Analisis Penerapan Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 52 Tahun 2018 Dan SNI 180-2:2022

Analysis of the Application of an Active Fire Protection System Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 of 2018 and SNI 180-2:2022


  • Arini Trianawati Puskesmas Tanah Sareal Kota Bogor


active fire protection system, light fire extinguisher, fire detector, fire alarm


Introduction: Based on fire cases that have occurred in several health facilities it is necessary to implement fire prevention and control to ensure that human resources, patients, patient companions, visitors, and the environment in health facilities are safe. The Tanah Sareal Health Center in Bogor City is a health service facility, it is known that an active fire protection system is still incomplete.

Methods: This research was conducted by analyzing the application of an active fire protection system based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 in 2018. Using qualitative research methods by collecting primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from observations and interviews. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained through literature studies and documents related to active fire protection systems.

Results: The active fire protection system at the Tanah Sareal Health Center in Bogor City was not in accordance with existing regulations. Not yet installed fire detectors, fire alarms, and maintenance quality requirements for Light Fire Extinguishers (APAR) that do not meet standards.

Discussion: It is needed to be equipped with fire detectors, and fire alarms, and maintain quality requirements for Light Fire Extinguishers (APAR) to be able to improve safety and prevent the spread of fire.


