Tinjauan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di RSUD X Kota Bogor Tahun 2021

Review of Solid Medical Waste Management System During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Hospital X in 2021


  • Ummul Waffa Universitas Indonesia Maju


medical waste, COVID-19, waste management system


Introduction: Coronavirus disease 19 or often called COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2), the emergence of COVID-19 resulted in an increase in COVID-19 medical waste so that it could increase hospital obligations. Therefore, the researcher aimed to find out the solid medical waste management system during the COVID-19 pandemic at Hospital X.

Methods: This was a descriptive study using an approach with the method of data collection by using observations, interviews, and documentation.

Results: Based on the research results, it showed at Hospital X has followed the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 56 of 2015, there are several things that have not been implemented, such as waste management at the stage of storing plastic bags which are not given B3 symbols and labels on each package. The stage of transporting plastic bags is more than 2/3 filled so it can cause transportation to be scattered.

Discussion: In the solid waste management system, it was found that 61,5% had met the requirements, and 38,5 not eligible. The output of the implementation of the medical waste management system in the COVID-19 pandemic is still not 100%. It is hoped that Hospital X is expected to adjust the solid medical waste transportation system in accordance with applicable references so as to maximize the prevention of the spread of disease.


