Efektivitas Inovasi “SELEDRI MANIS” dalam Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi SIPP di Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Kabupaten Kubu Raya
Effectiveness of the "Seledri Manis" Innovation in Increasing the Utilization of the SIPP Application at the BPJS Kesehatan Office X
effectiveness descriptive research, health application, health innovationAbstract
Introduction: The researchers found high data on BBL problems, because of the BBL card will be temporarily
deactivated if the NIK (Nomor Induk Keluarga) is not updated if the baby is more than 3 months old. This is of
course makes the use of SIPP (Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara), which should be effective then
less efficient. Utilization of the SIPP application, especially for entering BBL (Bayi Baru Lahir) data in Kubu Raya
Regency is still quite low because the role of Health Facility officers in terms of inputting BBL data is not optimal
yet, where from September to December 2022 there are 3 Community Health Centers with 0 utilization, namely
Sungai Kerawang, Sungai Kakap Community Health Centers. , and Sungai Raya Dalam. This research aimed to
examine "The Effectiveness of SELEDRI MANIS Innovation in Increasing the Utilization of the SIPP Application
at the Kubu Raya Regency BPJS Health Office".
Methods: The type of research was descriptive with a qualitative approach using the interview method.
Results: The research results showed that the "SELEDRI MANIS" innovation in increasing the use of the SIPP
application at the Kubu Raya District BPJS Kesehatan Office is effective and the implementation of the "SELEDRI
MANIS" innovation can continue because it really helps participants who register for BBL for JKN membership.
Discussion: Suggestions for BPJS Kesehatan is SELEDRI MANIS Innovation can be used not only in Kubu Raya
District Office but also in other offices. This is because of the result shows SELEDRI MANIS Innovation in
Increasing the Utilization of the SIPP Application at the Kubu Raya Regency BPJS Health Office.