Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Pada Pasien TBC

Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude, and Family Support to Prevention of Transmission of Behavior in TB Patients


  • Masnita Nainggolan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bogor


tuberculosis, knowledge, behavior, family support


Introduction: Tuberculosis is a disease of global concern. By the 2030 sustainable development goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to reduce the death rate from tuberculosis.3 According to WHO data, 1/3 of the world's population has been infected with Tuberculosis. Data around the world each year obtained about 4 million new cases of pulmonary Tuberculosis. About 3 million die each year. The purpose of the study is to find out the Relationship between Knowledge, Family Support, and Community Attitude Towards TUBERCULOSIS Patients with Behavior to Prevent Transmission to Families at the Sukaraja Health Center at Bogor Regency in 2021.  

Methods: This type of research is a quantitative research approach, using a cross-sectional design, the population in this study is 124 total TB patients who visited the Sukaraja Health Center at Bogor Regency. The sample from this study was 54 TUBERCULOSIS patients with a population of 124 patients in the Sukaraja Health Center Area at Bogor Regency. Methods used 2 methods, Primary Method and Secondary Method. Primary Methodnterview and Secondary Method In the form of literature, books, Internet.

 Results: The results of this study that there is no relationship between knowledge and attitudes of the TUBERCULOSIS patients with the behavior of preventing transmission to families at the Sukaraja Health Center at Bogor Regency in 2021. There is a family support relationship for TUBERCULOSIS patients with behavior to prevent transmission to families at the Sukaraja Health Center at Bogor Regency in 2021.

Discussion: It is expected that families implement TB transmission prevention behavior because it is very important to break the TB transmission chain and everyone is obliged to participate in maintaining and improving the degree of health of individuals, families, and the environment.


