Gambaran Sistem Pelayanan Hemodialisa Pada Pasien Umum dan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Rumah Sakit Grha Permata Ibu

Description of the Hemodialysis Service System for General Patients and National Health Insurance at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital


  • Nispa Hendriyanti Andini Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


hemodialysis services, general patients and JKN


Introduction: Hemodialysis services have the availability of facilities and infrastructure, Human Resources (HR), tools, machines, dialysate fluids, and medicines that are not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. Many patients have not received Hemodialysis (HD) services twice a week.

Methods: This type of research uses a qualitative research method this study had 5 informants.

Results: Based on the results of interviews and observations, it was found that the implementation of Hemodialysis services for general patients and JKN still has deficiencies, namely staff education that is not in accordance with qualifications, long queues for General patients and JKN causing some patients to feel bored, places where the Finger Prints of Hemodialysis patients are too tall. As well as the lack of a patient card printer.

Discussion: Overall the Hemodialysis Services at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital have been going well. The facilities and medicines provided are complete and sufficient, the rates are different for JKN patients and the public at this hospital includes old and new patients.


