Hubungan Kecemasan Perawat Dengan Kelelahan Kerja Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Rumah Sakit Grha Permata Ibu Depok
The Relationship Between Nurses' Anxiety and Work Fatigue During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital, Depok
COVID-19, nurse anxiety, work fatigueAbstract
Introduction: The high number of patients indicated for COVID-19 is not proportional to the number of nurses available at the Grha Permata Ibu Hospital with the surge in COVID-19 the workload is increasing and causing nurses to experience work fatigue which results in anxiety about exposure to nurses.
Methods: The design in this study used quantitative descriptive with the chi-square approach with a population of 149 nurses on duty at Grha Permata Ibu Hospital the sample taken was 109 respondents by random sampling, and the standard instrument used was the HRS-A questionnaire (Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety) and MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory).
Results: From the results of the univariate data, it was found that anxiety was 59,6%; work fatigue was 65%; from the bivariate test results obtained work fatigue was 73,8% anxiety; while fatigue was no anxiety was 52,3%; while anxiety without tired as much as 26,2%; not anxious and not tired as much as 47,7%.
Discussion: The statistical test results with Spearman's rho obtained a value of <0,001; which means that there is a significant relationship between decreased energy and fatigue. Lack of energy is related to fatigue that occurs in nurses while working so precautions are needed so that nurses can carry out energy management so as not to impact nurse fatigue. analysis test using chi-square obtained a p-value of 0,035; a p-value alpha <0,05 meaning that H0 was rejected so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between nurse anxiety and work fatigue during the COVID-19 period.