Gambaran Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat Pada Gudang Farmasi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021

Overview of Drug Inventory Management in Pharmacy Warehouses at Tarakan Regional General Hospital in Jakarta in 2021


  • Lisnawati Oktaviana Hia Universitas Indonesia Maju


drug management, pharmacy


Introduction: Drug management is one of the most important activities carried out so that drugs can be available in the right amount, type, and time when needed. The purpose of this study was to describe the management of drug inventory in the pharmacy warehouse at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital in Jakarta.

Methods: The type of research used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach with research instruments in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation conducted in November 2021 with 3 informants in the pharmacy warehouse unit of the Tarakan Regional General Hospital in Jakarta.

Results: The results of this study found that planning still has obstacles, namely (IT system that does not facilitate), budgeting (budget is still limited), procurement (vacancies and delays in the arrival of drugs from distributors, payments from the hospital are often late, and the submission of spending proposals is too long), storage (facilities, especially storage warehouses are still inadequate), maintenance (unstable temperature and the absence of an IT system for monitoring damaged and drugs expired), distribution (incompatibility and discrepancies in drug requests from health service units in pharmacy warehouses), control (HR) lacking, and the IT system has not facilitated enough), and the deletion had been done well. In terms of drug availability, there were still drugs that are empty.

Discussion: It is recommended that additional human resources in pharmacy warehouses, adequate IT systems, and facilities, especially the addition of warehouse area, stable temperature, adequate budget management, and changes to the procedure for submitting an approval for monthly expenditure proposals so that the bureaucracy is not too long and time-consuming.



