is not given exclusiv[...] Read More
Hubungan Kualitas Layanan Dan Citra Rumah Sakit Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien BPJS Rawat Jalan RSUD Budhi Asih Tahun 2022
The Relationship Between Service Quality and Hospital Image on Patient Satisfaction Outpatient BPJS Budhi Asih Hospital in 2022
Introduction: According to the survey on the satisfaction of respondents and health organizations that have been carried out by the BPJS, Myriad Research Committed in 2018 with a total of 17,280 public respondents, 81% said they are satisfied with BPJS outpatient health services. It's still below the government's target for public satisfaction, which is 95%. This suggests the s[...] Read More
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sarana Prasarana Dan Peran Guru Terhadap Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Di SDN Mekarjaya 7 Depok Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Knowledge Level, Infrastructure and Teachers' Role on Clean and Healthy Behavior in Public Elementary Schools Mekarjaya 7 in Depok in 2021
Introduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus which began in 2020 entered the country of Indonesia, making the government of Indonesia, especially the education sector, take steps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, namely setting health priorities by learning from home. Based on the development of the 2021 outbreak case, referring to the implementation of learning [...] Read More
Gambaran Sistem Pengelolaan Rekam Medis Di Rumah Sakit Tahun 2022
Overview of the Medical Record Management System in Hospitals in 2022
Introduction: Medical records are those that contain information about identity, history taking, physical laboratory patient services, diagnoses, and all medical actions given to and treatment of both inpatients, outpatients, and those receiving emergency services. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of the medical record management system in hospitals.
Read MoreHubungan Sikap, Tingkat Pendidikan, Dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Kepatuhan Masyarakat Dalam Menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan COVID-19 Di RW 06 Kelurahan Tanjung Barat Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2020
Relationship between Attitude, Education Level, and Family Support to Community Compliance Behavior in Implementing the COVID-19 Health Protocol in RW 06 Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta in 2020
Introduction: Community compliance in implementing the COVID-19 health protocol is currently still relatively low, so it has an impact on increasing and spreading. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between attitudes, education level, and family support on community compliance behavior in implementing the COVID-19 health protocol in the RW 06 area in 20[...] Read More
Hubungan Respon Time Petugas Ambulans Gawat Darurat dengan Keberhasilan Penanganan Pasien Cardiac Arrest
Correlation between Response Time of Emergency Ambulance Officers and Successful Management of Cardiac Arrest Patients
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO) states that heart attack is still the number one killer of humans in developed and developing countries killing 60 percent of all deaths. Signs of cardiac arrest, namely there is no reaction from the patient, there is stopping breathing or shortness of breath, and no vibrations are felt within 5 seconds. One indicat[...] Read More
Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif, Status Gizi Dan Personal Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia 1-5 Tahun
Relationship Between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutritional Status and Personal Hygiene with The Incidence of Diarrhea in Children Aged 1-5 Years
Introduction: Diarrhea is a condition in which individuals defecate with a liquid consistency for more than 3 days. Diarrhea disease is still a major problem in the world with high morbidity and mortality rates in many countries. The digestive system can become infected with different bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can cause diarrhea. Some complications caused by diarr[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Frekuensi Minum Teh, Siklus Dan Lama ?Menstruasi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Remaja Putri Kelas 7 Di Mtsn 2 Pandeglang Tahun 2022?
Relationship Between Frequency of Drinking Tea, Menstrual Cycles, and Length with Anemia Incidence of Grade 7 Young Girls at Mtsn 2 Pandeglang in 2022
Introduction: Observations made at MTSN 2 Pandeglang as many as 15-20 young women consume tea every day in the form of cold and hot drinks. All types of packaged teas and teabags contain tannins derived from tea extracts that can inhibit the absorption of iron nutrients. If drinking tea occurs continuously, it is certainly not good for the health of young women, especially sinc[...] Read More
Hubungan Sikap, Sarana Prasarana Dan Peran Petugas Kesehatan Dengan Perilaku Pemanfaatan Klinik Sanitasi Pasien Puskesmas Cisarua Bogor Tahun 2021
Correlation between Attitudes, Infrastructure, and the Role of Health Workers with the Behavior of Utilizing Patient Sanitation Clinics at the Cisarua Bogor Health Center in 2021
Introduction: The utilization of sanitation clinic behavior is still low due to the lack of patient response to the sanitation clinic, the lack of a role for health workers, and the absence of a special room. So that the sanitation clinic program cannot run as expected.
Methods: Quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. The research sample w[...] Read More
Pengaruh Konseling KB Terhadap Pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi Pada Ibu Nifas Di BLUD UPT Puskesmas Kaduhejo Tahun 2022
The Effect of Family Planning Counseling on the Selection of Contraceptive Devices for Postpartum Mothers at the UPT Health Center Kaduhejo BLUD in 2022
Introduction: As technology and science development, the world's population also grows seven times. Indonesia is ranked 4th with the largest population in the world. One of the government's efforts to suppress the rate of population growth in Indonesia is the Family Planning Program (KB). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of counseling on the selection of co[...] Read More
Hubungan Paritas, Pengetahuan, Dan Jarak Ke Fasilitas Kesehatan Terhadap Rendahnya Kunjungan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan (ANC) K4 Di PMB Siti Mulyanti Tahun 2022
The Correlation between Parity, Knowledge, and Distance to Health Facilities to Low K4 Pregnancy Examination Visits (ANC) at PMB Siti Mulyanti in 2022
Introduction: WHO 2019 MMR 830 per 100,000 live births. The maternal mortality rate in developing countries is 20 times higher than the maternal mortality rate in developed countries, namely 239 per 100,000 live births, while in developed countries it is only 12 per 100,000 live births. One of the efforts to suppress AKI is to carry out regular ANC visits. Lack of irregular ANC[...] Read More
Gambaran Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat Jakarta Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Tahun 2021
An Overview of the Implementation of Inpatient Services at the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021
Introduction: The pandemic situation, which is still unstable to date, has raised new questions about the ability of health services to carry out services to COVID-19 patients. This study aimed to be able to know validly about the real implementation of inpatient services at Jakarta Drug Dependency Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Methods: This stu[...] Read More
Komunikasi dan Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat: Cyber Bullying Sebagai Fenomena Hukum Adat di Abad Teknologi
Communication and Social Life of Society: Cyber Bullying as a Customary Law Phenomenon in the Age of Technology
Introduction: With the increasing number of cases of cyber-bullying in various regions in Indonesia, it is time for communication and psychology experts to join forces to understand this phenomenon in depth. Three examples of cases that occurred include the cases of Prita Mulyasari, Florence Sihombing, and the Bekasi city meme. This research looks at the effects or impacts of c[...] Read More
Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh, Kadar Hemoglobin Dan Stress Psikologis Dengan Siklus Menstruasi Siswi Kelas XII Tahun 2022
Relationship between Body Mass Index, Hemoglobin Levels and Psychological Stress with Menstrual Cycle for Class XII Students in 2022
Introduction: Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine wall accompanied by bleeding and occurs every month except during pregnancy. Body mass index, hemoglobin levels, and psychological stress are one of the factors that can affect the menstrual cycle of adolescent girls. This study aims to determine the relationship between body mass index, hemoglobin levels, and psychologi[...] Read More
Analisis Kebijakan Tatakelola Rekam Medis Pada Instalasi Rawat Jalan
Policy Analysis of Medical Record Management in Outpatient Installation
Introduction: The organization of medical records in a health institution, both hospitals, clinics or health centers is needed as a health service facility and is an organization that must be regulated in such a way as to achieve the goals that have been set.
Methods: The research method used was a qualitative research method with data collection techniq[...] Read More
Pengaruh Kebiasaan Olahraga, Indeks Massa Tubuh (Imt) Dan Postur Kerja Terhadap Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Bagi Petugas Operasional Sudin Penanggulangan Kebakaran Dan Penyelamatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2021
The Effect of Sports Habits, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Work Posture on Complaints of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) for Operational Officers of the Central Jakarta City Administration Fire and Rescue Sub-dept. in 2021
Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders in the long term caused by physical activity involving muscle strength accompanied by excessive loading and repeated over a long period of time are called musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
Methods: This study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study is the operational o[...] Read More
Tertawa Mengurangi Ketakutan Perawat Terinfeksi Virus Corona
Laughter Reduces Nurses' Fear of Being Infected with the Corona Virus
Introduction: Health workers, especially nurses, have an important role in providing health services against the corona virus outbreak; in practice nurses have a fear of serving patients when the current pandemic occurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lough therapy on nurses to fright of being infected with the Coronavirus in the Emergency Room and Non[...] Read More
Hubungan Pelatihan, Motivasi Dan Insentif Dengan Kinerja Karyawan Kimia Farma Apotek Unit Bisnis Jaya 1 Wilayah Jakarta Selatan Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Tahun 2021
The Relationship between Training, Motivation, and Incentives with the Performance of Kimia Farma Apothecary Business Unit Jaya 1 South Jakarta Area during the 2021 COVID-19 Pandemic
Introduction: Employee performance is the ability of employees to carry out the tasks assigned by the company. Employee performance is one indicator of achieving the targets set by the company. The 2020 target that has been set by many outlets companies Kimia Farma Apothecary was not able to reach it. The purpose of this studyas to determine the relationship be[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Status Pemberian ASI Dan Status Gizi Terhadap Perkembangan Anak Usia Pra-Sekolah Di PAUD Puspita Kecamatan Cibadak Sukabumi Tahun 2021
The Effect of Parenting Patterns on Breastfeeding Status and Nutritional Status on the Development of Pre-School Age Children in PAUD Puspita, Cibadak District Sukabumi in 2021
Introduction: In World Health Organization data (2018), it was found that the prevalence of developmental deviations in children under 5 years of age in Indonesia reported by WHO in 2016 was 7,512.6 per 100,000 population (7,51%). About 5 to 10% of children are estimated to have developmental delays. Based on IDAI (2013), data on the incidence of general developmental delays ar[...] Read More
Gambaran Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of Service Quality on Outpatient Patient Satisfaction at the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Service quality is a performance indicator for health service providers such as hospitals. The Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital is the only government hospital that specializes in substance-related disorders, with the most common problem being too many patients. To describe the quality of service on outpatient satisfaction at the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital.
