Gambaran Sistem Penyimpanan Makanan Kering Di Instalasi Rumah Sakit X
Overview of Dry Food Storage Systems in Hospital X Installations
nutrition installation, storage system, hospitalAbstract
Introduction: Storage of food ingredients is a procedure for organizing, storing, and maintaining dry and wet food ingredients and recording their reporting. Storage and distribution activities begin with the receipt of goods at the warehouse, research and checking, recording on the warehouse stock card for inventory control, and goods being entered and placed in a predetermined place in the warehouse.
Methods: This type of research uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach.
Results: By using collected data by using interview techniques, observation, and document review. Based on the results of the HR research namely the warehouse staff who were involved in organizing the storage, dry food ingredients did not have special checks, the equipment did not have such a low table to prepare food ingredients, the funds used were from the House Treasurer pain the process of storing food ingredients at the Hospital X Nutrition Installation is in accordance with the Hospital Nutrition Service (PGRS).
Discussion: The HR is that the warehouse staff is involved in organizing the storage, dry food ingredients do not have special checks, the equipment is not there such as a low table to prepare food ingredients, and the funds used are from the Hospital Treasurer for the process of storing food ingredients at the Pasar Rebo Hospital Nutrition Installation already in accordance with the Hospital Nutrition Services (PGRS).