Hubungan Faktor Emosi, Fasilitas, Harga, Waktu Tunggu Terhadap Kepuasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) Di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Ruswanti S.ST Kota Bogor Tahun 2022

Relationship of Emotional Factors, Facilities, Price, Waiting Time to Satisfaction of Pregnant Women in Antenatal Care (ANC) Services at Independent Practice Midwife Ruswanti S.ST Bogor City in 2022


  • Fitria Febriani Klinik Bidan Ruswati


emotional factors, facilities, price, waiting time, satisfaction of pregnant women


Introduction: The level of satisfaction of pregnant women to perform Antenatal Care is influenced by the quality of service received during the visit. Quality health services will have a positive impact on patient satisfaction and positive patient satisfaction will have an impact on patient loyalty.

 Methods: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between emotional factors, facilities, prices, and waiting times on the satisfaction of pregnant women in Antenatal Care (ANC) services in the independent practice of midwives in Ruswanti S.ST in Bogor City in 2022. This type of research was descriptive-analytic with a cross-approach sectional and data analysis with a chi-square equation (α = 0,05). The sampling method is a purposive sampling technique.

 Results: The results of the analysis show that there was a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, namely the emotional factor variable (0,003), the facility variable (0,000), the price variable (0,002), and the waiting time variable (0,000).

 Discussion: Suggestions for Independent Practice Midwife Ruswanti S.ST is to be able to evaluate the services that have been provided and guidance and direction to assistant midwives in providing Antenatal Care services provided.