Read MoreFaktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Keberhasilan Pengobatan Abses Gigi
Factors Influencing the Success of Dental Abscess Treatment
Introduction: Dental abscess is a localized suppurative process, an abscess is an infection whose main picture is the formation of pus, an abscess is a collection of pus located in a pocket caused by a bacterial, parasitic, or other foreign object infection process. An abscess is a defense reaction of the body that aims to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of [...] Read More
Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah Medis Di Puskesmas Hibala Kabupaten Nias Tahun 2022
Policy Analysis of Medical Waste Management at the Hibala Health Center, Nias Regency 2022
Introduction: The Community Health Center or Puskesmas as one of the institutions that produce waste, has an obligation to maintain the environment and Public Health and has special responsibilities related to the waste generated. Medical waste produced by Health Centers, if not supported by careful planning and management, will have the potential to have an impact on society a[...] Read More
Hubungan Sikap, Dukungan Keluarga Dan Pola Asuh Terhadap Status Gizi Balita Usia 6-24 Bulan Di Puskesmas Menes
Relationship between Attitude, Family Support and Parenting Patterns on the Nutritional Status of Toddlers Age 6-24 Months at the Menes Community Health Center
Introduction: In general, the problem of under-five malnutrition is still quite high, it can be calculated on the Weight/Height indicator which describes the acute nutritional status as a result of conditions that last for a short time, such as decreased appetite due to illness, or suffering from diarrhea. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the l[...] Read More
Meningkatkan Kesembuhan Pasien TB Paru Dengan Memberikan Dukungan Keluarga Dan Meningkatkan Motivasi Kesembuhan
Improving the Healing of Pulmonary TB Patients by Providing Family Support and Increasing Healing Motivation
Introduction: Globally, Indonesia ranks third out of eight countries that contributed the largest tuberculosis cases, accounting for 442,000 cases in 2017, and it is estimated that there are 8,600-15,000 MDR/RR TB. All patients who are confirmed to have pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) must undergo a long course of treatment, namely a minimum of six months of treatment, in which the[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Persepsi Terhadap Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Dengan Upaya Vaksinasi COVID-19 Pada Remaja Di SMK N 2 Rangkasbitung Banten Tahun 2022
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts in Adolescents at SMK N 2 Rangkasbitung Banten in 2022
Introduction: COVID-19 is a respiratory infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. On March 2, 2020, Indonesia reported its first case of COVID-19. The case continues to increase in 34 provinces in Indonesia. In Indonesia, as of July 5, 2021, there were 2,284,084 confirmed cases. So far, as of August 5, 2021, the number of cases has reached 3,568,331. Banten Province ha[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keterlambatan Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks Pada Pasien Ca. Serviks
Factors Affecting Delay in Early Detection of Cervical Cancer in Patients Ca
Introduction: Cervical cancer was the second most common cancer worldwide, accounting for 15% of all cancers in women. Every woman who had sexual intercourse had a risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, early detection needs to be done immediately.
Methods: The research design used was cross-sectional. The technique used is purposive sampling with a total o[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Suami, Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Terhadap Pola Hubungan Seksual Pada Ibu Masa Premenopause Di Puskesmas Labuan Tahun 2022
Relationship of Husband's Support, Knowledge and Attitude to Patterns of Sexual Relations in Perimenopausal Mothers at Labuan Health Center in 2022
Introduction: Perimenopause is a natural cycle, but apparently not all women can accept this well. There are women who feel anxious before menopause. This is because when a woman is about to enter menopause, there are many changes in her, and women who are not ready for these changes will perceive menopause as something negative that will interfere with their lives.
Gambaran Pengelolaan Arsip Di Sub Bagian Tata Usaha BLUD Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Banjar Tahun 2021
Overview of Archive Management in the Sub-Division of Administration of the Banjar City General Hospital BLUD in 2021
Introduction: In achieving the goals of government or private organizations, it is very necessary to manage administrative activities in an orderly and orderly manner, one of the activities in the Administrative Section is archival activities. The role of archives is very important in organizational activities as a center of memory and a source of information. Similar to record[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Pasien, Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Kepatuhan Pengobatan Bagi Pasien COVID-19 Di RSDC Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2021
Relationship between Patient Knowledge, Role of Health Workers, and Family Support for Treatment Compliance for COVID-19 Patients at the Wisma Atlet Hospital Kemayoran Central Jakarta in 2021
Introduction: The spread of the COVID-19 virus is increasingly being understood. The main characteristic of COVID-19 is respiratory disease. The increasing number of cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Indonesia has made the government move quickly in its efforts to overcome it. In addition to prevention, the provision of therapy to those who have tested posit[...] Read More
Hubungan Berat Badan, Lila Dan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Terhadap Kejadian BBLR Di PMB Lina, Menteng Atas, Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Weight, Lila, and Blood Pressure in Mothers on the Incidence of BBLR in PMB Lina, Menteng Atas, South Jakarta in 2021
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), low birth weight (LBW) is defined as a birth weight of less than 2500 g regardless of gestational age. It is an important marker of maternal, fetal and nutritional health.3 Globally, it is estimated that 15% of all births are LBW, representing more than 20.5 million births a year.4 Most LBW births occur in low- and[...] Read More
Hubungan Faktor Emosi, Fasilitas, Harga, Waktu Tunggu Terhadap Kepuasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) Di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Ruswanti S.ST Kota Bogor Tahun 2022
Relationship of Emotional Factors, Facilities, Price, Waiting Time to Satisfaction of Pregnant Women in Antenatal Care (ANC) Services at Independent Practice Midwife Ruswanti S.ST Bogor City in 2022
Introduction: The level of satisfaction of pregnant women to perform Antenatal Care is influenced by the quality of service received during the visit. Quality health services will have a positive impact on patient satisfaction and positive patient satisfaction will have an impact on patient loyalty.
Methods: The purpose of this study wa[...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Relaksasi Dzikir Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Lansia Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di KP Tipar Desa Hegarmanah Tahun 2021
The Effect of Dhikr Relaxation Therapy on Anxiety Levels in the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic at KP Tipar Hegarmanah Village in 2021
Introduction: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is an infectious disease caused by a type of Corona Virus that has been found. This creates anxiety in many circles. In the United States, are aged 65 years and over, and more than 60% of May 20, 2020. For Indonesia, the age group that died the highest was the age group of > 60 years old (elderly) which is as much as 44%. An elderly person[...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Self-Compassion Pada Ansietas Saat PJJ (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh) Di SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur Tahun 2021
The Effect of Self-Compassion Therapy on Anxiety During PJJ (Distance Learning) at Bunga Persada Vocational School Cianjur in 2021
Introduction: Distance Learning Methods. In foreign terms, it is called distance learning. In various other studies also known as online learning, e-learning, and online. The enactment of Distance Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, caused some students to experience. Anxiety or anxiety is a sense of worry that arises because it feels that something unpleasant will happen. A[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Intensitas Lamanya Kerja Fisik, Kondisi Kesehatan, Dan Stress Kerja Dengan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Petugas Penanganan COVID-19 Di UPTD Puskesmas Tapos Depok Tahun 2022
Relationship Between the Intensity of Physical Work, Health Conditions and Work Stress with Work Fatigue on COVID-19 Handling Officers at UPTD Puskesmas Tapos Depok in 2022
Introduction: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and other medical personnel are working harder than usual in handling cases of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increasing number of patients affected by this virus has forced nurses to work more intensively in hospitals. The working hours which are originally only 6-8 hours become more than that time, even though there were [...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Suami, Peran Bidan Dan Sumber Informasi Terhadap Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Dalam Pemeriksaan HBsAg Di Puskesmas Cikedal Tahun 2022
The Relationship of Husband Support, the Role of the Midwife and Sources of Information on the Compliance of Pregnant Mothers in HBsAg Audit in Cikedal Puskesmas in 2022
Introduction: HBsAg examination is important to detect Hepatitis B in pregnant women, so it needs to be done during the first visit to health workers, as an effort to prevent and control the disease.
Methods: This study used an observational analytic method with a cross-sectional study design and used the chi-square test. The sampling technique was carri[...] Read More
Evaluasi Kualitas Pelayanan Pendaftaran Pasien Pengguna Kartu Prioritas (Berdasarkan Pedoman Instalasi Rekam Medis)
Evaluation of Service Quality for Patient Registration for Priority Card Users (Based on Medical Record Installation Guidelines)
Introduction: Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. This study aimed to determine the Evaluation of the Quality of Priority Card Patient Registration Services (Based on Medical Record Installation Guidelines).
