Evaluasi Kualitas Pelayanan Pendaftaran Pasien Pengguna Kartu Prioritas (Berdasarkan Pedoman Instalasi Rekam Medis)

Evaluation of Service Quality for Patient Registration for Priority Card Users (Based on Medical Record Installation Guidelines)


  • Nurainy Rumah Sakit Sentra Medika Cisalak


quality, service, patient priority card


Introduction: Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. This study aimed to determine the Evaluation of the Quality of Priority Card Patient Registration Services (Based on Medical Record Installation Guidelines).

 Methods: The research method used in this research was qualitative with the type of case study research and this research was conducted using descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research was conducted at Sentra Medika Cisalak Hospital, especially in the outpatient and inpatient registration sections. In the data collection technique, the researchers used interview techniques with 3 main informants, namely the Person in Charge of Registration Nilasari Nico, Registration Staff Dewi Nurhayati, Registration Staff Dhimas Chandra, and 5 supporting informants Legisih, Syahbudin, Dadang R., Karnaen, and Rury Afrianty which will then be the keywords of Interview result.

Results: The results of this study can be seen that the satisfaction of patients using priority cards and the quality of service for priority card users from physical facilities, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy prove that the satisfaction and quality of service for patients using priority cards at the center of Medika Hospital to patients using priority cards has been quite satisfied with the outpatient and inpatient services, there are only a few that need to be improved. Such as facilities, and the attitude of the officers in terms of service providers still lacks good empathy.

Discussion: The Quality of Priority Card Patient Registration Services is quite satisfactory. There are only a few things that need to be improved, such as facilities, and the attitude of the officers in terms of service providers still does not provide good empathy.


