Representasi Citra Politik Calon Presiden Indonesia Tahun 2024 di Instagram (Studi Semiotika Roland Barthes pada akun @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo dan @aniesbaswedan)
Representation of Political Image of the Presidential Candidates in Indonesia for the Year 2024 on Instagram (A Semiotic Study of Roland Barthes on the accounts @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo, and @aniesbaswedan)
instagram, presidential candidates, political image, semiotic analysisAbstract
Introduction: Instagram users in Indonesia are growing every year. Political branding by officials is increasingly being done on Instagram. Indonesian presidential candidates create political images on Instagram. Every presidential candidate’s post on Instagram contains signs and meanings of political imagery. Therefore, this research aims to determine the political image of the 2024 Indonesian presidential candidates on Instagram.
Methods: This research includes qualitative research. This research uses content analysis. The research object is posted on the accounts of the Indonesian presidential candidates in 2024 on Instagram. The research subjects were posts from the accounts @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo, and @aniesbaswedan. The data collection method uses documentation. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The data analysis technique uses semiotic analysis from Roland Barthes.
Results: The results of the research found three post images from the accounts @prabowo, @ganjar_pranowo, and @aniesbaswedan. In each post image, there is interaction, namely lots of likes and comments. In each post image, its semiotic signs are also found. Next, the signs will be analyzed for denotation meaning, connotation meaning, and myth.
Discussion: The research discussion discussed semiotic analysis, namely the denotation meaning, connotation meaning, and myth of each post image. The overall denotational meaning of all the post images is that there is a meaning that is directly visible in the appearance of the clothing style and color of clothing worn by each presidential candidate. Then the connotation meaning of all the post images is that there are folds of clothes in the hand area, three fingers raised, and wearing a black peci. The final myth obtained from the entire post-image is the belief in the political background of the presidential candidates.
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