Besaran Promosi Dan Aksebilitas, Terhadap Peningkatan Jumlah Kepesertaan BPJS Di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pratama

Amount of Promotion and Accessibility, Towards Increasing Number of BPJS Membership in Primary Level Health Facilities


  • Fajar Saputra Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


membership, accessibility, promotion, national health insurance


Introduction: Efforts to improve public health status are tangible evidence that the government has launched the National Health Insurance (JKN) program. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of promotion and accessibility, to the increase in the number of BPJS members in the First Level Health Facilities at the Fakhira Clinic.

Methods: The method in this study is to use a quantitative approach that uses cross-sectional. The sample used was 95 patients as respondents. The analytical method used was a structural equation model (SEM) using SmartPLS.

Results: The results of hypothesis testing were found in the study of the direct influence of Promotion (31,56%) and Accessibility (50,43%). The total direct effect of increasing BPJS membership is 81,99%.

Discussion: The magnitude of the variable that is very influential in efforts to increase the number of BPJS members at the Ananda Medika Pratama Clinic is the accessibility variable. It is hoped that FKTP Fakhira Clinic can complete and provide an online registration program and ease of information accessibility in order to support optimal health services so as to attract BPJS participation.



