Gambaran Sistem Pengelolaan Logistik Barang Non Medis Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021

Overview of the Logistics Management System for Non-Medical Goods at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, Jakarta, in 2021


  • Yubilate Hia Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


management, general, logistics


Introduction: Logistics management is carried out with the aim that general logistics is controlled by security so that it is easy to access logistics activities.

Methods: The type of research used in this research is research using a qualitative approach. The data was used in the form of primary data obtained by using in-depth interviews and secondary data in the form of observation and document review. This research is qualitative research through direct observation of the current system accompanied by in-depth interviews with informants involved.

Results: General logistics in hospitals is a supply from the hospital to be able to operate. Not only inventory items only, but rather all the resources used for the benefit of the operation of a hospital. For the flow of goods receipt. The goods that come are checked first to see if the goods are damaged, torn, or have wrong printing if there are items that are not in accordance with the order then the logistics unit will immediately confirm to the vendor for immediate, no follow-up. If the goods are in accordance with the order, then they are directly inputted into the computer.

Discussion: From the results of research conducted by the author and based on the discussion above it can be concluded the management of goods general logistics in the logistics unit of Tarakan Hospital is still available constraints so that its implementation has not run optimally.



