Hubungan antara Kondisi fisik rumah, Sirkulasi udara, dan Riwayat Kontak dengan Pasien TB Paru Terhadap kejadian TB Paru di Klinik Irenk Medical Center Tahun 2019-2020.

Relationship between Physical Condition of Home, Air Circulation, History of Contact with Pulmonary TB Patients to the incidence of Pulmonary TB at Irenk Medical Center Clinic in 2019-2020


  • Anissa Triani Sari STIKIM



Home Physical Condition, Air Circulation, Contact History, Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Introduction: The total number of pulmonary TB cases in Indonesia in 2019 was 562,049 cases. West Java became the top 3 provinces with the incidence of pulmonary TB in Indonesia. in Depok City there are 4,695 cases of pulmonary TB cases. Irenk Medical Center Clinic serves Pulmonary TB Referral services, with a total of 90 cases in 2019-2020. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the physical condition of the house, air circulation, and history of contact with pulmonary TB patients. The benefits of this research are that it can be used as a reference and consideration in making a program that can solve problems in environmental-based pulmonary TB cases, especially in the city of Depok and information facilities add public insight in making environmental health efforts, especially the home environment.

Methods: The research design used was case control, the population of this study was people with pulmonary TB, and the control population was people who did not have pulmonary TB. The sample of this study amounted to 74 respondents, consisting of 37 cases and 37 controls, the instrument used was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate with logistic regression test. The variables studied included the physical condition of the house, air circulation, and history of contact with pulmonary TB patients. Multivariate analysis was performed by logistic regression test

Results: There are three variables related to the incidence of pulmonary TB, namely the physical condition of the house, air circulation, and history of contact with patients with pulmonary TB. The physical condition of the house is a risk factor for the incidence of pulmonary TB with an aOR of 11.95 (2.86-50.89; p=0.039). Air circulation has an aOR value of 5.86 (1.09-31.46; p=0.000), history of contact with patients with pulmonary TB has an aOR value of 27.39 (5.42-138.48); p=0.001).

Discussion: Health promotion strategies need to be carried out in the form of counseling to control the incidence of pulmonary TB. Especially in the service area of the Irenk Medical Center Clinic, Depok. The counseling is centered on improving physical conditions and air circulation in the house as well as maintaining contact with sufferers


