Hubungan Pengetahuan, Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana, Dan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri Dengan Perilaku Petugas Kesehatan Lingkungan Dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Medis
The Relationship between Knowledge, Availability of Infrastructure and Use of Personal Protective Equipment with the Behavior of Environmental Health Officers in Efforts to Manage Medical Solid Waste
availability of infrastructure, knowledge, use of protective equipmentAbstract
Introduction : Management of hospital medical waste is very important because medical waste poses various risks to the health of everyone, including hospital employees, patients and the community. All people who are exposed to hazardous waste and who are in a hazardous waste-producing environment of a health facility are likely to be at risk of being affected by hazardous medical waste.
Methods: This type of research was quantitative research using a cross sectional approach. The number of samples that will be used in this research is all environmental health officers and all cleaning services totaling 40 respondents.
Results: Based on the results of the chi-square test, we get a value of P= 0.006 < 0.05, so there is a relationship between officer knowledge and the behavior of environmental health officers. The results of the chi-square test get a value of P= 0.004 < 0.05, so there is a relationship between availability of facilities and infrastructure for behavior. Health Workers, and the results of the chi-square test obtained a P value = 0.007 < 0.05, so there is a relationship between the use of PPE and the behavior of environmental health workers.
Discussion: The majority of employees at Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital have good knowledge. This is because many employees have received socialization from sanitation officers regarding medical waste management, the availability of facilities and infrastructure is quite complete, such as temporary storage areas (TPS), trash cans with adequate numbers and volumes, waste transport trolleys, determining waste transport routes. domestic to Temporary Storage Places (TPS), the use of PPE by medical solid waste management officers is good, such as wearing hand gloves, masks, long clothes, aprons, boots.