Gambaran Penyimpanan Logistik Farmasi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan Jakarta Tahun 2021
Overview of Pharmaceutical Logistics Storage at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, Jakarta in 2021
storage, pharmaceutical logisticsAbstract
Introduction: Storage is an activity to maintain and store drugs with the aim of maintaining the quality and availability of pharmaceuticals, avoiding irresponsible use, and facilitating search and control.
Methods: This study uses a qualitative method with the approach used is a cross-sectional conducted in November 2021 with 3 informants from the pharmacy logistics unit of the Regional General Hospital in Jakarta.
Results: The results of the research from the input, namely human resources are still not sufficient. Facilities and infrastructure are still not optimal. From the process, it is known that the examination and receipt of drugs are in accordance with the procedure, the preparation of drugs and medical devices with the FIFO and FEFO systems is still not fully operational, the dispensing of drugs is in accordance with the procedure with the request system via computer the recording of drug stock is done manually and using a computer.
Discussion: It is recommended to add human resources and expand the storage area so that storage is carried out more optimally.