Pengaruh Status Gizi, Riwayat Kontak, dan Status Imunisasi BCG terhadap TB Anak
The Influence of Nutritional Status, Contact History, and BCG Immunization Status on Childhood TB
bcg, children’s tb, contact history, nutritional statusAbstract
Introduction: TB (Tuberculosis) disease is an infectious disease that can affect all ages, including children. Child TB is an important disease to study because 40-50% of the entire population in developing countries is classified as children with 500,000 child TB cases per year. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status, contact history, and BCG immunization status for child tuberculosis at Cimacan Hospital in 2022.
Methods: This type of research was analytically descriptive with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were parents of children with TB who came regularly to the polyclinic, with a total of 80 children in December 2022.
Results: Contact history shows a t value of 3.564 > t table 1.665 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 This means that the contact history variable partially has a significant effect on the Child TB variable. Immunization status shows a t count value of 4.055 > t table 1.665 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 This means that the Immunization Status variable partially has a significant effect on the Child TB variable. The results of testing the Nutritional Status hypothesis show a t value of 3.044 > t table of 1.665 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 This means that the Nutritional Status variable partially has a significant effect on the Child TB variable.
Discussion: So the advice for health workers is that it is hoped that they will be more active in providing counseling or KIE, putting up poster media, and providing leaflets related to TB in children.