Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Penyakit Tuberculosis Pada Kelompok Pekerja

Factors Associated with Tuberculosis in the Worker Group


  • Yunani Astari Manurung Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta, Indonesia


tuberculosis, lung, workers


Introduction: Tuberculosis is the most common multi-systemic infectious disease with a wide variety of manifestations and clinical features the lungs are the most common site for the development of tuberculosis disease.

Methods: This research design is a literature review method. The inclusion criteria set by the author were articles published in the last 3 years from 2019-2022 articles with a cross-sectional research design and articles discussing lung function disorders in various groups of workers in Indonesia.

Results: Searching data sources using the Google Scholar and GARUDA databases obtained 9 research articles. Factors of dust exposure and variables of worker group characteristics include the relationship between duration of dust exposure, age, knowledge and socioeconomics, work environment, and body mass index.

Discussion: The factor of prolonged exposure to dust causes workers to anticipate Tuberculosis disease using masks with certain health criteria, knowledge, and socio-economic factors that support people's insights to be more sensitive to Tuberculosis disease the age factor is a supporter because at non-risk age has a decreased immune factor, the work environment factor is a supporter of Tuberculosis disease so that workplace leaders must better organize the work environment body mass has an effect because obesity is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of type 2 DM which can cause a state of hyperglycemia.


