Hubungan Kepemimpinan Atasan Dan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Kinerja Perawat Bagian Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit X

Relationship between superior leadership and work motivation with nurse performance in the outpatient department of hospital X


  • Evi Juniarti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju



motivation, leadership style, performance


Introduction: Performance is the result given by a person in performing their duties and responsibilities imposed upon him. Every expectation of how individuals behave, will demonstrate its role in an organization.

Methods: The design used in this research is quantitative research with analytic descriptive cross sectional approach. Collecting data using questionnaires with a population and a sample of 50 nurses

Results: The results showed that the motivation of outpatient nurses at Hospital X was in the good category (68%). The leader of the outpatient supervisor of Hospital X is in the good category (74%). The outpatient nurse performance of Hospital X is in good category (78%).

Discussion: There is a relationship between motivation and the performance of the outpatient nurse at Hospital X with a p value (0.000). There is a relationship between supervisory leadership and the performance of nurses in the outpatient department of Hospital X with a p value (0.000).