Methods: The re[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Pola Makan, Tingkat Stress, Dan Usia Ibu Hamil Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Gestasional Pada Ibu Hamil Di Klinik Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah Bekasi Tahun 2022
Relationship Between Diet Patterns, Stress Level, and Age of Pregnant Mothers with the Event of Gestational Hypertension in Pregnant Mothers in Health Indah Pregnancy Clinic Bekasi in 2022
Introduction: Hypertension is the third leading cause of death after stroke and tuberculosis. The Indonesian Ministry of Health reported that the prevalence of hypertension in pregnant women in 2020 was 20,7% and in 2015 as many as 19,3% of all pregnant women in Indonesia, this shows an increase from 2015 to 2020 (Ministry of Health 2018). Based on the provinces in Indonesia, t[...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Diet Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di Puskesmas Cikalong Kulon Tahun 2021
Relationship between Family Support and Diet Compliance with Quality of Life for Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Cikalong Kulon Health Center in 2021
Introduction: Food regulation is the key to the management of Diabetes Mellitus, which at first glance looks easy but in reality, it is difficult to control your appetite. Quality of life is an individual's perception of his position in life, in the context of the culture, value system in which they are located, and their relationship to life goals, expectations, standards, and[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Budaya Dan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Alat Kontrasepsi
The Effect of Knowledge, Culture, and Husband's Support on Contraceptive Device Decision Making
Introduction: Family planning programs have a major impact on population growth, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Strengthening the use of contraceptives aims to reduce dropouts and prevent the increase in the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and the possibility of a "baby boom". The reluctance to use contraception according to the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health [...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Generalis Terhadap Penurunan Tanda Dan Gejala Klien Halusinasi Pendengaran Di Ruang Rawat Inap Elang, Perkutut, Dan Merak
The Effect of Generalist Therapy on the Decrease of Clients Signs and Symptoms Hearing Hallucinations in the Inpatient Room Eagle, Turtle, and Peacock
Introduction: The application of generalist therapy to the reduction of signs and symptoms of clients with auditory hallucinations in the inpatient room has a good impact on clients in controlling their hallucinations when they relapse.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design using a pre-posttest non-control group approach with hallucination[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Leucorrhea, Pola Seksual, Dan Personal Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini
The Relationship Between Leucorrhea, Sexual Pattern, and Personal Hygiene with Premature Rupture of Membranes
Introduction: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is a condition in which the membranes rupture before delivery. Premature rupture of membranes can cause several problems for the mother as well as for the fetus. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between vaginal discharge, sexual patterns, and Personal Hygiene with the incidence of premature rupture o[...] Read More
Pengaruh Rebusan Daun Sirsak Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Di Puskesmas Karang Tengah
Effect of Soursop Leaf Decoction on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Elderly at Karang Tengah Health Center
Introduction: The value of blood pressure with increasing age, the higher. The cause shows that the blood vessels do harden (stiff) as person ages. This is what causes the heart to pump stronger and eventually leads to hypertension in the elderly. Soursop leaves have potassium compounds that help in lowering blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect [...] Read More
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Lansia Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Desa Bojonglarang Kecamatan Cijati Kabupaten Cianjur
Relationship between Family Support and Anxiety Levels in the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bojonglarang Village, Cijati District, Cianjur Regency in 2021
Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic elderly experience anxiety levels due to fear of contracting the coronavirus, one of the factors that make the level of elderly anxiety increase is the absence of family support in the elderly. COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is a new disease caused by a virus from the Corona Virus group or a disease caused by virus infection seve[...] Read More
Hubungan Gaya Hidup Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Lansia Di Desa Gunungsari Ciranjang Tahun 2021
Relationship between Lifestyle and Hypertension in the Elderly in Gunungsari Village Ciranjang in 2021
Introduction: Hypertension has become a major problem in world health. One billion people in the world suffer from hypertension two-thirds of them are in developing countries. Middle-low income. The prevalence of hypertension will continue to increase sharply. Hypertension has resulted in deaths occurring in Southeast Asia, where a third of the population suffers from hypertens[...] Read More
Tinjauan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di RSUD X Kota Bogor Tahun 2021
Review of Solid Medical Waste Management System During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Hospital X in 2021
Introduction: Coronavirus disease 19 or often called COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2), the emergence of COVID-19 resulted in an increase in COVID-19 medical waste so that it could increase hospital obligations. Therefore, the researcher aimed to find out the solid medical waste management system duri[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Tempat Penyaluran Tinja Rumah Tangga, Jarak Sumber Air Bersih, Dan Kebiasaan Pemakaian Sabun Dengan Kejadian Diare Di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Bojongsari Kota Depok Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Household Steel Distribution Places, Distance of Clean Water Sources, and Habits of Soap Usage and the Event of Diarrhea in the Work Area of UPTD Puskesmas Bojongsari, Depok City in 2021
Introduction: Diarrhea is still a health problem. Globally, more than 1.23 million children die from pneumonia and diarrhea. The prevalence of diarrheal disease in Indonesia in 2018 was 6,8%, 7,4% in West Java, and 4,07% in Depok City.
Methods: The purpose of the study: is o determine[...] Read More
Evaluasi Penerapan Cara Produksi Pangan Yang Baik (CPPB-IRT) di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok Tahun 2021
Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Food Production (CPPB-IRT) in the Work Area of the Health Office of Depok City in 2021
Introduction: Food is one of the essential needs of humans. Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number HK. of 2012 concerning Good Food Production Methods for Home Industries is a guide for producing food properly and correctly. This study aims to evaluate the application of good food production methods so that it can be seen how mu[...] Read More
Evaluasi Sarana Proteksi Aktif Dan Pasif Kebakaran Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No 26/PRT/M2008 Di PT. Gerbang Sarana Baja Tahun 2021
Evaluation of Active and Passive Fire Protection Facilities Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No 26/PRT/M2008 at PT. Gerbang Sarana Baja in 2021
Introduction: Fire is a disaster that can happen anywhere. No workplace, building, or work environment is free from fire hazards. Fires in the workplace can have a detrimental impact on institutions, workers, and the affected environment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the fulfillment of active and passive fire protection systems in buildings.
Methods:<[...] Read More
Hubungan Beban Kerja, Stress Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit X
Relationship Between Workload, Work Stress and Work Environment with Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Hospital X
Introduction: Job satisfaction a nurse can feel her job if it is fun to do her job. Currently, a nurse’s job satisfaction is constrained by a heavy workload during the COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing stress, and a less conducive work environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between workload, work stress, and work environment with the job satisfac[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Dukungan Keluarga, Sumber Informasi Dan Dukungan Tenaga Kesehatan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) Pada Pasangan Usia Subur Di Bidan Praktek Mandiri Rizkasanah Kamillia, Am.Keb Tahun 2020
Relationship of Knowledge, Family Support, Sources of Information and Support of Health Workers on the Use of Long-Term Contraceptive Method Services (MKJP) in Couples of Childbearing Age in Independent Practice Midwives Rizkasanah Kamillia, Am. Keb in 2020
Introduction: The Long-Term Contraceptive Method (MKJP) is a method that is used for a long time, effectively with the aim of spacing births for more than 3 years. These types of methods are Intra Uterine Devices (IUD), and implants.
Methods: The use of this method is still quite low in Rizkasanah Practical Midwives for the last 3 years there has been a [...] Read More
Efektifitas Caring Perawat (Maintaining Belief) Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Pre-operasi Appendiktomi
The Effectiveness of Nurse Caring (Maintaining Belief) on Reducing Pre-Operational Anxiety Appendectomy
Introduction: Anxiety faced by patients when going to surgery includes fear of pain, fear of physical changes, and fear that the operation will fail and this anxiety can cause delaying or canceling the operation. Anxiety is an emotional response to an assessment that describes a state of worry, anxiety, fear, and restlessness accompanied by various life situations as a disease [...] Read More
Kecenderungan Turnover Intention Pada Perawat Dampak dari Beban Kerja
Tendency to Turnover Intention in Nurses’ Impact of Workload
Introduction: The turnover intention is the desire of employees to leave the company voluntarily or involuntarily caused of various factors including work roles and stress, violence in the workplace, work environment and experience, organizational system and climate, job satisfaction and fatigue, and motivation at work. The workload is one of the factors that affect the high tu[...] Read More
Gambaran Pengelolaan Linen Di Instalasi Laundry Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of Linen Management at the Laundry Installation of the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Linen management is an effort to prevent environmental impacts that can cause various diseases such as nosocomial infections for staff, patients, and hospital visitors. Linen is made from fabrics used in service facilities for pillow care, surgical gowns, towels, and others.
Meth[...] Read More
Analisis Kinerja Tim Pemadam Kebakaran Dan Penyelamatan Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Kejadian Kebakaran Di Pemadam Kebakaran Dan Penyelamatan Kota Bogor Tahun 2021
Analysis of the Performance of the Fire and Rescue Team in Efforts to Overcome Fire Incidents at the Bogor City Fire and Rescue Team in 2021
Introduction: Fire is a phenomenon that occurs when a material reaches a critical temperature and reacts chemically with oxygen to produce heat, flame, light, smoke, water vapor, carbon monoxide, or products and effects. This happened along with the development of population and industry.
