Gambaran Pengelolaan Logistik Umum Di Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2022
(Overview of General Logistics Management at X Hospital in 2022
non-medical logistics, hospitalsAbstract
Introduction: Non-medical logistics as a supporting tool in perfecting and completing services at the hospital that is beneficial to patients and hospital employees. Non-medical logistics provides goods/materials needed in the right quantity, quality, and time. Hospital Logistics has functions that are summarized in the logistics cycle which includes planning, procurement, storage, distribution, and deletion. Hospital X has problems in the process of planning, procurement, and storage. However, the distribution and deletion process went well. So that researchers are interested in seeing an overview of general logistics management at X Hospital in 2022.
Methods: This type of research is descriptive research using qualitative methods. In this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with 3 informants. Methods of data collection by in-depth interviews and observation.
Results: The HR input is still inadequate, the infrastructure is good enough, and the SOPs/guidelines are inadequate. The planning and procurement process is in accordance with the existing methods but there are still obstacles. The process of storing general logistics goods in the form of ATK, ART, and printing has been running effectively but the warehouse storage area is lacking.
Discussion: In general logistics management at X Hospital in 2022, inputs and processes influence each other in general logistics management. Existing constraints still need to be evaluated to improve better general logistics management in the general support section and non-medical logistics warehouse at X Hospital.