Analisis Implementasi Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif, Sarana Penyelamatan Jiwa Dan Tanggap Darurat Di Gedung Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Tahun 2021
Analysis of the Implementation of Fire Protection Active System, Life Saving Equipment, and Emergency Response in Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Building 2021
Fire Protection Active System, Life Saving Equipment, Emergency ResponseAbstract
Introduction: Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Building is one of the state-owned buildings which must complete Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements, have a fire protection system, life saving equipment, and emergency response due to the regulation. The purpose of this research is to know The Impelentation of The Fire Protection Active System, Life Saving Equipment, and Emergency Response at Promoter Polda Metro Jaya Building according to Ministerial Regulation No. 26 2008.
Methods: This research is a qualitative research using triangulation method by interviewing, observating, and resourcing. The Informants of this research are Head of Managing Coordinator, Technician Supervisor, and The Technicians.
Results: The results of the research are the implementation of fire protection active system has already appropriated to Ministerial Regulation No. 26 2008 with 90,5 % suitability, the implementation of life saving equipment has already appropriated to Ministerial Regulation No. 26 2008 with 94% suitability, the implementation of fire emergency response has already appropriated to Ministerial Decree 186/MEN/1999 with 46,15% suitability.
Discussion: The suggestions according to priority scale are the manager makes a policy about the prevention and repression of the fire disaster, SOP of emergency response, forms emergency response team, and maintains, checks, and evaluates the fire protection active system and life saving equipment regularly.