Methods: Data collection methods in the form of interviews, observ[...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh, Lingkungan Dan Stimulus Terhadap Kemandirian Dalam Hand Hygiene Pada Anak Pra-Sekolah Di TK Kristen Gideon Kalabahi Tahun 2022
The Relationship of Parenting, Environment, and Stimulus to Independence in Hand Hygiene in Pre-School Children in Gideon Kalabahi Christian Kindergarten in 2022
Introduction: Independence is the ability of somebody to respond to what to do with a little help or without help from other people. Existing independence on self child age early could support them in self arrange alone like decision making, problem solution, self believe, social skills, and interpersonal intelligence. WHO considers cleanliness of hands very urgent so we set Oc[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi Dan Pengetahuan Dengan Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Diet Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Di Poliklinik Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Motivation and Knowledge with Adherence to Diet in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at the Leuwiliang Hospital Polyclinic in 2021
Introduction: Adherence to the implementation of the diabetes mellitus diet is the level of patients carrying out the treatment and behavior suggested by their doctor or by other medical teams to make arrangements for eating methods that have the aim to reduce complications of the disease, for example in the diabetes mellitus diet. This study aims to find out the relationship b[...] Read More
Gambaran Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat Pada Gudang Farmasi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of Drug Inventory Management in Pharmacy Warehouses at Tarakan Regional General Hospital in Jakarta in 2021
Introduction: Drug management is one of the most important activities carried out so that drugs can be available in the right amount, type, and time when needed. The purpose of this study was to describe the management of drug inventory in the pharmacy warehouse at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital in Jakarta.
Methods: The type of research used is a [...] Read More
Terapi Storytelling Berpengaruh Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Anak Usia Pra-Sekolah Saat Menjalani Hospitalisasi Di Rumah Sakit
Storytelling Therapy Effects on Reducing Anxiety of Pre-School Age Children While Hospitalization in Hospital
Introduction: Anxiety is the impact of hospitalization experienced by children because they face stressors in the hospital environment. Forms of anxiety that arise such as restless children, fussy children, and crying, the condition certainly requires a folded strategy so that hospitalized preschoolers can receive programmed medical or nursing measures. One strategy that can be[...] Read More
Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Disertai Musik Religi Dapat Mengurangi Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Post-Operasi Fraktur
Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques Accompanied by Religious Music Can Reduce Pain Intensity in Post-Fracture Surgery Patients
Introduction: Surgery on fracture patients will cause pain, as an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience due to tissue damage.
Methods: This type of research used a one-group pre-post test design. There is no comparison group (control) with a sample of 58 respondents. The standar[...] Read More
Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Terhadap COVID-19 Dengan Risiko Burnout Syndrome Pada Perawat
The Relationship between the Level of Anxiety on COVID-19 and the Risk of Burnout Syndrome in Nurses
Introduction: COVID-19 stands for coronavirus disease-2019. Initially, the virus was nCoV. Furthermore, experts from the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy (ICTV) called it the SARS-CoV-2 virus because it is very similar to the cause of the SARS outbreak. The high number of positive COVID-19 causes anxiety for nurses. Objective: This study aims to determine the relations[...] Read More
Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap Bougenville RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
Relationship of Anxiety Level with Nurses’ Job Satisfaction in the Bougenville ICU at Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Anxiety is a worry or feeling of fear experienced by a nurse.
Methods: The research method used is descriptive correlation with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 30 nurses. Samples were taken using a total sampling technique of 30 nurses. The instruments used were the HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) [...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Pada Pasien TBC
Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude, and Family Support to Prevention of Transmission of Behavior in TB Patients
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a disease of global concern. By the 2030 sustainable development goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to reduce the death rate from tuberculosis.3 According to WHO data, 1/3 of the world's population has been infected with Tuberculosis. Data around the world each year obtained about 4 million new cases of pulmonary Tuberculosi[...] Read More
Hubungan Peran Teman Sebaya dan Status Kesehatan dengan Manajemen Perawatan Diri pada Lansia
The Relationship of Peer Roles and Health Status to the Management of Self-Care in the Elderly
Introduction: Self-care management in the elderly is judged by their ability to perform daily activities. Daily life activities are functions and activities that are normally done without the help of others. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between peer roles and health status in the management of self-care in the elderly at Panti Werda Budi Thersna Mu[...] Read More
Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Perkembangan Balita Usia 1-5 Tahun Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muka Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Parental Parenting Patterns and Development of Toddlers Aged 1-5 Years in the Work Area of the Muka Health Center in 2021
Introduction: The future of a nation depends on the success of toddlers in achieving their growth and development, the growth and development of toddlers at the age of 1-5 years old is also called the golden age because at this stage there is a very large developmental spike, toddler development certainly cannot be separated from the role of parents or guardians caregiver becau[...] Read More
Analisis Jurnal Budaya, Dukungan Keluarga dan Konseling Terhadap Pemilihan Tempat Persalinan
Analysis of Cultural Journals, Family Support, and Counseling on the Choice of Place of Delivery
Introduction: Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health said in Indonesia there are about 305/100,00 live births in the Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI). The report found that the location of maternal deaths that occurred was as much as 77% in hospitals, 15,6% at home, 4,1% on the way to health facilities, 2,5% in other health facilities, and 0.8% elsewhere, in the ratio of mate[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia 1-2 Tahun Di Ruang Matahari Rawat Inap Anak RSUD Leuwilianh Tahun 2021
Factors Related to Diarrhea in Children Aged 1-2 Years at Matahari Enhancement Room, Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: The Household Health Survey (SKRT), mortality studies, and basic health research from year to year found that diarrhea is still the main cause of under-five mortality in Indonesia. The main cause of death due to diarrhea is improper management both at home and in health facilities. To reduce deaths due to diarrhea, fast and appropriate management is needed. The pu[...] Read More
Gambaran Rumah Sakit Di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2022
Overview of Hospital in Province of South Sumatra in 2022
Introduction: The population density in South Sumatra in 2020 reached 92,45 people/km². The population density in 17 regencies/cities is quite diverse with the highest population density in Palembang City (4,52 thousand people/km² and the lowest in Musi Rawas Utara Regency (31,43 people/km²). It has a potentially severe problem related to population demand for health services w[...] Read More
Analisis Risiko Ergonomi Terhadap Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Pada Pekerja Bank Mandiri Cabang Kelapa Gading Barat Jakarta Utara
Ergonomic Risk Analysis of MSDs Complaints On Workers of Bank Mandiri Branch Kelapa Gading Barat Jakarta Utara
Introduction: Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that there were 335,390 cases of disorders of the skeletal muscle system (MSDs) in 2007 in the United States industry. Recorded cases only show events that result in workers being absent from work for one or more days. MSDs cases occur with an average of 35 cases for every 10,000 permanent workers and contribute[...] Read More
Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Stress Perawat Di IGD RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Workload with Nurses in Emergency Room at Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Nursing services are part of the health care system in hospitals that have the function of maintaining service quality, but the high workload and stress factors of nurses are thought to cause a decrease in the ability of nurses to provide nursing care which has a direct impact on the quality of nursing services.
Methods: The data method use[...] Read More
Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Pelaksana Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
Head of Room Leadership Style Relationship on Job Satisfaction of Implementing Nurses at Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Leadership style is one of the factors that affect the performance and satisfaction of nurses. Which in the end will result in better health service output, patient satisfaction, and the achievement of institutional goals. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the leadership style of the head of the room and the job satisfa[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Post-Partum Dengan Keberhasilan Menyusui Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Post-Partum Mother's Knowledge with Breastfeeding Success at Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Breast milk is the main nutrition for babies aged 0-6 months, to ensure that babies get nutrients from breast milk, the mother's knowledge will greatly help to breastfeed success from the first day of birth. This study aims to determine the relationship between a mother's knowledge and breastfeeding success at Leuwiliang Hospital, Bogor in 2021.
[...] Read More
Beban Kerja Yang Tinggi Dapat Menurunkan Kinerja Perawat Di Unit Rawat Inap RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
A High Workload Can Reduce the Performance of Nurses in the Inpatient Unit of Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: The performance of a nurse can be seen from the quality of health services provided to patients. To improve the quality of health services the workload is a factor that must be considered in order to obtain high work productivity.
Methods: This study used a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional method with a population and sam[...] Read More
Beban Kerja Yang Berat Menyebabkan Ketidakpatuhan Perawat Dalam Melengkapi Pendokumentasian
The Heavy workload That Causes Nurse Disobedience in Completing Documentation
Introduction: In every implementation of the nursing process, nurses will always record or often called documenting. Documenting is an activity of recording, reporting, or recording an event and activity carried out in the form of providing services that are considered important and valuable. One of the factors that can affect documenting is workload. The workload of a nurse ca[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi Kompensasi Dengan Kinerja Perawat Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Compensation Motivation with Nurse Performance
Introduction: The performance of nurses is an outcome that has been done in order to achieve organizational goals including the performance of each individual and working group that is implemented legally, not unlawfully, and in accordance with the morals and responsibilities imposed on him. This study aims to find out the relationship of compensation motivation to the performa[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Persepsi, Pendapatan, Dan Jarak Tempuh Menuju Tempat Pembayaran Dengan Kepatuhan Membayar Iuran Segmen Peserta Bukan Penerima Upah (PBPU) di RS X Kab Bogor Tahun 2021
The Relationship Between Perception, Income, and Mileage Towards the Place of Payment with Compliance in Paying Contributions for the Non-Wage Recipient Participant Segment (NWRP) at Hospital X Bogor Regency in 2021
Introduction: Compliance with paying contributions for the National Health Insurance (NHI) is the behavior of a person who is willing to pay contributions in a timely manner based on a predetermined time. Data in 2019 in Indonesia about 13,000 people (40%) of all participants are independent, and irregular in paying monthly dues, while in West Java in 2020 due to non-compliance[...] Read More
Hubungan Kecemasan Pasien Diabetes Melitus Terpapar COVID-19 Dengan Kunjungan Ke Poli Penyakit Dalam
The Relationship Between Anxiety of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Exposed to COVID-19 With Visits to Internal Medicine Polyclinics
Introduction: The condition of the current COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on everyone's mental health including the anxiety of Diabetic Mellitus patients in making visits to the Internal Medicine Poly for fear of exposure to covid-19 which can worsen the disease.
