Gambaran Pengelolaan Linen Di Instalasi Laundry Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat Jakarta Tahun 2021

Overview of Linen Management at the Laundry Installation of the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital in 2021


  • widi sepianto Universitas Indonesia Maju


linen management, laundry installation, hospital


Introduction: Linen management is an effort to prevent environmental impacts that can cause various diseases such as nosocomial infections for staff, patients, and hospital visitors. Linen is made from fabrics used in service facilities for pillow care, surgical gowns, towels, and others.

Methods: The purpose of this study was to find out the description of linen management at the Jakarta Drug Dependence Hospital in 2021. The type of research used was descriptive research using qualitative methods with research instruments in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation.

Results: Research showed that 4 people in the laundry unit are sufficient for daily linen management activities, facilities, and infrastructure consisting of washing machines, dryers, ironing machines, computers, electrical panels, bathrooms, sinks, exhaust fans, waste disposal sites, weighing, and warehouse B3. Linen planning was carried out once a year by each unit. Monitoring was carried out twice a year, starting from collection to distribution according to standards and following existing regulations. The recording was done every day with a linen handover letter. For reporting, it was done once a month by attaching evidence. handover letter of linen to the head of the CSSD installation.

Conclusion: The process of linen activities from collection to distribution, supervision, and recording or reporting was in accordance with the Minister of Health No. 7 of 2019 concerning hospital environmental health. However, the laundry installation room was still constrained with a small room and there is the negligence of officers who sometimes do not use it. The laundry heads carry out supervision and can confirm and apply SOPs to all laundry installation officers.


