Determinan Stress Kerja Di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Pekerja Maintenance Anonim Tahun 2021

Determinants of Work Stress in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Anonymous Maintenance Workers in 2021


  • Akbar Arif Kurniawan Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


stress, quantitative workload, qualitative workload, family, economy


Introduction: In this research is located on an anonym project in south Jakarta company is engaged in the repair and installation of escalators and elevators and has 30 employees working. the researcher aims to analyze the determinants of work stress in the maintenance section of the anonym project. Job stress is a mental disorder experienced by a person due to pressure. This pressure arises from individuals who do not meet their needs and desires. In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, higher levels of work stress were caused by several factors, namely quantitative excess workload, qualitative excess workload, family problems, and economic problems. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it disrupted economic sustainability because many public places were required to be closed by national policy, such as malls, libraries, galleries, museums, etc. Many businesses are unable to compete. People are losing their jobs and the divorce rate is increasing. Based on this thought, the researchers conducted research which was outlined in the thesis entitled: Determinants of Work Stress in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in Maintenance Workers of anonym in 2021. This aims to see the relationship between work stress and 4 variables, namely (quantitative excessive workload, qualitatively excessive workload, family problems, and economic problems). 

Methods: The research design in this study used a quantitative approach, with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted on maintenance workers at anonym in 2021. The data in this study uses primary data types, namely sourced from questionnaires containing questions about the dependent variable and independent variable. Data analysis in this study used univariate data analysis and bivariate analysis using the Spearman correlation statistical test.

Results: Based on research, it is known that there is a quantitative relationship between excessive workload (p-value 0,005). anonym. Work stress management at anonym has been running well in the economic aspect, this is proven by providing compensation to workers according to the minimum wage and other benefits. in an effort to reduce the incidence of work stress at anonym, is expected to be able to conduct performance appraisals, provide flexibility in time, facilitate activities that can increase family togetherness and provide bonuses to employees who are able to work optimally.

Discussion: Knowing the determinants of work stress during the COVID-19 pandemic for maintenance workers at anonim. In brief, the quantitative workload variable has a p-value is 0,005 (0,005 < 0,05), which means that the quantitative workload variable is a variable that has a relationship with work stress. Based on the reading through the correlation coefficient, the calculation result is 0,496 which means that there is a fairly strong relationship between the variable of excessive workload quantitatively and work stress. The qualitative workload variable obtained a p-value of 0,003 (0,003 < 0,05) which means that the qualitative workload variable is a variable that has a relationship with work stress. Based on reading through the correlation coefficient, a calculation result of 0,530 is obtained, which means that there is a strong relationship between the variable of excess workload qualitatively and work stress. In the economic problem variable, a p-value of 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05) is obtained, which means that the economic problem variable is a variable that has a relationship with work stress. Based on reading through the correlation coefficient, a calculation result of 0,631 is obtained, which means that there is a strong relationship between the variables of economic problems and work stress. In the family problems variable, the p-value is 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05) which means that the family problems variable is a variable that has a relationship with work stress. Based on reading through the correlation coefficient, a calculation result of 0,806 is obtained which means that there is a very strong relationship between family problems and work stress.