Purpose[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Perokok Dan Gammer Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa Taruna Bhakti Cianjur 2021
The Relationship Between Smokers and Gamers on Learning Motivation in Students of Taruna Bhakti Cianjur 2021
Introduction: Learn motivation is very important for the achievement of learning. Learning motivation can be seen in the learning achievement and cognitive aspects of students. Smoking is also one of the negative human habits that have been done for a long time. Aside from the level of addiction in high school students who smoke, students are also often addicted to the name of [...] Read More
Dukungan Keluarga Tentang Selfcare Terhadap Anggota Keluarga Penderita Luka Gangguan Diabetes Melitus Di Poli Bedah RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
Family Support on Selfcare on Family Members of People with Diabetes Mellitus Disorders at the Surgery Policy of Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a condition that is often experienced by diabetics. Wounds with diabetes mellitus are one of the dangerous complications of diabetes and need to be treated by doctors; therefore good family support is needed to motivate family members with diabetes mellitus disorders and good self-care so as not to experience complications. Family support abou[...] Read More
Efektifitas Caring Perawat (Knowing) Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Pasien Preoperasi Appendiktomi Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Effectiveness of Nursing Care (Knowing) Against Anxiety Reduction before Preoperation Appendectomy Patients
Introduction: Nursing care is the key to success to help patients overcome anxiety. Surgery often has a psychological impact, one of which is experiencing anxiety in preoperative patients. Nurses have an active role in caring for patients before, during, and after surgery. This study aims to determine the effective[...] Read More
Pendistribusian Rekam Medis Pasien di Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Ali Sibroh Malisi Jakarta Tahun 2020
Description of Patient's Medical Record Distribution in The Outstanding Unit of Ali Sibroh Malisi Hospital in 2020
Introduction: A medical record is a file that contains information about a patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions, and other services provided to them at a health care facility. The adoption of a good medical record system must be supported by an optimal medical record distribution system, according to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indones[...] Read More
Hubungan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Pelaksanaan Pendokumentasian Surgical Safety Checklist di Ruang IBS RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Relationship Between Work Motivation and The Implementation of The Surgical Safety Checklist Documentation in The IBS Room at Leuwiliang Hospital 2021
Introduction: Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between work motivation and the implementation of the surgical safety checklist documentation in the IBS Room of Leuwiliang Hospital in 2021
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Efektifitas Penggunaan APD Coverall Dan Surgical Gown Pada Petugas Terhadap Paparan COVID-19
The Effectiveness of Using Personal Protective Equipment Coverall and Surgical Gown on Officers against COVID-19 Exposure
Introduction: The Global Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the lives of people all over the world. The very high transmission rate causes this disease to have a much greater impact than diseases caused by previous coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can occur through direct contact, indirect contact, or close contact with an infec[...] Read More
Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Dengan Anemia Pada CKD on HD Dapat Dipengaruhi Oleh Perilaku Caring Perawat
Satisfaction of Hospitalized Patients with Anemia in CKD on HD can be Influenced by Nurse Caring Behavior
Introduction: Nurses' caring behavior is the main focus in providing nursing care so that satisfaction from the care process is realized; the condition of anemic patients with CKD on HD requires attention and support from families and nurses who care for patients in hospitals.
Methods: This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectio[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Keluarga Dengan Pencegahan Penularan COVID-19 Di Wilayah Perumahan Ambar Waringin Jaya Bojong Gede Bogor Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Family Knowledge and Attitude with the Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission in the Ambar Waringin Jaya Housing Area Bojong Gede Bogor in 2021
Introduction: Knowledge and a good attitude are the keys to success in helping citizens to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Ignorance and indifferent attitude will cause COVID-19 to never end. The community has an important role in breaking the chain of spread and transmission of COVID-19.
Methods: The type of research used in this research is descriptive[...] Read More
Kajian Implementasi Program Rujuk Balik Di BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2021
Study on the Implementation of Referback Programs at BPJS Kesehatan South Jakarta Branch in 2021
Introduction: The realization of payment of claims for the National Health Insurance (JKN) every year continues to increase. This is due to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Facing this phenomenon, BPJS Kesehatan makes case management efforts to maintain the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of health services through a Back Referral Program (BRP). The purpose of t[...] Read More
Analisis Pending dan Dispute Klaim Kementerian Kesehatan Pasien Rawat Inap Covid 19
Pending Analysis and Dispute claims of the Ministry of Health of Covid 19 Inpatients
Introduction: Covid 19 is an infectious disease that causes community emergency outbreaks. Covid 19 financing is charged to the government through the Ministry of Health. Submitted by the hospital by completing the claim with the output passed and did not pass verification. Files that do not pass verification are called pending and dispute.
Methods: The[...] Read More
Perbedaan Efektivitas Konsumsi Jus Pisang Ambon Dan Jus Kiwi Terhadap Penurunan Hipertensi Pada Lansia
Differences Of The Effectiveness Of The Consumption Of Ambon Banana Juice And Kiwi Juice Towards Reducing Hypertension In The Elderly
Introduction: Elderly is a process experienced by humans from the beginning and naturally proceeds which indicates humans have passed through three stages, namely, children, adults, and the elderly. According to the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) hypertension is a progressive collection of cardiovascular symptoms as a result of other complex and interrelated conditions.[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Tentang Pemenuhan Nutrisi Dengan Proses Penyembuhan Luka Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea Di RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
The Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude about Nutrition Fulfillment with Post Sectio Caesarea Mothers’ Wound Healing Process at Leuwiliang Hospital In 2021
Introduction: Sectio Caesarea delivery has a five times greater risk of complications than normal childbirth, one of the complications that is one of the causes of maternal death in Indonesia is caused by Post Sectio Caesarea wounds and several factors that affect the healing of Post Sectio Caesarea wounds in mothers’ include: the environment, tradition, socioeconomic, maternal[...] Read More
Hubungan Reward dan Punishment Dengan Disiplin Kerja Pada Perawat RSUD Leuwiliang Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Reward and Punishment with Work Discipline for Nurses in Hospital
Introduction: Discipline is something that must be carried out by every organization because without the support of good nurse work discipline, it is difficult for companies to realize their goals. Discipline brings great benefits to nurses themselves and their workplaces. Discipline is very useful for nurses and effort to develop their abilities, both general and technical ski[...] Read More
Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Kelelahan Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Tingkat Stress Pada Karyawan Bank Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Kelapa Gading Barat Tahun 2021
(The Effect of Workload, Work Fatigue,and Work Environment on Stress Level on Employees of Bank Mandiri Jakarta Branch in West in 2021)
Introduction: The level of stress among workers is very high, many workers experience work with various factors causing it, some of the contributing factors are workload, work fatigue, and the work environment, therefore paying attention to these factors is an important reason, although this has always been a fundamental problem, many companies that pay less attention to work s[...] Read More
Terapi Cuci Hidung Dengan Nacl Dapat Meningkatkan Sensitivitas Penciuman Pada Pasien Penyintas Covid-19
Therapy With NaCl Can Increase Olfactory Sensitivity in Covid-19
Introduction: Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. COVID-19 is transmitted during respiratory contacts such as coughing and vomiting. One form of its clinical manifestations interferes with the respiratory system. The process begins with the occurrence of olfactory and taste dysfunction. For example, mechanical blockages that preve[...] Read More
Mengunyah Permen Karet Rasa Mint Karet Dapat Mengurangi Kecemasan Dalam Penyusunan Skripsi Mahasiswa Prodi Keperawatan Tingkat Akhir Program Ekstensi STIKIM 2021
Chewing Mint Can Reduce Anxiety in Writing Thesis of Nursing Study Program Students at the Final Level of the 2021 STIKIM Extension Program
Introduction: A way to reduce student anxiety in writing a thesis is chewing gum. Worry is reduced by reducing muscle tone and energy produced during chew. This process is the first step based on digestion and raising genre saliva which resulting levels of cortisol.
Objective: This study aims to examine the effect of chewing gum on anxiety levels in the[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Beban Kerja, Motivasi dan Reward Dengan Tingkat Stres Pada Karyawan Pra Rumah Sakit Ambulans Gawat Darurat di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Workload, Motivation and Reward with Stress Level on Pre Hospitals Emergency Ambulance Employees in The Time Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In 2021
Introduction: The increasing number of fellow health workers who died due to exposure to Covid-19, the higher the level of stress for health workers. In addition, for medical personnel to be on the front line (including nurses, doctor midwives, ambulance officers, case identification officers, and others) it is possible that several factors that cause stress during the COVID-19[...] Read More
Terapi Akupunktur Dan Formula Herbal Pada Enuresis Nokturnal Refrakter: Laporan Kasus
Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy in Refractory Nocturnal Enuresis: Case Report
Introduction: Nocturnal enuresis is a frequently encountered problem among children and adolescents. Conventional treatment usually uses behavioral therapy and alarm system, while complimentary treatment based on TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) uses acupuncture and herbal therapy.
Methods: This is a case report of refractory nocturnal enuresis success[...] Read More
Informasi COVID-19 Dapat Meningkatkan Perilaku Hand Hygiene Pada Tenaga Non Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
Information of COVID-19 can improve Hand Hygiene Behavior in Non-Health Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Introduction: Health workers and non-health workers play a role in providing services and determining the prevention of COVID-19 transmission in hospitals so that they are at high risk for exposure and infection. Therefore it is necessary to prevent it with hand hygiene.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative method with a crossectional research design,[...] Read More
Kadar HbA1c Dapat Mempengaruhi Hasil Pengobatan Fase Awal Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru
HbA1c Levels May Affect Early Phase Treatment Outcomes in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a health problem in the world. Indonesia is the second country with the highest incidence of pulmonary TB in the world. The high incidence of TB is influenced by the presence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in pulmonary TB patients.
