Evaluasi Penerapan Cara Produksi Pangan Yang Baik (CPPB-IRT) di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok Tahun 2021

Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Food Production (CPPB-IRT) in the Work Area of the Health Office of Depok City in 2021


  • Aprin Noercahyono Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Depok


good food production methods for home industries, quantitative, food home industries


Introduction: Food is one of the essential needs of humans. Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number HK. of 2012 concerning Good Food Production Methods for Home Industries is a guide for producing food properly and correctly. This study aims to evaluate the application of good food production methods so that it can be seen how much influence the elements under study have on the determination of home industry scores. Based on data from January to November 2019, the number of home industry facilities is 145 facilities.

 Methods: This research aims to analyze and examine three aspects of discrepancies in determining the level of the food household industry, namely aspects of maintenance and programs of sanitary hygiene, employee health, hygiene, and training of employees against IRTP scores.

 Results: The results of the analysis prove that aspects of employee health and hygiene, employee training, and maintenance and sanitation hygiene programs have a significant effect on the total score of the home industry by 10,5% with Adjusted R. Square 0,086. While partially there is no significant effect of employee training on the total score of the food home industry sig. 0,475.

 Discussion: While the health and hygiene of employees sig. 0,003 and maintenance and hygiene and sanitation programs partially sig. 0,039 on the total score of the food home industry there is a significant effect.


