Analisis Kinerja Tim Pemadam Kebakaran Dan Penyelamatan Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Kejadian Kebakaran Di Pemadam Kebakaran Dan Penyelamatan Kota Bogor Tahun 2021

Analysis of the Performance of the Fire and Rescue Team in Efforts to Overcome Fire Incidents at the Bogor City Fire and Rescue Team in 2021


  • Mahendra Universitas Indonesia Maju


performance, team, fire


Introduction: Fire is a phenomenon that occurs when a material reaches a critical temperature and reacts chemically with oxygen to produce heat, flame, light, smoke, water vapor, carbon monoxide, or products and effects. This happened along with the development of population and industry.

Methods: Data collection methods in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The informant determination technique used in this study was purposive sampling. Research informants consists of 3 informants, 1 head of the field, 1 empowerer, community, and 1 firefighter.

Results: The results of this study were to determine the performance of the firefighting team in an effort to overcome fire incidents in terms of the human resources (HR) aspect of firefighters in the Bogor City Fire and Rescue Division.

Conclusion: The performance of the Bogor firefighting team was analyzed from the aspect of human resources which included classification, qualifications, planning and procurement of human resources and development, education and training as well as fairly good certification.