Methods: In this study, data were obtained from medical records of pulmonary T[...] Read More
Gambaran Rumah Sakit Umum dan Khusus Covid-19 di Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2022
Overview of General and Special Hospital for Covid-19 in East Java Province Year 2022
Introduction: East Java province has 229 islands, consisting of 162 named islands and 67 unnamed islands, with a beach length of about 2,833.85 km. The number of hospitals in East Java Province changes every year. In connection with the increasing number of patients under surveillance and positive patients infected with Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), it is necessary to increa[...] Read More
Pengaruh Diskusi Refleksi Kasus Terhadap Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur Risiko Jatuh di RSUD Pasar Minggu Tahun 2021
The Effect of Case Reflection Discussion on the Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for Falling Risk at Pasar Minggu Hospital in 2021
Introduction: Care-Base Discussion is a highly efficient and effective method to improve and develop the knowledge, experienced, and accountability of a nurse
Methods: This study is a quantitative quasi-experiment that used Pre and Post Test Control Group Design method. There were 36 respondents included and they were divided into the control group and t[...] Read More
Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Mahasiswa Yang Tinggal Dengan Keluarga Berbeda Dengan Mahasiswa Yang Tinggal Di Kost Dalam Menyusun Skripsi
Family Support with Anxiety Levels in Students Who Live with Different Families from Students Who Live in Boarding Houses in Compiling Thesis
Introduction: Students are individuals who are studying in higher education, the desire of students to receive higher education is motivated by their aspirations, including mastering science and technology, skills, and high status in society. However, achieving these goals is not an easy thing, there are many obstacles and challenges that they must face both inside and outside [...] Read More
Pengaruh Antara Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Asupan Nutrisi, dan Breast Care Terhadap Kelancaran Pengeluaran ASI pada Ibu Postpartum
The Effect of the Role of Health Workers, Nutritional Intake, and Breast Care on the Smooth Expenditure of Breast Milk in Mothers
Introduction: Based on the health profile of West Java Province in 2012 as many as 8.7 percent of mothers in Karawang District gave exclusive breastfeeding until their babies were 6 months old. Based on preliminary study data conducted by the researcher in the working area of the UPTD of the Loji Health Center with 10 respondents the results were exclusive breastfeeding reachin[...] Read More
Resiliensi Perawat Dalam Melakukan Pelayanan Keperawatan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Rumah Sakit
Nurses Resilience in Performing Nursing Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Hospitals
Introduction: Resilience is the ability to recover in a difficult condition, to return to normal after heavy stress. As is currently happening, Covid-19 is a world problem that we must face together, especially for nurses who are at the forefront of health services.
Methods: This study used a descriptive qualitative approach, using 6 informants with a pu[...] Read More
Hubungan Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. ABC
Relationship Of Safety and Health Management System Working On Employees Performance In ABC Company
Introduction: The role of the company's progress is determined quality of its workforce. Safety factor is important because it relates to employee performance.
Methods: Method that uses total sampling technique to office employees of ABC Company total of 40 people. Statistical testing using chi square test method with the calculation of the decision if t[...] Read More
Analisis Penerapan Higiene dan Sanitasi di Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Brimob 2021
Analysis of The Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in Nutrient Dept Bhayangkara Brimob Hospital 2021
Introduction: Food is a basic human need. In addition to taste, the quality and safety of food must be considered because food can be a medium for spreading and growing pathogenic pathogens. The application of hygiene and food sanitation is one of the efforts that can be done to prevent pathogenic contamination of diseases to food.
Methods: This study us[...] Read More
Disiplin Bidan Dalam Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (PWS-KIA) di Puskesmas Kabupaten Sukabumi
Discipline of Midwives in Recording and Reporting Monitoring of Local Areas of Maternal and Child Health (PWS-KIA) at Puskesmas Sukabumi Regency
Introduction: The lack of competent human resources in data management is also a factor that results in weak recording and reporting systems, especially in terms of data management, including in the PWS KIA system.
Methods: The method used in this study is a quantitative approach that uses a cross-sectional design. The sample used was 70 midwives as resp[...] Read More
Hubungan Kepemimpinan Atasan Dan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Kinerja Perawat Bagian Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit X
Relationship between superior leadership and work motivation with nurse performance in the outpatient department of hospital X
Introduction: Performance is the result given by a person in performing their duties and responsibilities imposed upon him. Every expectation of how individuals behave, will demonstrate its role in an organization.
Methods: The design used in this research is quantitative research with analytic descriptive cross sectional approach. Collecting data using [...] Read More
Pengaruh Air Rebusan Daun Sambiloto Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol
The Effect of Boiling Water on Sambiloto Leaves on Reducing Cholesterol Levels
Introduction: Andrographis paniculata, is a medicinal plant that is also very easy to breed. This plant contains many active chemical constituents which exhibit definite pharmacological effects. This can be easily predicted from the findings of the bitter leaf article, which has anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiangiogenic, antimalarial, and antimicrobial activit[...] Read More
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Ketersediaan dan Pengawasan dengan Sikap Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri pada Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran
The Relationship of Knowledge, Availability, and Supervision With The Attitude of The Use Of Personal Protection Equipment In Firefighters
Introduction: Firefighting is a job that has a high level of risk of danger such as accidents at work and occupational diseases that cause disability and even death. Firefighters have unpredictable work environments for every possibility, it takes experience education, and the use of personal protective equipment to protect firefighters from the dangers and risks of their jobs.[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Pendidikan Ibu, Ekonomi Keluarga, Pekerjaan Ibu, Dan Pola Pemberian Makan Dengan Stunting Pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas X Kota Depok Tahun 2021
Relationship Between Mother's Education, Family Economy, Mother's Work, and Feeding Patterns with Stunting in Toddlers in the Work Area of UPTD Puskesmas X Depok City in 2021
Introduction: According to the Ministry of Health (2015) stunting is the result of chronic malnutrition or failure to thrive in the past. Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, in 2018, before the pandemic, 6.3 million toddlers out of 23 million toddlers in Indonesia were hampered. Data from the West Java Health Office in 2018 has a stunting prevalence rate of 29.2%, reac[...] Read More
Hubungan Penggunaan Gadget Dan Indeks Masa Tubuh Dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Remaja Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di MTS Salafiyah Depok Tahun 2020
The Relationship between Gadget Use and Body Mass Index with Sleep Quality in Adolescents During the Covid-19 Pandemic At MTS Salafiyah Depok in 2020
Introduction: in adolescence, adolescents must be able to meet their physiological needs, one of which is the need for rest and sleep. Sleep patterns in adolescence usually have different sleep patterns because adolescents experience many changes that make adolescents reduce their sleep time. Coupled with the covid-19 pandemic, teenagers become anxious, making them experience f[...] Read More
Analisis Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran di Suku Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Kotamadya Jakarta Timur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2021
Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety Risk for Firefighters at the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Department DKI Jakarta Province in 2021
Introduction: The high incidence of fires in the East Jakarta area certainly increases the risk of officer accidents among firefighters, so Personal Protective Equipment is mandatory for officers when carrying out firefighter operations to prevent and control potential hazards to firefighters. It was noted that in 2019 7 officers had accidents, from 2020 to May 2021 there were [...] Read More
Hubungan Sikap, Media Konseling dan Bimbingan Terhadap Perilaku Kemandirian Ibu Nifas Dalam Melakukan Perawatan Tali Pusat
Relationship between Attitudes, Counseling Media and Guidance on Independent Behavior of Postpartum Mothers in Performing Umbilical Cord Care
Introduction: Umbilical cord care is an act of care and cleaning of the umbilical cord, and try to keep the umbilical cord in a dry and clean condition to prevent infection. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between attitudes, media counseling, and guidance on independent behavior of postpartum mothers in performing umbilical cord care at the Surade Hea[...] Read More
Analisis Kualitas Air Bersih di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Utara Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 32 Tahun 2017
Analysis of Clean Water Quality in the Work Area of the North Seribu Islands Health Center Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 32 of 2017
Introduction: The availability of clean water is very important, given the very dynamic activities of people's lives. Residents living in coastal areas and small islands such as the Thousand Islands will find it difficult to get clean water for household purposes. The purpose of this research is to study the analysis of clean water quality in the working area of the North Serib[...] Read More
Implementasi Tata Kelola Pondok Pesantren Daarul Uluum Kota Bogor Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2021
Implementation Of Governance Of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School In Bogor City During The Covid-19 Pandemic In 2021
Introduction: It is undeniable, the death rate due to the corona virus (Covid-19) is increasing every day. Not only has it presented a serious threat to the survival of the community, especially in the education sector, one of which is Islamic boarding schools where the students live and interact with each other in the same environment. So that pesantren are very at risk for th[...] Read More
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Ruang Rawat Inap Kebidanan
The Effect of Service Quality on Obstetric Inpatients
Introduction: Service quality refers to the level of perfection of health services in meeting the needs of each customer. So, the quality of health is to meet the needs and satisfying services, which if the service is satisfactory it will lead to a sense of satisfaction with the health that is held. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of service quality on pati[...] Read More
Analisis Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja Pada Pekerja Ketinggian Dengan Metode HIRARC Di Proyek MTH 27 Ofice Suite PT X Tahun 2021
Work Accident Risk Analysis on Height Workers Using The HIRARC Method in The MTH 27 Office Suite Project PT X in 2021
Introduction: Work accidents in Indonesia have increased, especially for tall workers. At the end of September 2019, the total number of work accidents was 130,923 cases in Indonesia. Several work accidents that occurred at the MTH 27 officer project such as the danger of falling, slipping, being hit by material from a height, electric shock from a welding tool, being exposed t[...] Read More
Pengukuran Kinerja Bidan dalam Pelaksanaan Antenatal Care Terintegrasi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cipeuyeum Kabupaten Cianjur
Performance Measurement of Midwives in the Implementation of Integrated ANC in the Work Area of the Cipeuyeum Health Center, Cianjur Regency
Introduction: Antenatal care is a service for individuals who are preventive care to prevent problems that are not good for both mother and fetus to go through labor healthily and safely. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between supervision, work motivation, and resources and the performance of midwives in Integrated ANC services at Cipeuyeum Health C[...] Read More
Analisis Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Pada Pelaksanaan Tugas Pemadam Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Kota Bogor Tahun 2021
Analysis of The Application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on The Implementation of Fire Fighters and Rescue Tasks in The City Of Bogor in 2021
Introduction: SOP is a description of the work steps (systems, mechanisms, and internal work procedures) required in the implementation of a task to achieve the goals of government agencies. SOP in the field of fire fighting and rescue is a reference in the implementation of service activities in the field of fire prevention and control by the main tasks and functions. This stu[...] Read More
Analisis Aspek Lingkungan Dan Perilaku Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Diare Di Wilayah Kota Bogor Tahun 2021
Analysis Environmental And Behavioral Aspects Of The Incidence Diarrhea In The City Of Bogor In 2021
Introduction: Diarrhea is a disease with signs of changes in loose stools until it melts and an increase in the frequency of bowel movements 3 or more times a day. Factors that influence diarrhea are environment, population, socio-economic and community behavior. Diarrhea is a public health problem that needs attention because it is the third major contributor to morbidity and [...] Read More
Expressive Writing Dapat Menurunkan Kecemasan Remaja Selama Pembelajaran Daring di Pandemi Covid-19
Expressive Writing Can Reduce Adolescent Anxiety During Online Learning in The Covid-19 Pandemic
Introduction: Expressive writing is a coping to overcome anxiety especially when going to face school exams.
