Gambaran Penerapan Sistem Antrian Pasien JKN Di Loket Pendaftaran BPJS Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Prikasih Tahun 2021

Overview of the Implementation of the JKN Patient Queuing System at the BPJS Outpatient Registration Counter at Prikasih Hospital in 2021


  • Muhammad Soleh Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


queuing system, registration counter, JKN patients


Introduction: Queue is a condition where customers wait to get service. The queuing process also occurs at the BPJS outpatient registration service at Prikasih Hospital. Based on report data from Prikasih Hospital, BPJS patient visits in outpatient services in 2020 was 63,711 patients. The number of outpatient JKN patient visits continues to increase until November 2021 which is 70,161 patients. The most visits occurred in November 2021 with a total visit of 8,127 patients. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the BPJS patient queuing system at the Outpatient Registration Counter at Prikasih Hospital.

Methods: This type of research uses an observational research method that is descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study were all JKN patients who queued at the BPJS Outpatient Registration Counter at Prikasih Hospital on Friday and Saturday, November 12 to 13, 2021.

Results: Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that: the flow of the Prikasih Hospital registration service begins with taking the queue number and ends with the patient going to the polyclinic. There are two ways for patients to register at Prikasih Hospital namely registering directly (offline) and registering online. The outpatient BPJS Registration Counter at Prikasih Hospital uses a multi-channel-single phase queuing system with a queuing pattern consisting of two officers (two lanes) serving patients with one type of service. The service discipline used is First in First out. The arrival rate of JKN patients comes from an unlimited population with varying arrival rates. The highest arrival rate occurred on Friday with 123 patients and the highest at 07.00-08.00 AM as the first hour of opening service.

 Discussion: The queuing system at the BPJS outpatient registration counter at Prikasih Hospital currently uses 2 servers or counters. It is known that the probability of no patient queuing in the system (P0) is 30%, and the average number of patients in the queue (Lq) is 0,5225 or 0 patients in the queue. The average time spent by patients in the system (Ws) was 7,2674 minutes. The average time spent by patients in the queue (Wq) is 2,2674 minutes.


