Hubungan Persepsi Ibu, Dukungan Keluarga Dan Keterjangkauan Tempat Pelayanan Imunisasi Dengan Kelengkapan Imuniasi Dasar Pada Bayi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cadasari Pandeglang Tahun 2022
Relationship between Mother's Perception, Family Support and Affordability of Immunization Service Places with Basic Immunization Equipment for Babies in Work Areas Cadasari Pandeglang Health Center in 2022
immunization, perception, support, affordabilityAbstract
Introduction: Immunization is giving immunity to infants and children against various diseases so that infants and children grow in healthy conditions. Data on basic immunization coverage at the Cadasari Health Center in the last 3 years has decreased and has not reached the national target of 90%. In 2019, it only reached 85,93%, in 2020 it decreased to 75,15% and in 2021 it decreased again to 70,11%.
Methods: Descriptive quantitative research method with cross-sectional design. A sample of 84 respondents used a purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate.
Results: The results showed that 57,1% of respondents had babies with incomplete basic immunization, 53,6% had a negative perception of basic immunization for babies, 58,3% lacked family support, and 51,2% had a place to live far from the immunization service. There is a significant relationship between the mother's perception (p = 0,003); family support (p = 0,004); and affordability of immunization services (p = 0,002) with the completeness of basic immunization for infants in the working area of the Cadasari Health Center, Pandeglang Regency in 2022.
Discussion: Completeness of basic immunization is influenced by negative perceptions, lack of family support, and long distances to immunization services. It is hoped that mothers who live far away from immunization services will take the time to bring their children to Posyandu, and seek information from health workers for solutions related to distance or access problems which are obstacles to giving basic immunization to babies.