Methods: The design of this study used Quasi-Experimental with One group pretest-posttest design approach in 30 respondents, and the instrument used was questionnaire. The standard questionnaire method used to measure anxiety is Zung Self-Rating S[...] Read More
Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Vulva Hygiene dapat Menurunkan Angka Kejadian Keputihan pada Remaja Putri
Knowledge and Behavior of Vulva Hygiene Can Reduce the Incidence of Vaginal Discharge in Young Women
Introduction: Leucorrhoea is an early symptom of almost all types of diseases of the female reproductive organs.
Methods: The research design used in this study is research correlational. The approach used in this research is cross sectional. The sampling technique used a sampling technique with a total sampling of 40 respondents. The instrument used is [...] Read More
Hubungan Stres Kerja, Beban Kerja dan Kejenuhan Kerja dengan Kinerja Perawat di Klinik XX Jakarta
Relationship between Work Stress, Workload and Work Saturation with Nurse Performance at XX Clinic Jakarta
Introduction: Performance is a description of the achievement a program of strategic planning and organizational operational activities (efforts) by a person or group of people in an organization both in quantity and quality. Performance appraisal is concerned with how well a person does the assigned or assigned job. Basically, the level performance of nurses is influenced by f[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Perilaku Keselamatan, Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Apd dengan Kejadian Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pekerja Bangunan PT. Adhi Persada Gedung di Proyek Mth 27 Office Suite Jakarta Tahun 2021
The Relationship Between Safety Behavior, Knowledge and Compliance with the Use of Ppe with the Event of Work Accidents in Building Workers PT. Adhi Persada Gedung in Mth 27 Office Suite Project Jakarta Year 2021
Introduction: A work accident is an unwanted event or event that is detrimental to humans, damages
property or losses to the process. This study aims to determine the relationship between behavior,
knowledge, and compliance with the use of PPE with the incidence of work accidents in construction
workers in 2021.
Methods: This type of rese[...]
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Hubungan Perilaku Orang Tua Dan Faktor Lingkungan Dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru Pada Anak Di Desa Bangunjaya Tahun 2020
Relationship Between Parental Behavior and Environmental Factors with The Incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children in Bangunjaya Village in 2020
Introduction: Parental Behavior, and Environmental Factors are closely related, and affect children's health.
Methods: The research design used was analytical correlation with cross-sectional correlation or cross-sectional approach. The cross-sectional correlation approach is an approach that is momentary at one time, and aims to study whether there is a[...] Read More
Pengetahuan dan Sikap Orang Tua Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan Anak Prasekolah Saat Bermain
Parental Knowledge and Attitude Improves Preschool Child Health Protocol Compliance While Playing
Introduction: Children are one of the unconscious sources of Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, parents should have knowledge, a good attitude towards children's c ompliance in implementing health protocols, especially when playing.
Methods: This study design used a quantitative cross-sectional approach to 50 parents who have preschool aged children. The [...] Read More
Tingkat Pengetahuan Orang Tua dan Tingkat Ketergantungan Gadget pada Anak Usia Sekolah
Level of Parental Knowledge and Level of Gadget Dependence on School-Age Children
Introduction: Social media addiction can affect learning achievement in adolescents because good learning achievement can affect a person's academic learning score.
Methods: The design of this study used quantitative with cross sectional approach on 60 adolescents using total sampling techniques. Methods by using a standardized questionnaire to measure s[...] Read More
Analisis Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Cibinong Tahun 2021
Analysis of medical solid waste management at the Cibinong Hospital in General Year 2021
Introduction: The Cibinong Regional General Hospital is a type B hospital, which produces many types of waste. Hospital activities produce various types of waste, namely liquid, solid and gas. The problem of managing hospital solid medical waste is currently a serious concern considering the negative impacts that can be caused if it is not managed properly. Some steps for good [...] Read More
Hubungan Daya Tanggap, Keandalan, dan Empati Teknisi Pelayanan Darah dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan di UPTD RSCM Tahun 2021
Relationship of Responsibility, Reliability, and Empathy of Blood Service Technicians with Customer Satisfaction at UPTD RSCM in 2021
Introduction: Customer satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that arises from customers after comparing the perceived performance with the expected performance. Customer satisfaction is one of the indicators of service quality in the Blood Transfusion Service Unit of Dr. RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (UPTD RSCM). There were customers who not satisfied with the serv[...] Read More
Gambaran Aspek Demografi, Lingkungan, dan Perilaku Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Wilayah Kota Depok Tahun 2021
Overview Of Aspects of Demographics, Environment, and Health Behavior as An Effort to Prevent Dengue Fever in Depok City Area In 2021
Introduction: Health is an important factor for all human activities. Along with rapid population growth, it affects the surrounding environment, as well as public health behavior itself. So that it can lead to health problems that cause various cases of disease. Starting from the disease scale of ordinary events to extraordinary events. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is one of the e[...] Read More
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Audio Visual Terhadap Pengetahuan tentang Covid-19 pada Siswa Kelas 3 SD
The Effect of Health Education with Audio Visual on Knowledge about Covid-19 in Grade 3 Elementary School Students
Introduction: Most of the students knowledge of preventing COVID-19 is still a little less good. One of the effort to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 virus is by provoding audio-visual health education.
Methods: The research design used Quasi Eksperimental with one-group pre-post test design. The sample taken in this study were 34 respond[...] Read More
Aktivitas Fisik dengan Intensitas yang Sering Dapat Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional pada Remaja
Physical Activity with Frequent Intensity Can Increase Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents
Introduction: Physical activity or sport is one way to achieve physical health. The activities carried out are beneficial not only physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Teenagers have a large enough population emotional intelligence is very useful for negative energy that comes to teenagers.
Methods: The method used is quantitative resea[...] Read More
Hubungan antara Kondisi fisik rumah, Sirkulasi udara, dan Riwayat Kontak dengan Pasien TB Paru Terhadap kejadian TB Paru di Klinik Irenk Medical Center Tahun 2019-2020.
Relationship between Physical Condition of Home, Air Circulation, History of Contact with Pulmonary TB Patients to the incidence of Pulmonary TB at Irenk Medical Center Clinic in 2019-2020
Introduction: The total number of pulmonary TB cases in Indonesia in 2019 was 562,049 cases. West Java became the top 3 provinces with the incidence of pulmonary TB in Indonesia. in Depok City there are 4,695 cases of pulmonary TB cases. Irenk Medical Center Clinic serves Pulmonary TB Referral services, with a total of 90 cases in 2019-2020. This study aims to determine whether[...] Read More
Tidak Ada Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kemandirian Personal Hygiene Anak Usia Prasekolah
There is No Relationship Between Family Support and Independence of Personal Hygiene for Preschool Children
Introduction: The independence of preschool age children is a skill to carry out their own activities. The independence of a child can be well if the family can be tried properly. One of the benefits of the family that influences the character and behavior of children in terms of child independence is an efficient family function which includes family responses to the fulfillme[...] Read More
Hubungan Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) dengan Tingkat Depresi pada Penderita HIV/AIDS
Relationship of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) with Depression Levels in HIV/AIDS Patients
Introduction: VCT counseling is a counseling activity that provides psychological support, information and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and ensures the resolution of various problems related to HIV/AIDS, including the behavior of prisoners in each prison.
