Analisa Pengolahan Linen Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tanah Abang Tahun 2020
(Analysis of Linen Processing at the Tanah Abang District Health Center in 2020)
Management, Linen, Public Health CenterAbstract
Introduction: The processing of linen at the Tanah Abang District Health Center, Central Jakarta still does not meet the Standard Operating Procedures in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 07 of 2019 concerning Hospital Environmental Health. If the handling of linen is not managed properly, it will result in disease transmission, namely nosocomial infection. This study aims to analyze the processing of linen at the Tanah Abang District Health Center in 2021.
Methods: The design of this research is qualitative descriptive. Data collection methods in this study using observation data, interviews, documentation. The objects of this research include the officer in charge of linen, and the laundry clerk. The data analysis technique used is the data analysis model of Miles and Huberman, namely data collection data, data reduction, data presentation, Conclusion Drawing / Verification. The time of the research was carried out from January to March 2021
Results: Linen processing at the Tanah Abang District Health Center is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 07 of 2019, at the linen collection stage there are 2 requirements (50%) meet the requirements and 2 requirements (50%) do not meet the requirements because at the time the linen collection has not been labeled infectious, the linen acceptance stage has 2 requirements (100%) fulfilling the requirements, the linen washing stage has 2 requirements (66.6%) meets the requirements, 1 requirement (33.3%) does not meet the requirements due to unavailability of scales, the linen washing stage has 1 requirement (100%) meets the requirements, the linen ironing stage has 1 requirement (100%) does not meet the requirements, the linen storage stage has 1 requirement (100%) meets the requirements, the linen distribution stage has 1 requirement (100%) meets the requirements, the linen transport stage has 5 requirements (100%) has met the requirements.
Discussion: Analysis of linen processing at the Tanah Abang District Health Center in 2020, namely the implementation of linen management at the Tanah Abang District Health Center in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 07 of 2019 concerning Hospital environmental health. In the management of linen, there are three stages that do not meet the requirements, such as the storage stage, the washing stage, and the ironing stage. This is due to the lack of facilities that support linen management activities which make linen management not eligible.