Gambaran Kualitas Pelayanan Petugas Administrasi Pendaftaran dengan Kunjungan Ulang Pasien Rawat Jalan
Overview of The Quality of Service for Registration Administrative Officers with Return Visits of Outpatient Patients
service quality, quality dimensions, patient registration administration, outpatientAbstract
Introduction: Quality service is providing a service to patients based on service quality standards to meet the needs and desires of the community. To achieve quality health services, it is necessary to provide services according to the five dimensions of quality, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between The Quality of Service for Registration administration and Outpatient Patients’s return visits.
Methods: This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive design. Data collection was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews with the Head of Medical Record Installation and Outpatient Care, Registration Officers, and Patients at X Hospital, Jakarta
Results: The results of the study showed that overall the quality of health services at X Hospital Jakarta by looking at the dimensions of service quality in practice had been going well, but there were still many things that need to be improved to provide services that are in line with patient expectations, such as completing physical facilities.
Discussion: It was found that there was still a problem, namely the outpatient and inpatient administrative registration services were still at the same time so there were often errors in inputting patient data, resulting in the slow delivery of patient administration services, which had an impact on the number of patient complaints due to service delays.