Methods: This study used a cross sectional design. The number of samples is 56 prisoners or inmates who suf[...] Read More
Jus Tomat & Apel Dapat Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Terhadap Lansia
Tomato & Apple Juice Can Lower Cholesterol Levels in the Elderly
Introduction: Therapy for cholesterol has not non-pharmacological treatment that is expected to be able to complete pharmacological treatment in lowering cholesterol levels by using tomato juice & apple.
Methods: Design this research is Pre-Experimental Design with the form of One Group Pretest- Postest Design. Sampling techniques using purpose sampl[...] Read More
Analisis Implementasi Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif, Sarana Penyelamatan Jiwa Dan Tanggap Darurat Di Gedung Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Tahun 2021
Analysis of the Implementation of Fire Protection Active System, Life Saving Equipment, and Emergency Response in Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Building 2021
Introduction: Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Building is one of the state-owned buildings which must complete Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements, have a fire protection system, life saving equipment, and emergency response due to the regulation. The purpose of this research is to know The Impelentation of The Fire Protection Active System, Life Saving Equipment, and E[...] Read More
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Penggunaan APD SCBA pada Petugas Damkar DKI Jakarta Tahun 2021
Factors Related to Behavior Of Using SCBA PPE on DKI Jakarta Damkar Officers In 2021
Introduction: The high incidence of fires in the DKI Jakarta area certainly increases the risk for DKI Jakarta Firefighters, so Personal Protective Equipment is mandatory for officers when carrying out firefighting operations to prevent and control potential hazards for firefighters. It was recorded that 76 officers were injured and 1 officer died while carrying out firefightin[...] Read More
Pengaruh Terapi Akupunktur dan Meditasi pada Wanita Kelebihan Berat Badan dan Obesitas: Studi Kasus
The Effects of Acupuncture and Meditation on Slimming Indices in Overweight and Obese Women: Case Series Study
Introduction: Overweight and obesity not only affect an individual’s health physically but also psychologically. So, it is imperative for a clinician to take care both aspects of the individuals.
Methods: This study is to report the effects of acupuncture and meditation therapy on the slimming indices of the overweight and obese women visiting our aesthe[...] Read More
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Pilar Ke 1
Community Participation in The Implementation of The Community-Based Total Sanitation Program 1st Pillar
Introduction: The high level of morbidity and mortality due to environmental disease is a public health problem in Indonesia. One of the causes is the behavior of open defecation. Depok Village RT 03 RW 1 is3 an area that still often defecates openly, which is as much as 11.9%. One of the government's in-depth solutions to this problem is through the triggering method.
<[...] Read More
Hubungan Toilet Training, Konstipasi dan Stress dengan Kejadian Enuresis pada Anak Pra-Sekolah Usia 3-6 Tahun
Relationship of Toilet Training, Constipation and Stress with Enuresis Incidence in Pre-School Children Age 3-6 Years
Introduction: Enuresis is urinary incontinence where a child should be able to urinate normally but the child can't do it. So, that urine output is not in place or is often called bedwetting. This study aims to determine the relationship between the application of toilet training, constipation and stress with the incidence of enuresis in preschool aged 3-6 years at Tunas Karya [...] Read More
Pengaruh Sleep Hygiene Therapy Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pasien Skizofrenia
Effect of Sleep Hygiene Therapy on Sleep Quality of Schizophrenic
Introduction: Sleep hygiene therapy is a non- pharmacological therapy that can be done by nurses in providing nursing actions to schizophrenic patients.
Methods: The design of this research is Pre-Experimental Design in the form of One-Group Pretest- Postest Design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 15 respondents.
Length of Stay dengan Kepuasan Keluarga Pasien Prioritas dapat dipengaruhi oleh Peran Perawat sebagai Care Giver
Length of Stay with Priority Patient Family Satisfaction can be influenced by the Nurse's Role as Care Giver
Introduction: The role of nurses as caregivers which were given during the emergency unit will continue to interact between nurses and patients. There are twelve reports of dissatisfaction with outpatient services. Complementary data in hospitalized there are nine reports of dissatisfaction with inpatient services. So that the relationship and interaction between nurse and pati[...] Read More
Perilaku Caring Perawat Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Pasien Kanker dalam Menjalani Kemoterapi
Caring Behavior of Nurses Affects Cancer Patient's Compliance with Undergoing Chemotherapy
Introduction: Adherence to undergo chemotherapy schedule was an urgent problem for cancer patients. We aimed to investigate the relationship between the nurse’s caring behavior and cancer patients' compliance in undergoing Chemotherapy.
Methods: The study used a cross-sectional approach on 63 cancer patients who were undergoing chemothe[...] Read More
Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Mobilisasi Dini Dengan Perilaku Mobilisasi Dini Pasien Post Operasi Apendik
Relationship Between Knowledge Level of Early Mobilization with Early Mobilization Behavior of Patients Post Pendic Surgery
Introduction: One of the postoperative client care is to make the mobilization. Mobilizing exercises are carried out to prevent complications, prevent pressure sores, stimulate peristalsis and reduce pain.
Methods: The design of this study is a descriptive correlative study which aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and motiv[...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Karyawan Rumah Sakit
(Factors Related to Hospital Employee Performance)
Introduction: Hospital employee performance as the spearhead of health services is a very important issue to be studied in order to maintain and improve the quality of health services. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between leadership style, work discipline, and compensation on employee performance at the pathology installation of the Gatot Soebroto[...] Read More
Analisis tingkat risiko ergonomi pada pekerja Welding (Pengelasan) dengan Metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)
(Ergonomics risk level analysis on welding workers using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) Method)
Introduction: Diseases caused by work become a common health problem and can affect almost all people in the world. As you can see, one of the hazards in the field is ergonomics. The danger from bad posture at work is the cause of the position of the body parts moving uncomfortably which can cause various problems at work, both health problems and work accident problems. Theref[...] Read More
Analisa Pengolahan Linen Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tanah Abang Tahun 2020
(Analysis of Linen Processing at the Tanah Abang District Health Center in 2020)
Introduction: The processing of linen at the Tanah Abang District Health Center, Central Jakarta still does not meet the Standard Operating Procedures in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 07 of 2019 concerning Hospital Environmental Health. If the handling of linen is not managed properly, it will result in disease transmission, namely nosocomial infection. [...] Read More
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keputusan Klaim Asuransi Kesehatan Kumpulan PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia pada Pialang Asuransi PT. Cipta Integra Duta
(Factors Relating to Decisions on Claims for Group Health Insurance PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia at Insurance Broker PT. Create Integra Duta)
Introduction: Commercial health insurance companies can cater to the diverse desires of individuals. However, as a consequence, the company will design various products according to public demand with certain terms and conditions in the policy. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the insurance claim decision of the group of PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia at Insur[...] Read More
Tinjauan Penerapan SMK3 Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 50
(Review of Implementation of Vocational High School 3 Based on Government Regulation No. 50)
Introduction: Based on Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012, companies with more than 100 workers and have a high potential for hazards are required to implement an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3). The purpose of this study is to review the implementation of the occupational safety and health management system based on Government Regulation Number 50 of [...] Read More
Senam Aerobik Low Impact dapat Menurunkan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia dengan Hipertensi
Low Impact Aerobics Gymnastics Can Lower Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension
Introduction: Hypertension is the number 3 cause of death after stroke and tuberculosis which reaches 6,7% and the population of death at all ages in indonesia, non pharmacological treatment is proven to be able to control blood pressureso that pharmocological treatment is no longer needed or at least delayed,one of the non- pharmacological treatment that can be done by elderly[...] Read More
Peran Ibu dalam Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Peran Bidan, Personal Hygiene Menstruasi terhadap Kejadian Keputihan pada Remaja Putri
The Role of Mothers in Reproductive Health Education, The Role of Midwives, Menstrual Personal Hygiene on the Incidence of Leucorrhea on Young Women
Introduction: Flour albus is a symptom disorders of the reproductive organs often experienced by most women, according to WHO (World Health Organization) 75% of women in the world will experience vaginal discharge at least once in a lifetime and as many as 45% will have 2 or more. This study aims to determine the relations of mother's role in reproductive health education, role[...] Read More
Pola Konsumsi Makanan Kariogenik dengan Kejadian Karies Gigi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar
Ariogenic Food Consumption Pattern with the Incidence of Dental Caries in Elementary School Children
Introduction: Dental caries are a disease that damages tissue caused by emial and dentine Demineralization especially school-age children generally caries due to high interest and become a favorite in consuming kariogenic food So that the consumption pattern of karyogenic foods is very high. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of consumption patterns of kar[...] Read More
Kebiasaan Konsumsi Makanan Berlemak, Jenis Persalinan dan Jenis Alat Kontrasepsi dengan Hasil Pemeriksaan IVA Test
Fatty Food Consumption Habits, Type of Delivery and Types of Contraceptive Devices with IVA Test Results
Introduction: One of the efforts to challenge it is by conducting an IVA test. Some factors that increase the IVA test are consumption habits of fatty foods, the type of delivery and the type of contraception. The research objective was to study the relationship between fatty eating habits, the type of delivery and the type of contraception with the results of the examination o[...] Read More
Biaya Pelayanan, Dukungan Suami Dan Rasa Takut Terhadap Penggunaan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang
Service Fees, Husband's Support and Fear of Using Long-Term Contraceptive Methods
Introduction: The coverage of MKJP were 6.99% (implants), 7.15% (IUD), 2.78% (MOW), and 0.53% (MOP) indicating the use of MKJP contraceptive methods in Indonesia decreased from the previous year (RI Ministry of Health, 2018). The low use of MKJP has been a cause of stagnation in birth rates over the past decade. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship betwee[...] Read More