Tertawa Mengurangi Ketakutan Perawat Terinfeksi Virus Corona
Laughter Reduces Nurses' Fear of Being Infected with the Corona Virus
corona, laugh, therapy, virusAbstract
Introduction: Health workers, especially nurses, have an important role in providing health services against the corona virus outbreak; in practice nurses have a fear of serving patients when the current pandemic occurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lough therapy on nurses to fright of being infected with the Coronavirus in the Emergency Room and Non-Psychiatric Inpatient Rooms of Mental Hospital Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor in 2020.
Method: This research used Quasi Experiment with One Group Pre Test-Post Test Design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 36 nurses’ .who work at Emergency Room and Non-Psychiatric Inpatient Rooms of Mental Hospital Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor in 2020. The analysis uses the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Test.
Results: The results of this study obtained the effect of laughter therapy on the fear of nurses in two rooms with the average value obtained in the Emergency Room was 14,83 of 18 respondents. In the Bisma room, an average score of 19,22 were obtained from 18 respondents. The analysis test on the results of this study showed that the Wilcoxon Signed Test results showed that the negative ranks or negative difference between the total post-test and pre scores is 36 so it can be said that there is a reduction or decrease in the level of fear of 36 nurses before and after the action, with a mean rank 18,50 and the result Sum of Ranks 666,00.
Discussion: Can be concluded that mean value Bisma ward was bigger than emergency room, and then laugh therapy was affected to Emergency room nurse than Bisma ward nurse. Researchers hope that respondents still doing lough therapy to keep them psychological health maintained.