Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Kelelahan Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Tingkat Stress Pada Karyawan Bank Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Kelapa Gading Barat Tahun 2021

(The Effect of Workload, Work Fatigue,and Work Environment on Stress Level on Employees of Bank Mandiri Jakarta Branch in West in 2021)


  • Ledy Eliana Nainggolan Universitas Indonesia Maju ( UIMA )



workload, work stress, work environment, stress level, the bank employee


Introduction: The level of stress among workers is very high, many workers experience work with various factors causing it, some of the contributing factors are workload, work fatigue, and the work environment, therefore paying attention to these factors is an important reason, although this has always been a fundamental problem, many companies that pay less attention to work stress so that sometimes the mental welfare of a worker is not in a healthy condition. This study will look at the effect of workload, work fatigue, and work environment on work stress.

 Methods: This study will look at the effect of workload, work fatigue, and work environment on work stress with a descriptive quantitative method with a cross-sectional time approach, with the independent variables being workload, work fatigue, and work environment, and the dependent variable being work stress. The population in this study was 150 people using the Slovin technique as a sample so that a sample of 110 people was obtained.

Results: The results of this study indicated that there was a unidirectional relationship between work fatigue and work stress with about 14.7% of workers feeling it. 12.4% of workers also feel a unidirectional relationship between workload and work stress, and so does the work environment, where 62.3% of respondents feel there is a relationship between work environment and work stress, so the F test found a significance value of 0.025 < 0.05 which means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Discussion: In line with previous research, there is a relationship between stress levels and workload, work fatigue, and work environment so it has the same results as the previous studies.


