Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Indonesian Scholar Journal of Medical and Health Science must conform to the Focus and Scope and follow the Author Guidelines. This journal is committed to the novelty of the research and applied communication. Any submissions offering novel contributions to communication research and science are most welcome. 

Authors are advised to strictly comply with Ethical Standards regarding research conducts or experiments that involve potential risks to affect or alter human psychological conditions. Thus, any research conducting clinical interventions or experiments must include the evidence or statements to support the Ethical Clearance.  

Manuscripts should be formatted according to the writing pattern of scientific journals. The rules set out in the Vancouver (Superscript) Citation Style should be followed. You may use Mendeley or Zotero reference management software, and select the setting for the Vancouver (Superscript) Citation Style.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal are allowed to be written both in English or Indonesian. English or Indonesian manuscripts are preferred to follow a good standard of grammatical rules. If an Indonesian manuscript is declared to be accepted, it will need translation to English and proofreading correction.

Authors need to confirm that the work has not been published or submitted previously for publication elsewhere. To verify originality, all manuscripts will be checked by plagiarism detection software. Authors are suggested to use the online service from TurnitinTM or iThenticateTM to check the similarity. These journal editors will also check the similarity using the same online service (with the threshold of 30% maximum similarity, in accordance to TurnitinTM result output).

All manuscripts submitted to this journal will be reviewed in a closed (double-blind peer review), which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. All manuscripts will be initially assessed by the Editor in Chief regarding their suitability for the journal. Papers considered suitable by the Editors are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. If required, the third reviewer is needed for critical recommendations for the article. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final.

The final decision of manuscript acceptance is solely made by the Editor in Chief and/or Handling Editor (together with Editorial Board, if required) according to reviewers' critical comments (but not solely by the Reviewer).

Publication of accepted articles including assigning the article to the published issues will be made by the Editor in Chief by considering the sequence of accepted dates and geographical distribution of authors as well as a thematic issue.